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"Contents" [2019] ELECD 1477; in de la Vega, Connie; Mirza, Alen (eds), "A Practical Guide to Using International Human Rights and Criminal Law Procedures" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019) v

Book Title: A Practical Guide to Using International Human Rights and Criminal Law Procedures

Editor(s): de la Vega, Connie; Mirza, Alen

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Section Title: Contents

Number of pages: 3



List of authors and contributors viii
Acknowledgements xi
List of abbreviations xii

Introduction 1

1. International human rights procedures 5
A Charter-based procedures 6
1 Human Rights Council 7
2 Economic and Social Council 44
B Treaty-based procedures 59
1 Considering State reports 63
2 Adjudicating individual communications 68
3 Conducting inquiries 76
4 Issuing general comments 78
5 Taking measures under early warning and urgent
action procedures 79
6 Establishing national preventive mechanisms and
conducting country visits (under the SPT) 83

2. Regional human rights systems 91
A Organization of American States human rights bodies 92
1 Petition system 93
2 Thematic hearings 96
3 Country studies and on-site investigations 101
4 Advisory jurisdiction 103
B The European Court of Human Rights 104
1 Impact litigation in the European Court 105
2 Backlog: a cautionary tale 106
3 Introduction to the individual complaint system 107
4 Understanding the protocol system and how it
impacts the work of litigators 114


5 Third-party interventions ­ Article 36(2) of the
Convention 117
6 Remedies 118
7 What role does the Council of Europe play? 120
8 Looking to the Court of Justice of the European
Union 121
C African human rights system 122
1 Engaging with the African Commission on Human
and Peoples' Rights 123
2 Engaging with the African Court on Human and
Peoples' Rights 132

3. Advocacy at the International Criminal Court 144

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