Commonwealth Consolidated Acts
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Long Title
1. Short title
2. Commencement
2A. Tribunal's objective
3. Interpretation
4. Extension to external Territories
Division 1--Establishment of Tribunal
5. Establishment of Tribunal
5A. Membership
Division 2--Members of Tribunal
6. Appointment of members of Tribunal
7. Qualifications for appointment
7A. Appointment of a Judge as a presidential member not to affect tenure etc.
8. Term of appointment
9. Remuneration and allowances
10. Acting appointments
10A. Delegation
10B. Oath or affirmation of office
11. Outside employment
12. Leave of absence
13. Termination of appointment (not Judges)
14. Disclosure of interests by members
15. Resignation
Division 1--Divisions of the Tribunal
Subdivision A--Divisions of the Tribunal
17A. Divisions of the Tribunal
17B. Allocation of business to Divisions
Subdivision B--Assignment of members to Divisions
17C. Assignment of members to Divisions
17CA. Assignment to Freedom of Information Division
17D. Assignment to Migration and Refugee Division
17E. Assignment to National Disability Insurance Scheme Division
17F. Assignment to Security Division
17G. Assignment to Social Services and Child Support Division
17H. Assignment to Taxation and Commercial Division
17J. Validity
Subdivision C--Division heads and Deputy Division heads
17K. Division heads
17L. Deputy Division heads
Division 2--Arrangement of business of Tribunal
18A. Arrangement of business
18B. President's directions--arrangement of business
18C. Sittings of Tribunal
Division 3--Constitution of Tribunal
Subdivision A--General
19A. President's directions--constitution
19B. Constitution
19C. Constitution for review of taxing of costs
19D. Reconstitution
Subdivision B--Security Division
19E. Constitution of Security Division
19F. Constitution of Security Division for proceedings to review certain Archives decisions
Division 1--Management responsibilities of President and Registrar
24A. Management of administrative affairs of Tribunal
24B. Registrar of the Tribunal
Division 1A--Application of the finance law
24BA. Application of the finance law
Division 2--Appointment, powers etc. of Registrar
24C. Appointment of Registrar
24D. Powers of the Registrar
24E. Remuneration of Registrar
24F. Terms and conditions of appointment of Registrar
24G. Leave of absence
24H. Resignation
24J. Outside employment of Registrar
24K. Termination of appointment
24L. Disclosure of interests by Registrar
24M. Acting Registrar
Division 3--Other officers and staff of Tribunal
24N. Staff
24P. Functions of officers and staff members of the Tribunal
24PA. Officers of the Tribunal
24Q. Engagement of consultants etc.
Division 4--Miscellaneous administrative matters
24R. Annual report
24W. Proceedings arising out of administration of Tribunal
Division 1A--Scope of operation of this Part
24Z. Scope of operation of this Part
Division 1--Applications for review of decisions
25. Tribunal may review certain decisions
26. Restriction on powers of decision - maker after application for review is made
27. Persons who may apply to Tribunal
27AA. Applications to Tribunal under Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act
27A. Notice of decision and review rights to be given
27B. Review--Code of Practice
28. Person affected by decision may obtain reasons for decision
29. Manner of applying for review
29AA. Oral applications
29AB. Insufficient statement of reasons for application
29AC. Notice of application
29B. Notice of application under Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act
Division 2--Parties and procedure
30. Parties to proceeding before Tribunal
30A. Intervention by Attorney - General
31. Tribunal to determine persons whose interests are affected by decision
32. Representation before Tribunal
33. Procedure of Tribunal
33A. Participation by telephone etc.
Division 3--Alternative dispute resolution processes
34. Scope of Division
34A. Referral for alternative dispute resolution process
34D. Agreement about the terms of a decision etc.
34E. Evidence not admissible
34F. Eligibility of person conducting alternative dispute resolution process to sit as a member of the Tribunal
34H. Engagement of persons to conduct alternative dispute resolution processes
Division 4--Hearings and evidence
34J. Circumstances in which hearing may be dispensed with
35. Public hearings and orders for private hearings, non - publication and non - disclosure
35AA. Orders for non - publication and non - disclosure--certain Security Division proceedings
36. Disclosure not required: Attorney - General's public interest certificate
36A. Answering questions where Attorney - General intervenes on public interest grounds
36AA. Interpretation of sections 36B, 36C and 36D
36B. Disclosure not required: State Attorney - General's public interest certificate
36C. Answering questions where State Attorney - General intervenes on public interest grounds
36D. Public interest questions under sections 36, 36A and 36C
37. Lodging of material documents with Tribunal
38. Power of Tribunal to obtain additional statements
38AA. Ongoing requirement for lodging material documents with Tribunal
38A. Director - General of Security to lodge certain material with Tribunal
39. Rights of parties to present case--Divisions other than Security Division
39AA. Submissions by agency party in Social Services and Child Support Division
39A. Procedure in Security Division review of security assessment
39BA. Procedure in Security Division review of security clearance decision or security clearance suitability assessment
39B. Certain documents and information not to be disclosed in certain Security Division reviews
39C. Review of security clearance decisions and security clearance suitability assessments--consideration and disclosure of certain documents and information
Division 5--Procedural powers of Tribunal
40. Powers of Tribunal etc.
40A. Power to summon person to give evidence or produce documents
40B. Inspection of documents produced under summons
41. Operation and implementation of a decision that is subject to review
42. Resolving disagreements
42A. Discontinuance, dismissal, reinstatement etc. of application
42B. Power of Tribunal if a proceeding is frivolous, vexatious etc.
42C. Power of Tribunal if parties reach agreement
42D. Power to remit matters to decision - maker for further consideration
Division 6--Tribunal's decision on review
43. Tribunal's decision on review
Division 7--Miscellaneous
43AAA. Findings of Tribunal in Security Division review of security assessment
43AAB. Findings of Tribunal in Security Division review of security clearance decision or security clearance suitability assessment
43AA. Correction of errors in decisions or statement of reasons
43B. Part applies whether Tribunal's power conferred by an enactment or by a law of a State
43C. Part does not apply in relation to certain migration decisions
44. Appeals to Federal Court of Australia from decisions of the Tribunal
44AAA. Appeals to Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) from decisions of the Tribunal in relation to child support first reviews
44AA. Transfer of appeals from Federal Court to Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)
44A. Operation and implementation of a decision that is subject to appeal
45. Reference of questions of law to Federal Court of Australia
46. Sending of documents to, and disclosure of documents by, the Federal Court and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)
47. Interpretation
48. Establishment of Council
49. Composition of Council
50. Qualifications for appointment
51. Functions and powers of Council
51A. Minister may give directions to the Council
51B. Minister may refer matters to the Council
51C. Reports by the Council
52. Period of appointment
53. Remuneration and allowances
54. Resignation
55. Removal from office
56. Meetings
57. Staff of Council
58. Annual Report
59. Advisory opinions
59A. Authorised members
59B. Authorised officers
60. Protection and immunity
61. Failure to comply with summons
62. Refusal to be sworn or to answer questions
62A. False or misleading evidence
62B. Extended operation of certain provisions
62C. Breach of non - disclosure order
63. Contempt of Tribunal
64. Registries
66. Confidential information not to be disclosed
66A. Application of confidentiality provisions in other Acts
66B. Publication of Tribunal decisions
67. Fees for compliance with summons
67A. Giving of notices
68. Giving documents
68AA. President's directions
68A. Calculation of short periods of time
69. Legal assistance
69A. Procedure for taxing costs
69B. Costs in certain Security Division reviews
69BA. Termination of certain applications
69C. Dismissal of application for non - payment of application fee
70. Regulations
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