Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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(subregulation   2(2))

Part   1 -- Forms--General


Form AA   Summons to witness: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

(regulation   6E)

Commonwealth of Australia

Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Summons to witness: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

( Title of matter )

To ( full name and address of witness )

You are summoned to attend before the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, for an arbitration hearing in this matter, on ( date ), at ( time ), and then from day to day until the hearing is completed or until you are released from further attendance.

2.   You are required to attend before the Commission for the purpose of giving evidence at the hearing.

* 3.   You are required to bring with you and produce the following documents:

( specify the documents required ).

Dated   20   .

Chairperson ( or Deputy

Chairperson or Member) of the

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

* Insert if applicable

Part   4 -- Forms for Tribunal and Commission proceedings


Form H   Title of proceedings before tribunal

(regulation   17)

Commonwealth of Australia

Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Title of proceedings before tribunal

In the Australian Competition Tribunal

File No.


(Insert description of proceedings)

Form I   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   20(1))

Application to tribunal for review



1.   I (here insert name and address of applicant--where the applicant is a corporation, the corporation's name should be inserted here, not the name of an officer of the corporation) hereby apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal pursuant to section   101 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 for a review of the determination of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission dated the               day

of   20   (Commission file no.   ).

2.   (a)   I was/was not (here delete whichever is not applicable) the applicant for the authorization to which the determination relates.

(b)                 (To be completed if applicant for review was not applicant for authorization). My interest in the determination is as follows:

(Here set out particulars of the matters by reason of which the applicant will seek to satisfy the Tribunal that, for the purposes of subsection   101(1) of the Act, he has a sufficient interest in the determination.)

3.   I am dissatisfied with the determination of the Commission in the following respects:

4.   The determination that I am seeking from the Tribunal is as follows:

5.   Particulars of the facts and contentions upon which I intend to rely in support of the application for review, and a statement of the issues as I see them, are attached.

(Note that if review is being sought of a determination relating to a merger authorisation or an application for one, the review will not be a re - hearing. Unless permitted under subsection   102(10) of the Act, the review will be confined to the information, documents and evidence before the Commission when it made the determination (see subsections   101(2) and 102(8) to (10) of the Act).)

6.   My address for service for the purpose of regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010 is (here insert address in Australia at which documents may be served for the purpose of proceedings).

7.   Documents may be served on me at (here insert electronic address at which documents may be served for the purpose of proceedings--this is optional and does not replace the need to provide an address in Australia at paragraph   6).

Dated this   day of   20   .

Signed by/on behalf of the applicant

....... ... ...............................................


....... ... ...............................................

(Full Name)


(Where applicant is a corporation, state position occupied in corporation by person signing). (If signed by solicitor for applicant this fact should be stated).


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form J   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   20(2))

Application to tribunal for review

( Title of matter )


1.   I ( insert name and address of applicant--if the applicant is a corporation, the corporation's name should be inserted here, not the name of an officer of the corporation ) apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal under section   101A or 101B of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 for a review of the giving of notice under subsection   93(3) / 93(3A) / 93(3B) / 93AAA(1) / 93AC(1) / 93AC(2) / 93AC(2A) / 93ACA(1) / 93AD(5) / 93AG(7) / section   95AB

  ( delete any of the above that are not applicable ) of that Act to ( state name of corporation to which, or person to whom, the notice was given ) by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on the day of                                           20               (Commission file no.               ).

2.   (a)   That notice was/was not ( delete whichever is not applicable ) given to the person making this application.

(b)   ( To be completed if applicant for review was not corporation to which, or person to whom, that notice was given ). My interest in the determination is as follows:

(set out particulars of the matters by reason of which the applicant will seek to satisfy the Tribunal that, for the purposes of section   101A or 101B of the Act, he or she has a sufficient interest) .

3.   I am dissatisfied with the giving of the notice by the Commission because:

4.   Particulars of the facts and contentions upon which I intend to rely in support of the application for review, and a statement of the issues as I see them, are attached.

