Foreign equity distributions received directly
(1) A * foreign equity distribution is not assessable income, and is not * exempt income, of the entity to which it is made if:
(a) the entity is an Australian resident and a * corporate tax entity; and
(b) at the time the distribution is made, the entity satisfies the participation test in section 768 - 15 in relation to the company that made the distribution; and
(c) the entity:
(i) does not receive the distribution in the capacity of a trustee; or
(ii) receives the distribution in the capacity of a trustee of a * public trading trust; and
(d) the distribution is not one to which section 768 - 7 (which is about foreign income tax deductions) applies.
Foreign equity distributions received through interposed trusts and partnerships
(2) An amount is not assessable income, and is not * exempt income, of an entity if:
(a) the entity is a beneficiary of a trust or a partner in a partnership, an Australian resident and a * corporate tax entity; and
(b) the amount is all or part of the * net income of the trust or partnership that would, apart from this subsection, be included in the entity's assessable income because of:
(i) Division 276; or
(ii) Division 5 or 6 of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 ; and
(c) the amount can be attributed (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed trusts or partnerships that are not * corporate tax entities) to a * foreign equity distribution; and
(d) at the time the distribution is made, the entity satisfies the participation test in section 768 - 15 in relation to the company that made the distribution; and
(e) the entity:
(i) does not receive the distribution in the capacity of a trustee; or
(ii) receives the distribution in the capacity of a trustee of a * public trading trust; and
(f) the distribution is not one to which section 768 - 7 (which is about foreign income tax deductions) applies.
(3) An amount that is * non - assessable non - exempt income under subsection (2) is taken, for the purpose of section 25 - 90 (about deductions relating to foreign non - assessable non - exempt income) to be derived from the same source as the * foreign equity distribution.