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Editors --- "Australian Declaration Towards Reconciliation - Digest" [2001] AUIndigLawRpr 7; (2001) 6(1) Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 93

Indigenous Statements - Australia

Australian Declaration Towards Reconciliation


May 2000

In 1991 the Commonwealth Parliament enacted, with cross-party support, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Act 1991 (Cth). The Act contained an inbuilt ‘sunset clause’ effective at the end of 2000. The 25 member Council established under the Act had, in effect, three three-year terms (it was partially reconstituted for its second and third terms) to fulfil its mandate. Amongst other things, it was specifically required to consult with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians and to report whether the goal of Reconciliation might be advanced by ‘a document or documents of reconciliation’. The Council, particularly in its final term, consulted widely and, at the event ‘Corroboree 2000’ held in Sydney’s Opera House, presented to representatives of Australian governments the Australian Document Towards Reconciliation. This is basically an aspirational statement, but is given some specific content in the accompanying Roadmap for Reconciliation that outlines four National Strategies — these are developed in further detail in separate documents.

On 7 December 2000, in Parliament House, Canberra, the Council presented its final report of some 200 pages under the title Reconciliation, Australia’s Challenge. In a part entitled, ‘The Challenge Ahead’ the Council set out its conclusions and recommendations. At that event the Prime Minister committed five and a half million dollars as seed funding for an independent foundation, Reconciliation Australia, to continue work towards Reconciliation in conjunction with State/Territory and local Reconciliation bodies, and with the broad ‘peoples movement’.

We, the peoples of Australia, of many origins as we are, make a commitment to go on together in a spirit of reconciliation.

We value the unique status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original owners and custodians of lands and waters.

We recognise this land and its waters were settled as colonies without treaty or consent.

Reaffirming the human rights of all Australians, we respect and recognise continuing customary laws, beliefs and traditions.

Through understanding the spiritual relationship between the land and its first peoples, we share our future and live in harmony.

Our nation must have the courage to own the truth, to heal the wounds of its past so that we can move on together at peace with ourselves.

Reconciliation must live in the hearts and minds of all Australians. Many steps have been taken, many steps remain as we learn our shared histories.

As we walk the journey of healing, one part of the nation apologises and expresses its sorrow and sincere regret for the injustices of the past, so the other part accepts the apologies and forgives.

We desire a future where all Australians enjoy their rights, accept their responsibilities, and have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

And so, we pledge ourselves to stop injustice, overcome disadvantage, and respect that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the right to self-determination within the life of the nation.

Our hope is for a united Australia that respects this land of ours; values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage; and provides justice and equity for all.

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