5.   My address for service for the purpose of regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010 is ( insert address in Australia at which documents may be served for the purpose of proceedings ).

6.   Documents may be served on me at ( insert electronic address at which documents may be served for the purpose of proceedings--this is optional and does not replace the need to provide an address in Australia at paragraph   5 ).

Dated this   day of   20   .

Signed by/on behalf of the applicant


( Signature )


( Full Name )


(If applicant is a corporation, state position occupied in corporation by person signing). (If signed by solicitor for applicant this fact should be stated) .



1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form JA   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   20A(1))

Application to tribunal for review

( Title )


Name of applicant:

Address of applicant:

(If the Applicant is a corporation, give the corporation's name and address, not the name and address of an officer of the corporation).

1.   I apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal

*   under subsection   44K(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, for a review of the declaration of a service by the designated Minister, (full name and designation of the designated Minister) , under subsection   44H(1) of the Act;

*   under subsection   44K(2) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 , for a review of the decision by the designated Minister, (full name and designation of the designated Minister) , under subsection   44H(1) of the Act, not to declare a service;

*   under subsection   44L(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 , for a review of the decision by the designated Minister, (full name and designation of the designated Minister) , under subsection   44J(3) of the Act, not to revoke the declaration of a service;

being the service described below.

2.   I am

*   the provider.

*   the person who applied for the declaration recommendation.

3.   Brief description of the service:

4.   Facts and contentions on which I intend to rely:

5.   Issues as I see them:

6.   Address for service of documents:

(An address for service must comply with regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010--an address in Australia must be provided and, in addition, an electronic address may be provided).

Dated:   20   Signed by/on behalf of the applicant

( Signature )


( Full Name )


(If applicant is a corporation, state position occupied in corporation by person signing. If signed by a solicitor for applicant this fact should be stated).

* Delete if not applicable.


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form JAA   Application for review by Australian Competition Tribunal

(subregulation   20(4))

Commonwealth of Australia

Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Application for review by Australian Competition Tribunal

( Title of matter )


Name of applicant: (insert full name of applicant)

Address of applicant: (insert address of applicant)

(If the applicant is a corporation, the corporation's name should be inserted here, not the name and address of an officer of the corporation.)

1.   Application is made to the Australian Competition Tribunal under section   151CI of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 for review of a decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission under section   151BA of that Act to refuse to make an exemption order relating to conduct of the applicant, being the decision, order and conduct described below.

2.   The decision of the Commission is dated ( insert date of decision ) and the number of the Commission file for the matter is ( insert file no. ).

3.   The Commission refused to make an exemption order having the following effect:

( state the effect briefly) .

4.   The conduct was as follows:

( state the conduct briefly ).

5.   The following features of the Commission decision are unsatisfactory:

( state the features briefly ).

6.   The facts and contentions on which this application relies are as follows:

( state the facts and contentions briefly ).

7.   Address for service of documents:

( insert address for service )

( An address for service must comply with regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010--an address in Australia must be provided and, in addition, an electronic address may be provided ).

Dated   .

Signed by or on behalf of the applicant

( signature )

( insert full name )

(If the applicant is a corporation, state position occupied by the signatory in
the corporation. If the signatory is
a solicitor for the applicant, state that fact.)


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form JB   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   20A(2))

Application to tribunal for review

( Title )


Full name of applicant Minister:

Designation of Minister:

State or Territory:


1.   I apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal under subsection   44O(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 for a review of the decision of the Commonwealth Minister that the regime for access to the service described below * is/ * is not an effective access regime for the service.

2.   I am the Minister who asked the National Competition Council for a recommendation under section   44M of the Act in respect of the service.

3.   Brief description of the service:

4.   Facts and contentions on which I intend to rely:

5.   Issues as I see them:

6.   Address for service of documents:

(An address for service must comply with regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010--an address in Australia must be provided and, in addition, an electronic address may be provided).

