You can make a * capital gain or * capital loss if and only if a * CGT event happens. The gain or loss is made at the time of the event.
Note 1: The full list of CGT events is in section 104 - 5.
Note 2: The gain or loss may be affected by an exemption, or may be able to be rolled - over. For exemptions generally, see Division 118. For roll - overs, see Divisions 122, 123, 124 and 126.
Note 3: You may make a capital gain or capital loss as a result of a CGT event happening to another entity: see subsections 115 - 215(3), 170 - 275(1) and 170 - 280(3).
Note 4: You cannot make a capital loss from a CGT event that happens to your original interests during a trust restructuring period if you choose a roll - over under Subdivision 124 - N.
Note 5: The capital loss may be affected if the CGT asset was owned by a member of a demerger group just before a demerger: see section 125 - 170.
Note 6: Under subsection 230 - 310(4) gains and losses are taken to arise from a CGT event in particular circumstances.
Note 7: This section does not apply in relation to the capital gain mentioned in paragraph 294 - 120(5)(b) of the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 .