Same terms as takeover bid
(1) The bidder may acquire the securities only on
the terms that applied to the acquisition of securities under the takeover bid
immediately before:
- (a)
- the notice under section 661B is given if it is
given before the end of the offer period; or
- (b)
- the end of the offer period if it is not.
Alternative forms of consideration under takeover bid
(2) If alternative
forms of consideration were offered under the takeover bid, the form of
consideration that applies to the acquisition of the holder's securities is:
- (a)
- the form that the holder elects; or
- (b)
- the form set out in the compulsory acquisition notice under subsection
(3) The holder makes an election under subsection (2) by giving the
bidder a notice of the election by the later of:
- (a)
- 1 month after the
compulsory acquisition notice is given under section 661B; or
- (b)
- 14 days after the holder is given a statement under section 661D if
the holder asks for it.
(4) The election must be:
- (a)
- in an electronic form approved by the
SCH business rules for the purposes of this Part if it relates to securities
that are entered on an SCH subregister; or
- (b)
- in writing if it relates to securities that are not entered on an SCH