(1) An order by ASIC under this Division takes effect when served on the
person to whom the order relates.
(2) As soon as practicable on or after the day on which an order by ASIC under
this Division takes effect, ASIC must publish in the Gazette a notice that
sets out a copy of:
- (a)
- if the order is made under section 1189A, 1190,
1191, 1192 or 1194 or revokes a banning orderthe first-mentioned order;
- (b)
- if the order varies a banning orderthe banning order as in force
immediately after the first-mentioned order takes effect;
and states that the first-mentioned order, or the banning order as so in
force, as the case may be, took effect on that day.
(3) Where:
- (a)
- but for this subsection, subsection (2) would require
publication of a notice setting out a copy of a banning order as in force at a
particular time; and
- (b)
- the banning order as so in force includes a provision that permits a
person as mentioned in subsection 1195(1); and
- (c)
- in ASIC's opinion, the notice would be unreasonably long if it set out a
copy of the whole of that provision;
the notice may, instead of setting out a copy of that provision, set out a
summary of the provision's effect.