Commonwealth Numbered Acts

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WATER ACT 2007 (NO. 137, 2007) - SECT 10

Basis for Basin water charge, water trading and water market rules

             (1)  This Act deals with, and provides for plans and rules made under this Act to deal with:

                     (a)  water charges in relation to:

                              (i)  the Basin water resources; or

                             (ii)  water service infrastructure that carries Basin water resources; or

                            (iii)  water access rights, irrigation rights or water delivery rights in relation to Basin water resources; and

                     (b)  the trading and transfer of tradeable water rights in relation to the Basin water resources; and

                     (c)  the market for tradeable water rights in relation to the Basin water resource.

             (2)  The basis for dealing with those topics is that:

                     (a)  the Basin water resources are physically interconnected; and

                     (b)  the Basin water resources are a major Australian water resource and, because they are interconnected, are the major Australian water resource in relation to which:

                              (i)  tradeable water rights are able to be traded between States; and

                             (ii)  water is, pursuant to that trade, able to be delivered between States; and

                     (c)  the Basin water resources are scarce and at risk of continuing scarcity and further depletion; and

                     (d)  the Basin water resources are subject to significant environmental threat; and

                     (e)  there are important and significant environmental assets that are associated with the Basin water resources and that need protection; and

                      (f)  the inefficient and/or inappropriate use of the Basin water resources would have a significant detrimental impact on:

                              (i)  the availability of the Basin water resources; and

                             (ii)  the health of the Basin water resources or the environmental assets associated with the Basin water resources; and

                     (g)  the inefficient and/or inappropriate use of the Basin water resources would have a significant detrimental economic and social impact on the wellbeing of the communities in the Murray‑Darling Basin; and

                     (h)  this Act and the plans and rules relating to:

                              (i)  water charging; and

                             (ii)  trading; and

                            (iii)  the transfer of tradeable water rights; and

                            (iv)  water markets;

                            will promote:

                             (v)  the more efficient use of the Basin water resources; and

                            (vi)  the continued availability of the Basin water resources; and

                           (vii)  the health of the Basin water resources and the environmental assets associated with the Basin water resources; and

                           (viii)  the economic and social wellbeing of the communities in the Murray‑Darling Basin.

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