(1) A Redistribution Committee for a State shall, as soon as practicable after it has made its proposed redistribution of the State:
(a) cause a map or maps showing the names and boundaries of each proposed Electoral Division in the State to be exhibited at each office of the Electoral Commission in the State;
(b) cause copies of:
(i) the suggestions and comments lodged under subsection 64(1);
(ii) descriptions (whether by reference to a map or plan or otherwise) of the boundaries of each proposed Electoral Division;
(iii) its reasons for the proposed redistribution; and
(iv) if a member of the Redistribution Committee has stated in writing reasons for his or her disagreement with the proposed redistribution--those reasons;
to be made available for perusal at each office of the Electoral Commission in the State;
(c) by notice published in the Gazette on a Friday, invite public attention to the exhibition of the map or maps referred to in paragraph (a) and to the availability for perusal of copies of the suggestions and comments, descriptions and reasons referred to in paragraph (b); and
(d) cause to be published in:
(i) 2 newspapers circulating throughout the State; and
(ii) such regional newspapers circulating in the region or regions affected by the proposed redistribution as the Redistribution Committee determines;
a notice in writing inviting public attention to the availability for perusal of copies of the comments and suggestions, descriptions and reasons referred to in paragraph (b), together with:
(iii) in the case of a notice published in a newspaper referred to in subparagraph (i), a map or maps showing the names and boundaries of each proposed Electoral Division in the State; and
(iv) in the case of a notice published in a regional newspaper, a map or maps showing the effects of the proposed redistribution in the region or regions in which that newspaper circulates.
(2) A notice published under paragraph (1)(c) or (d) must include a statement:
(a) inviting written objections against the proposed redistribution to be lodged with the Electoral Commission before 6 pm on the 4th Friday after publication of the notice in the Gazette under paragraph (1)(c); and
(b) inviting written comments on objections lodged under subsection 69(1) to be lodged with the Electoral Commission before 6 pm on the 6th Friday after publication of the notice in the Gazette .