Jurisdiction in which company incorporated
(1) A company is incorporated in this jurisdiction.
Jurisdiction of registration
(2) A company is taken to be registered in:
Note 2: The company's legal capacity and powers do not depend in any way on the particular State or Territory it is taken to be registered in (see section 124).
Note 3: A law of a State or Territory may impose obligations, or confer rights or powers, on a person by reference to the State or Territory in which a company is taken to be registered for the purposes of this Act. For example, a State or Territory law dealing with stamp duty on share transfers might impose duty on transfers of shares in companies that are taken to be registered in that State or Territory for the purposes of this Act.
(3) The State or Territory in which a company is taken to be registered changes to the State or Territory in this jurisdiction nominated by the company if:
(4) A company continues to be registered under this Act even if the State in which the company is taken to be registered ceases to be a referring State.