(1) The Registrar may disclose information included in the Register to the following persons for the purpose of those persons performing functions or duties, or exercising powers, under this Act:
(a) the Treasurer;
(b) the Secretary;
(c) the Commissioner of Taxation;
(d) a person engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 who is employed in the Department or the Australian Taxation Office;
(e) a person appointed by the Commonwealth for the purposes of this Act.
(2) The Registrar may disclose information included in the Register to a person in accordance with data standards made for the purposes of:
(a) paragraph 130ZZ(2)(f) (making information available to person who gave register notice, or to whom registered circumstance relates); or
(b) paragraph 130ZZ(2)(g) (making information available to executor, administrator or liquidator).
(3) This section does not limit the circumstances in which a person is authorised to disclose information under Division 3 of Part 7.