(2) The FRC functions are:
- (a)
- to provide broad oversight of the
process for setting accounting standards in Australia and to give the Minister
reports and advice on that process; and
- (b)
- to appoint the members of the AASB (other than the Chair); and
- (c)
- to approve and monitor the AASB's:
- (i)
- priorities; and
- (ii)
- business plan; and
- (iii)
- budget; and
- (iv)
- staffing arrangements (including level, structure and composition of
staffing); and
- (d)
- to determine the AASB's broad strategic direction; and
- (e)
- to give the AASB directions, advice or feedback on matters of general
policy and the AASB's procedures; and
- (f)
- to monitor the development of international accounting standards and the
accounting standards that apply in major international financial centres, and:
- (i)
- to further the development of a single set of accounting standards for
world-wide use with appropriate regard to international developments; and
- (ii)
- to promote the adoption of international best practice accounting
standards in the Australian accounting standard setting process if doing so
would be in the best interests of both the private and public sectors in the
Australian economy; and
- (g)
- to monitor:
- (i)
- the operation of accounting standards to assess their continued relevance
and their effectiveness in achieving their objectives in respect of both the
private and public sectors of the Australian economy; and
- (ii)
- the effectiveness of the AASB's consultative arrangements; and
- (h)
- to seek contributions towards the costs of the Australian accounting
standard setting process; and
- (i)
- to monitor and periodically review the level of funding, and the funding
arrangements, for the AASB; and
- (j)
- to establish appropriate consultative mechanisms; and
- (k)
- to advance and promote the main objects of this Part; and
- (l)
- any other functions that the Minister confers on the FRC by written notice
to the FRC Chair.
- Note: The FRC was established by subsection 225(1) of the Australian
Securities and Investments Commission Act 1989 and is continued in existence
by section 261 of this Act.
(3) As well as any other powers conferred by this Act, the FRC has
power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection
with the performance of its functions.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the FRC may establish committees and
advisory groups.
Restriction on powers
(5) The FRC does not have power to
direct the AASB in relation to the development, or making, of a particular
(6) The FRC does not have power to veto a standard formulated and recommended
by the AASB.