Fees are payable under this Part to ensure that foreign persons and others who take action regulated by this Act bear the costs relating to the administration of this Act.
Fees are payable for:
(a) applying for an exemption certificate or a variation of an exemption certificate; and
(b) giving a notice of a notifiable action or notifiable national security action; and
(c) giving a notice relating to a significant action that is not a notifiable action or notifiable national security action; and
(d) giving a notice relating to a reviewable national security action; and
(e) being given a notice under subsection 66A(4); and
(f) applying for a variation of a no objection notification or notice imposing conditions.
The Treasurer is not required to take any action before the fee is paid.
A fee is also payable if the Treasurer makes a decision or order under Part 3 relating to a significant action and a person has not notified the Treasurer of the action.
The amounts of the fees are found in regulations made under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Fees Imposition Act 2015 .
A fee may be waived or remitted.