This Subdivision applies to a future act if it is the making, amendment or repeal of legislation and:
(a) the act applies in the same way to the native title holders concerned as it would if they instead held ordinary title to the land (or to the land adjoining, or surrounding, the waters) affected; or
(b) the effect of the act on the native title in relation to the land or the waters is not such as to cause the native title holders to be in a more disadvantageous position at law than they would be if they instead held ordinary title to the land (or to the land adjoining, or surrounding, the waters).
Example 1: An example of a future act covered by paragraph (a) is the making of legislation that permits mining on land in respect of which there is either native title or ordinary title.
Example 2: An example of a future act covered by paragraph (b) is the amendment of legislation that permits mining on land that is subject to ordinary title so that it will also permit mining, on the same terms, on land in relation to which native title exists.