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"Legal tables" [2012] ELECD 1105; in Ezrachi, Ariel (ed), "Research Handbook on International Competition Law" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012) x

Book Title: Research Handbook on International Competition Law

Editor(s): Ezrachi, Ariel

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9780857934796

Section Title: Legal tables

Number of pages: 17


Legal tables

Australia Canada
Australian Competition and United States of America v Cotroni
Consumer Commission [1989] 1 SCR 1469 299
(ACCC) v Australian Safeway
Stores Pty Ltd (No 2) [2001] China
FCA 1861 382, 389 Dexian Corp v Sony Corp Shanghai
ACCC v Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd Intermediate Court No 1, Case
[2008] FCAFC 141 375 No 223 of 2004 513, 514,
ACCC v Boral Ltd and Boral Besser 515
Masonry Ltd (2002) 106 FCR Shanda Interactive Entertainment v
328 389 Beijing Sursen Electronic
ACCC v Universal Music Australia Technology Shanghai
Pty Ltd (001) 115 FCR Intermediate People's
442 389 Court No 1, Case No 156 of
Boral Besser Masonry v ACCC 2009 515
[2003] HCA 5; (2003) 215 CLR 374 375,
382 European Union
Melway Publishing Pty Ltd v AC-Treuhand AG [2008]
Robert Hicks Pty Ltd (2001) ECRII-1501, Case T-99/04 44
205 CLR 1 376, 381, 388 Aerospatiale-Alenia/de Havilland
Queensland Co-Operative Milling [1991] OJ L 334/42; Case IV/
Association Ltd and Defiance M53, Commission Decision
Holdings Ltd, Re (QCMA) 91/619/EC 332
(1976) 8 ALR 481 376, 377, Air Liquide/BOC, Case COMP/
385 M.1630, Commission
Queensland Wire Industries Pty Ltd Decision 12
v The Broken Hill Proprietary AKZO-Chemie v Commission
Co Ltd and Another 167 CLR [1991] EUECJ C-62/86; [1991] ECR I-3359, Case
177 375, 381­2, 384, 388, 62/86 387
389 AKZO Nobel v Commission [2007]
Rural Press Ltd v ACCC [2002] ECR II-5049, Case ...

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