New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Parents and Citizens Associations
Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976
as follows:
(a) to continue in existence the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South
       Wales (the federation),
(b) to provide for matters relating to the incorporation of the federation under the Act and the
       procedures of its board of management and executive committee,
(c) to provide for matters relating to the election of councillors and delegates to the federation,
(d) to provide for the appointment of an administrator of the federation to exercise all of the
       functions of the federation during the period leading up to the election of the first
       councillors and delegates of the federation.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed
by proclamation.

Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Schedule 1             Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations
                       Incorporation Act 1976 No 50
Schedule 1 amends Part 1 of the Act (dealing with preliminary matters) by including an objects
provision for the Act and a provision defining certain words and expressions used in the Act.

The Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales
Schedule 1 replaces Part 2 of the Act (dealing with the incorporation of the Federation of Parents
and Citizens Associations of New South Wales) with provisions providing for the following
(a) continuing in existence the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South
(b) the status, functions, powers and membership of the federation,
(c) the declaration and amendment of a new constitution for the federation,
(d) the establishment, functions and membership of a board of management and an executive
      committee of the federation,
(e) the holding of an annual general meeting of the federation, and eligibility of persons to
      attend and vote on matters at the annual general meeting,
(f)   the execution of documents by, and the service of documents on, the federation,
(g) other minor matters relating to the federation.

Parents and citizens associations
Schedule 1 amends Part 3 of the Act (dealing with the incorporation of parents and citizens
associations) by:
(a) providing that parents and citizens associations incorporated under the Act must have
      public liability insurance for a cover of at least $20,000,000 instead of $2,000,000, and
(b) making other minor or consequential amendments to the Part.

Election of councillors and delegates
Schedule 1 inserts new Part 3A of the Act (dealing with the election of councillors and delegates
of the federation) to provide for the following matters:
(a) the conduct and holding of elections for councillors and delegates of the federation,
(b) requirements relating to the number and designation of electorates for electing councillors
       and delegates,
(c) the election of one councillor and two delegates for each electorate,
(d) the eligibility requirements for a person to be elected as a councillor or delegate and the
       eligibility requirements for a person to vote at an election,
(e) the role and terms of office of a councillor or delegate,
(f)    the appointment of a councillor or delegate for an electorate if no-one is elected as a
       councillor or delegate for the electorate,
(g) the payment of the cost of an election by the federation.

General matters
Schedule 1 amends Part 4 of the Act (dealing with miscellaneous matters) by:
(a) providing for the Minister to be able to delegate the exercise of any function of the Minister
     under the Act to the Secretary of the department or a Public Service senior executive of the
     department, and

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

(b)   making it clear that the Act (which includes the regulations made under the Act) prevails to
      the extent of any inconsistency with the constitution of the federation.

Board of management and executive committee of the federation
Schedule 1 inserts new Schedule 1 to the Act to provide for matters relating to the membership
and procedures of the board of management and the executive committee of the federation.

Savings, transitional and other provisions
Schedule 1 inserts new Schedule 2 to the Act to provide for the following matters:
(a) a regulation-making power to make regulations of a savings or transitional nature
     consequent on the enactment of this Bill and any other Act that amends the Act,
(b) the appointment of an administrator to exercise all of the functions of the federation, and its
     board of management and executive committee, during the period leading up to the election
     of the first councillors and delegates of the federation,
(c) the legal status and functions of the administrator,
(d) the terms and conditions of the administrator's appointment,
(e) the reporting obligations of the administrator,
(f)  other minor matters relating to the administrator and the exercise of the administrator's
(g) the application of the Act during the period in which the administrator is exercising the
     functions of the federation and its board of management or executive committee,
(h) the dissolution of current governing bodies of the Federation of Parents and Citizens
     Associations of New South Wales and the removal from office of all office holders in those
     governing bodies,
(i)  the continuation in employment of current employees of the Federation of Parents and
     Citizens Associations of New South Wales,
(j)  other minor or consequential transitional provisions relating to the proposed amendments
     under this Bill.

