(1) The amount that a person may recover by action against another person in
the circumstances mentioned in section 1013 or 1014 is:
- (a)
- if the
second-mentioned person has been found by a court to be liable, or has been
ordered by a court, to pay an amount or amounts to any other person or persons
under this Part or under Part 9.4B because of the same act or
transactionthe amount of the loss suffered by the first-mentioned person
or the amount of the profit referred to in paragraph 1013(1)(d), as the case
may be, less the amount or the sum of the amounts that the second-mentioned
person has been so found to be liable, or has been so ordered, to pay; or
- (b)
- otherwisethe amount of that loss or profit.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the onus of proving that the
liability of a person to pay an amount to another person arose from the same
act or transaction from which another liability arose lies on the person
liable to pay the amount.