Dated:   20   Signed:


* Delete if not applicable


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form JBA   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   20A(2A))

Application to tribunal for review

( Title )


Name of applicant:

Address of applicant:

(If the Applicant is a corporation, give the corporation's name and address, not the name and address of an officer of the corporation).

1.   I apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal under subsection   44O(1A) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 , for a review of the decision by the Commonwealth Minister, (full name and designation of the Commonwealth Minister) , under section   44NBC of the Act

*   not to revoke

*   to revoke

a decision in force under section   44N of the Act that a regime established by a State or Territory for access to a service is an effective access regime.

2.   I am

*   the person who applied under subsection   44NBA(3) of the Act

*   a person who could have applied under subsection   44NBA(3) of the Act

for the Council to make a recommendation relating to that decision in force under section   44N of the Act.

3.   Brief description of the regime and the service:

4.   Facts and contentions on which I intend to rely:

5.   Issues as I see them:

6.   Address for service of documents:

(An address for service must comply with regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010--an address in Australia must be provided and, in addition, an electronic address may be provided).

Dated:   20   Signed by/on behalf of the applicant

( Signature )


( Full Nam e)


(If applicant is a corporation, state position occupied in corporation by person signing. If signed by a solicitor for applicant this fact should be stated).

* Delete if not applicable.


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form JC   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   20A(3))

Application to tribunal for review

( Title )


Name of applicant:

Address of applicant:

(If the applicant is a corporation, give the corporation's name and address, not the name and address of an officer of the corporation) .

1.   I apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal under subsection   44ZX(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 for a review of the decision of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission not to register a contract dated (date) between (names of parties) , relating to the service described below.

2.   Brief description of the service:

3.   Facts and contentions on which I intend to rely:

4.   Issues as I see them:

5.   Address for service of documents:

(An address for service must comply with regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010--an address in Australia must be provided and, in addition, an electronic address may be provided) .

Dated:   20   Signed by/on behalf of the applicant


(Full Name)


(If applicant is a corporation, state position occupied in corporation by person signing. If signed by a solicitor for applicant this fact should be stated).

* Delete if not applicable .


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

Form K   Summons to witness: Australian Competition Tribunal

(regulations   25 and 28N)

Commonwealth of Australia

Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Summons to witness: Australian Competition Tribunal


To (full name and address of witness)

  You are hereby summoned to attend before the Australian Competition Tribunal at   on               20               ,

at   o'clock in the   noon, and thereafter from day to day until the hearing of proceedings in relation to the above - mentioned matter is completed or until you are released from further attendance.

2.   You are required to attend before the Tribunal for the purpose of giving evidence in the proceedings.

* 3.   You are required to bring with you and produce the following documents:

(Here set out the documents required).

Dated this   day of   20   .

President (or Deputy President

or Member) of the

Australian Competition Tribunal.

* Insert if applicable.

Form L   Application to tribunal for review

(subregulation   28C(1))

Application to tribunal for review

( Title )


Name of applicant:

Address of applicant:

(If the applicant is a corporation, give the corporation's name and address, not the name and address of an officer of the corporation).

1.   I apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal under subsection   44ZP(1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 for a review of a determination of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on access to the service described below.

2.   I am

* the provider.

* the third party.

* a party to the determination, other than the provider or the third party.

3.   Brief description of the service:

4.   Facts and contentions on which I intend to rely:

5.   Issues as I see them:

6.   Address for service of documents:

(An address for service must comply with regulation   21 of the Competition and Consumer Regulations   2010--an address in Australia must be provided and, in addition, an electronic address may be provided).

Dated:   20   Signed by/on behalf of the applicant


(Full name)


(If the applicant is a corporation, state position occupied in corporation by person signing. If signed by a solicitor for applicant, this fact should be stated).

* Delete if not applicable.


1.   If an address is to be provided in this form, an electronic address may be provided in addition to the address required.

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