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                                                                                  First print

                                  New South Wales

Parents and Citizens Associations
Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014

              1    Name of Act                                                            2
              2    Commencement                                                           2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation
                   Act 1976 No 50                                                         3

                                 New South Wales

Parents and Citizens Associations
Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014

No     , 2014

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 to provide for
matters relating to the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales.
Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                               1

  1   Name of Act                                                                        2

             This Act is the Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment   3
             Act 2014.                                                                   4

  2   Commencement                                                                       5

             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.        6

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

Schedule 1             Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations                                   1
                       Incorporation Act 1976 No 50                                                     2

[1]   Sections 2 and 3, and Part 2                                                                      3

      Omit Part 2. Insert instead:                                                                      4

         2   Object of Act                                                                              5

                   The object of this Act is to provide for matters relating to:                        6
                   (a) the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South                 7
                         Wales (the federation) continued in existence under section 4, and             8
                   (b) the incorporation of parents and citizens associations, and                      9
                   (c) the election of councillors and delegates of the federation.                    10

         3   Definitions                                                                               11

             (1)   In this Act:                                                                        12
                   administrator--see clause 2 of Schedule 2.                                          13
                   annual general meeting means the annual general meeting of the federation           14
                   held under section 12E.                                                             15
                   board means the board of management of the federation.                              16
                   constitution means the document, as amended from time to time in accordance         17
                   with this Act, declared to be the constitution of the federation under section 9.   18
                   councillor means a person holding office as a councillor elected under              19
                   Part 3A.                                                                            20
                   delegate means a person holding office as a delegate elected under Part 3A.         21
                   Department means the Department of Education and Communities.                       22
                   executive committee means the executive committee of the federation.                23
                   federation--see section 2 (a).                                                      24
                   function includes a power, authority or duty, and exercise a function includes      25
                   perform a duty.                                                                     26
                   government school means a government school established under the                   27
                   Education Act 1990.                                                                 28
                   parent of a student includes a guardian or other person having the custody or       29
                   care of the student.                                                                30
                   parents and citizens association means a parents and citizens association           31
                   constituted under the Education Act 1990.                                           32
                   president means the president of the executive committee.                           33
                   secretary means the secretary of the executive committee.                           34
                   transition period means the period starting on the day the administrator is         35
                   appointed by the Minister under Schedule 2 and ending on the day that is            36
                   3 years after that day.                                                             37

             (2)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                            38

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

      Part 2       Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of                                    1
                   New South Wales                                                                       2

      Division 1          The federation and its members                                                 3

         4   Continuation of Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South                4
             Wales                                                                                       5

             (1)   Without limiting section 53 of the Interpretation Act 1987, the former                6
                   corporation is continued in existence as a corporation under the corporate            7
                   name of Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales.           8

             (2)   In this section:                                                                      9
                   former corporation means the Federation of Parents and Citizens                      10
                   Associations of New South Wales constituted under this Act as in force before        11
                   the commencement of the Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation              12
                   Amendment Act 2014.                                                                  13

         5   Status of federation                                                                       14

                   The federation is not a NSW Government agency.                                       15

         6   Federation's functions                                                                     16

                   The federation's functions are as follows:                                           17
                   (a) to promote public education and facilitate community involvement in              18
                         public education,                                                              19
                   (b) to promote the interests of students, and parents of students, enrolled at       20
                         government schools,                                                            21
                   (c) to co-operate with the Department, and community organisations                   22
                         having an interest in public education, in relation to matters involving       23
                         public education,                                                              24
                   (d) to assist parents and citizens associations in carrying out their functions      25
                         or activities,                                                                 26
                   (e) other functions specified in the constitution.                                   27

         7   Federation's powers                                                                        28

             (1)   The federation may exercise its powers subject to any express restriction on,        29
                   or a prohibition of, the exercise of the powers under this Act or the                30
                   constitution.                                                                        31

             (2)   The federation cannot direct a parents and citizens association in relation to the   32
                   exercise of any of the association's functions or activities.                        33

         8   Membership                                                                                 34

                   The members of the federation are:                                                   35
                   (a) the parents and citizens associations that have been admitted as                 36
                        members of the federation in accordance with this Act and the                   37
                        constitution, and                                                               38
                   (b) the persons or entities admitted as members of the federation in                 39
                        accordance with the constitution.                                               40

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

      Division 2           The constitution of the federation                                                  1

          9   Federation's constitution                                                                        2

              (1)   The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, declare a document                   3
                    prepared by or on behalf of the Minister to be the constitution of the federation.         4

              (2)   The document declared under subsection (1), as amended from time to time in                5
                    accordance with this Act, is the constitution of the federation.                           6

              (3)   The constitution may provide for the following matters:                                    7
                    (a) the admission of members of the federation,                                            8
                    (b) the procedures for conducting meetings and other business of the board                 9
                          or executive committee,                                                             10
                    (c) the procedures for electing councillors to the executive committee,                   11
                    (d) the terms and conditions of holding office as a member of the board or                12
                          executive committee,                                                                13
                    (e) the procedures for the conduct of elections of councillors and delegates.             14

