(1) This section applies if—
(a) a Crown lease is registered under this Act; and
(b) a building and development provision of the lease has been fully complied with and the lessee has applied, under the Planning Act 2023
, section 368 (1) for a certificate of compliance; and
(c) the registrar-general is satisfied that the territory planning authority has issued a certificate of compliance under the Planning Act 2023
, section 368 in relation to the lease.
(2) The registrar-general may enter in the register a memorial to the effect that the building was completed in accordance with the building and development provision of the lease.
(3) A memorial under subsection (2) is, for the Planning Act 2023
, section 368, conclusive evidence of the matter in relation to which the registrar-general has stated in the memorial that the registrar is satisfied.
(4) In this section:
"building and development provision", in relation to a lease—see the Planning Act 2023
, section 256.