(1) The registrar-general shall not register any instrument purporting to transfer or otherwise deal with or affect any interest in land except—
(a) as required or permitted by a Territory or Commonwealth law; and
(b) in the manner provided by this Act.
(2) Where an instrument is lodged that is not in registrable form, the registrar-general may—
(a) refuse to register it and require—
(i) 1 or more of the parties to the instrument to—
(A) alter or correct the instrument; or
(B) provide a stated document under section 14 (1) (a); or
(ii) for an instrument lodged under section 48BA or section 48BB—the legal practitioner or mortgagee corporation to—
(A) alter or correct the instrument; or
(B) provide certification under section 48BA or section 48BB in appropriate form; or
(C) provide a stated document under section 14 (1) (c) or section 48BH (2); or
(b) reject it.
(3) In this section:
"appropriate form", of certification for an instrument lodged for registration—see section 48BA (5).