              (4)   The constitution may contain an express restriction on, or a prohibition of, the          15
                    federation's exercise of any of its powers, but the exercise of a power by the            16
                    federation is not invalid merely because it is contrary to the restriction or             17
                    prohibition.                                                                              18

              (5)   This section does not limit the matters for which the constitution may provide.           19

         10   Amendment of constitution                                                                       20

              (1)   The board may, by resolution passed at a special meeting of the board, amend              21
                    the constitution.                                                                         22

              (2)   An amendment made by the board has no force or effect unless the resolution               23
                    is supported by at least three-quarters of the members of the board.                      24

              (3)   In this section:                                                                          25
                    school day means any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a day that is a               26
                    holiday for government schools.                                                           27
                    special meeting of the board means a meeting of the board that is held on a               28
                    school day and in relation to which a notice of the meeting:                              29
                     (a) includes the terms of the proposed resolution to amend the constitution,             30
                           and                                                                                31
                    (b) is sent to each member of the board:                                                  32
                            (i) at least 20 school days before the meeting is held, and                       33
                           (ii) by post or email to the postal address or email address last given            34
                                  to the board by the member.                                                 35
                    Note. The board cannot amend the constitution under this section until after the end of   36
                    the transition period. During the transition period, the Minister may amend the           37
                    constitution. See clause 16 of Schedule 2.                                                38

      Division 3           Board of management                                                                39

         11   The board and its members                                                                       40

              (1)   There is a board of management of the federation.                                         41

              (2)   The board consists of the councillors.                                                    42

              (3)   Part 1 of Schedule 1 contains provisions about the procedures of the board.               43

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

         12   Functions of board                                                                      1
                    The board's functions are as follows:                                             2
                    (a) to advise the Department and other entities about the federation's views      3
                          on matters relating to public education,                                    4
                    (b) to liaise with national organisations on matters relating to public           5
                          education,                                                                  6
                    (c) to implement decisions of the federation made at the annual general           7
                          meeting,                                                                    8
                    (d) to determine policies of the federation, not inconsistent with decisions      9
                          of the federation made at an annual general meeting, in relation to        10
                          matters involving public education,                                        11
                    (e) to implement policies determined under paragraph (d).                        12

      Division 4          Executive committee                                                        13

     12A      The executive committee and its members                                                14

              (1)   There is an executive committee of the federation.                               15

              (2)   The executive committee consists of not more than 7 members who are              16
                    councillors elected by the board in accordance with this Act and the             17
                    constitution.                                                                    18

              (3)   The board must appoint 1 of its members as the president, and 1 of its members   19
                    as the secretary, of the executive committee.                                    20

              (4)   The other members of the executive committee hold the offices, if any,           21
                    provided for under the constitution.                                             22

              (5)   Part 2 of Schedule 1 contains provisions about the membership and procedures     23
                    of the executive committee.                                                      24

     12B      Role of executive committee                                                            25

              (1)   The executive committee is responsible for the day to day management of the      26
                    federation.                                                                      27

              (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the executive committee has the                 28
                    responsibilities specified in the constitution.                                  29

     12C      Election of members                                                                    30

                    The board is to elect the members of the executive committee as soon as          31
                    practicable after the end of each election conducted under Part 3A.              32

     12D      Duration of membership                                                                 33

              (1)   A member of the executive committee holds office until the day the               34
                    councillors and delegates are next elected under Part 3A, unless the office of   35
                    the member sooner becomes vacant.                                                36

              (2)   A councillor may be elected as a member of the executive committee more          37
                    than once.                                                                       38

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

      Division 5          Annual general meeting of federation                                         1

     12E     Annual general meeting                                                                    2

             (1)   The federation is to hold an annual general meeting at the place and time           3
                   determined by the executive committee.                                              4

             (2)   The purpose of the annual general meeting is to determine the federation's          5
                   policies and decide matters relating to the implementation of the federation's      6
                   policies and other activities conducted by the federation.                          7

             (3)   The procedure for the calling of the annual general meeting and for the             8
                   conduct of business at the meeting is, subject to this Act and the constitution,    9
                   to be as determined by the executive committee.                                    10

     12F     Attendance and voting at annual general meeting                                          11

