(1) The issue or transfer of shares (or units of shares) of a company to an
entity it controls is void unless:
- (a)
- the issue or transfer is to the
entity as a personal representative; or
- (b)
- the issue or transfer is to the entity as trustee and neither the company
nor any entity it controls has a beneficial interest in the trust, other than
a beneficial interest that satisfies these conditions:
- (i)
- the interest arises from a security given for the purposes of a
transaction entered into in the ordinary course of business in connection with
providing finance; and
- (ii)
- that transaction was not entered into with an associate of the company or
an entity it controls; or
- (c)
- the issue to the entity is made as a result of an offer to all the members
of the company who hold shares of the class being issued and is made on a
basis that does not discriminate unfairly, either directly or indirectly, in
favour of the entity; or
- (d)
- the transfer to the entity is by a wholly-owned subsidiary of a body
corporate and the entity is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of that body
(2) ASIC may exempt a company from the operation of this section. The
- (a)
- must be in writing; and
- (b)
- may be granted subject to conditions.
(3) If paragraph (1)(c) or (d) applies to an issue or transfer of shares
(or units of shares), section 259D applies.