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"Contributors" [2014] ELECD 634; in Ala’i, Padideh; Vaughn, G. Robert (eds), "Research Handbook on Transparency" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014) vii

Book Title: Research Handbook on Transparency

Editor(s): Ala’i, Padideh; Vaughn, G. Robert

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

ISBN (hard cover): 9781781007938

Section Title: Contributors

Number of pages: 8



John Mill Ackerman is a Professor at the Institute for Legal Research of
the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIJ-UNAM), Editor-in-
Chief of the Mexican Law Review and Vice President of the International
Association of Administrative Law. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in
Political Sociology from the University of California, Santa Cruz and is
an expert on Latin American politics, U.S.-Mexico relations, constitutional
law, democratic transitions, public accountability and citizen participa-
tion. In 2012, he was the recipient of the UNAM's award for the leading
young scholar in the social sciences. Professor Ackerman coordinates the
research program on "Democracy and Institutional Effectiveness of the
Mexican State" at the IIJ-UNAM and is a member of the National System
of Researchers of Mexico´s National Science and Technology Council,
Level II. Some of his most important scholarly publications include:
Autenticidad y nulidad: por un derecho electoral al servicio de la democra-
cia (IIJ-UNAM, 2012), Organismos Autónomos y Democracia: El Caso de
México (IIJ-UNAM/Siglo XXI Editores, 2007), "The Global Explosion of
Freedom of Information Laws", Administrative Law Review (58:1, 2006),
and "Co-Governance for Accountability: Beyond "Exit" and "Voice",
World Development (32:3, 2004). Contact:
Padideh Ala'i is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Humphrey
Fellowship Program at American University, Washington College of Law
(WCL) in Washington DC where she specializes in international economic
law and comparative legal traditions. She ...

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