             (1)   The following persons are eligible to attend the annual general meeting:           12
                   (a) the councillors,                                                               13
                   (b) the delegates,                                                                 14
                   (c) other persons determined by the board or permitted to attend the               15
                         meeting under the constitution.                                              16

             (2)   Only the councillors and delegates are entitled to vote on a motion at the         17
                   annual general meeting.                                                            18

             (3)   The president (or, in the absence of the president, a councillor or delegate       19
                   elected to chair the meeting by the other councillors and delegates present) is    20
                   to preside at the annual general meeting.                                          21

             (4)   The person presiding has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of   22
                   votes, has a second or casting vote.                                               23

             (5)   The quorum for an annual general meeting is a majority of councillors and          24
                   delegates for the time being.                                                      25

             (6)   A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at an annual general          26
                   meeting at which a quorum is present is a decision of the federation.              27

      Division 6          Miscellaneous                                                               28

     12G     Execution of documents                                                                   29

             (1)   The federation may execute a document without using its seal if the document       30
                   is signed by the president and secretary.                                          31

             (2)   The federation may execute a document with its seal if the seal is fixed to the    32
                   document and the fixing of the seal is witnessed by at least 2 members of the      33
                   executive committee.                                                               34

             (3)   The federation may execute a document as a deed if the document is expressed       35
                   to be executed as a deed and is executed in accordance with subsection (1)         36
                   or (2).                                                                            37

             (4)   This section does not limit the ways in which the federation may execute a         38
                   document, including a deed.                                                        39

             (5)   This section does not authorise the federation to execute a document contrary      40
                   to its constitution.                                                               41

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

      12H      Service of documents                                                                       1
               (1)   A document addressed to the federation may be served on the federation:              2
                     (a) by leaving it at, or sending it by post to, the address of the federation's      3
                          official office, or                                                             4
                     (b) by delivering copies of it personally to the president or secretary, or to       5
                          each of 2 other members of the executive committee, or                          6
                     (c) in another way provided for under the constitution.                              7

               (2)   For the purposes of this section, the address of the federation's official office    8
                     includes the address last notified to the Secretary of the Department by the         9
                     federation under this Act.                                                          10

               (3)   Nothing in this section affects the operation of any provision of a law or the      11
                     rules of court authorising a document to be served on the federation or a person    12
                     in any other way.                                                                   13

         12I   Personal liability                                                                        14

                     A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the board or executive              15
                     committee, a member of the board or executive committee or a person acting          16
                     under the direction of the board or executive committee does not, if the matter     17
                     or thing was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purpose of            18
                     executing this or any other Act, subject a member or a person so acting             19
                     personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.                               20

      12J      Change of address                                                                         21

                     The secretary must, within 14 days after the federation changes the address of      22
                     its official office, give the Secretary of the Department notice of the new         23
                     address.                                                                            24

      12K      Publication of constitution                                                               25

                     The president must ensure a copy of the constitution is available on the            26
                     federation's website.                                                               27

[2]   Section 13 Incorporation of parents and citizens associations                                      28

      Omit "constituted under the Education Reform Act 1990" from section 13 (1).                        29

[3]   Section 15 Rules of incorporated associations                                                      30

      Omit "Education Reform Act 1990" from section 15 (1).                                              31

      Insert instead "Education Act 1990".                                                               32

[4]   Section 17 Incorporated associations to be members of federation                                   33

      Omit "Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales constituted               34
      under this Act".                                                                                   35

      Insert instead "federation".                                                                       36

[5]   Sections 19 and 21                                                                                 37

      Omit "Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales constituted               38
      under this Act" wherever occurring in sections 19 (1) and 21 (1) (b).                              39

      Insert instead "federation".                                                                       40

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

[6]   Section 19 Public liability insurance                                                                  1
      Omit "$2,000,000" from the definition of approved public liability insurance in                        2
      section 19 (2).                                                                                        3

      Insert instead "$20,000,000".                                                                          4

[7]   Part 3A                                                                                                5

      Insert after section 23:                                                                               6

      Part 3A Election of councillors and delegates                                                          7

      Division 1           Preliminary                                                                       8

      23A    Purpose of Part                                                                                 9

                   The purpose of this Part is to provide for matters relating to the election of           10
                   councillors and delegates.                                                               11
                   Note. Councillors are members of the board and may attend and vote at the annual         12
                   general meeting of the federation. Delegates may attend and vote at the annual general   13
                   meeting.                                                                                 14

      23B    Definitions                                                                                    15

