(1) Whenever any amount has been paid by the Territory, on account of any person who has absconded or who cannot be found within the jurisdiction and has left any real or personal estate within the jurisdiction the court or the judge thereof, upon the application of a person thereto authorised in writing by the Minister and upon the production of a certificate signed by the person so authorised certifying that the amount has been paid in satisfaction of a judgment against the Territory may allow the Territory to sign judgment against that person forthwith for the amount so paid together with the costs of the application.
(2) The judgment shall be final and signed in like manner as a final judgment by confession or default in an adverse suit, and execution may issue immediately.
(3) If the person against whom judgment has been signed has not left real or personal estate within the jurisdiction sufficient to satisfy the amount for which execution has been issued under subsection (2), the Territory may recover the amount or the unrecovered balance thereof by action against that person at any time thereafter when he or she is within the jurisdiction.