                   In this Part:                                                                            16
                   election means an election of councillors and delegates under this Part.                 17
                   electoral commissioner means the electoral commissioner for New South                    18
                   Wales appointed under the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912.              19
                   electorate--see section 23C (1).                                                         20
                   school means a government school.                                                        21

      23C    Meaning of "electorate"                                                                        22

             (1)   An electorate consists of:                                                               23
                   (a) except as provided by paragraph (b), all the schools comprising a group              24
                         of schools as shown on the document called Federation Electoral Areas              25
                         published by the Department, or                                                    26
                   (b) all the schools specified in the constitution as comprising an electorate            27
                         for the purposes of this Act.                                                      28

             (2)   The constitution cannot specify schools as comprising an electorate for the              29
                   purposes of this Act until after the end of the transition period.                       30

             (3)   While the electorates comprise a group of schools as shown on the document               31
                   referred to in subsection (1) (a), the Secretary of the Department must ensure           32
                   a copy of the document is available on the Department's website.                         33

             (4)   If the constitution specifies the schools that comprise an electorate, the               34
                   president must ensure that the details of the electorates are available on the           35
                   federation's website.                                                                    36

      Division 2           Elections                                                                        37

      23D    Conduct of elections--general                                                                  38

             (1)   Each election is to be administered by:                                                  39
                   (a) the person prescribed by the regulations, or                                         40

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

                    (b)   if a person is not prescribed under paragraph (a)--the electoral             1
                          commissioner.                                                                2

             (2)   The person administering an election is the returning officer at the election.      3

             (3)   If the electoral commissioner is the returning officer at an election, the          4
                   electoral commissioner may delegate to any staff of the office of the New           5
                   South Wales Electoral Commission any of the commissioner's functions as             6
                   returning officer, other than this power of delegation.                             7

             (4)   Subject to this Act, an election is to be conducted in accordance with the          8
                   procedures under the constitution.                                                  9

     23E     Requirements relating to electorates and representation                                  10

             (1)   There are 16 electorates for the purpose of an election.                           11

             (2)   Each school must be in an electorate and cannot be in more than 1 electorate.      12

             (3)   One councillor and 2 delegates are to be elected for each electorate.              13

     23F     When election to be held                                                                 14

                   An election is to be held:                                                         15
                   (a) within the period prescribed by the regulations, or                            16
                   (b) if a period is not prescribed under paragraph (a)--at least every 2 years.     17

     23G     Eligibility of councillors and delegates                                                 18

             (1)   A person is eligible to be elected as a councillor or delegate for an electorate   19
                   only if the person is:                                                             20
                   (a) a parent of a student enrolled at a school in the electorate, and              21
                   (b) a member of a parents and citizens association of a school in the              22
                          electorate.                                                                 23

             (2)   A person's term of office as a councillor or delegate does not end merely          24
                   because the councillor or delegate is no longer a person referred to in            25
                   subsection (1).                                                                    26

     23H     Voting for councillors and delegates                                                     27

             (1)   Each parents and citizens association of a school in an electorate may vote in     28
                   an election for the councillor and delegates for the electorate.                   29

             (2)   Each parents and citizens association of a school in an electorate may cast        30
                   1 vote for each councillor and 1 vote for each delegate for the electorate.        31

             (3)   To determine the vote of the parents and citizens association of a school under    32
                   this section, an individual is eligible to vote only if the individual is:         33
                    (a) a parent of a student enrolled at the school, and                             34
                   (b) a member of the parents and citizens association.                              35

             (4)   The procedures for the conduct of a vote of the parents and citizens association   36
                   are the procedures decided by the association.                                     37

      23I    Role of councillor and delegate                                                          38

             (1)   A councillor represents the councillor's electorate on the board and at the        39
                   annual general meeting of the federation.                                          40

             (2)   Each delegate represents the delegate's electorate at the annual general           41
                   meeting of the federation.                                                         42

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Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

      23J    Term of office of councillor and delegate                                                   1
             (1)   A councillor or delegate holds office from the day the councillor or delegate is      2
                   elected under this Part until the day the councillors and delegates are next          3
                   elected under this Part, unless the councillor's or delegate's office sooner          4
                   becomes vacant.                                                                       5

             (2)   A person may be elected as a councillor or delegate more than once.                   6

     23K     Vacancy in office of councillor or delegate                                                 7

                   The office of a councillor or delegate becomes vacant if the councillor or            8
                   delegate:                                                                             9
                   (a) dies, or                                                                         10
                   (b) completes a term of office and is not re-elected, or                             11
                   (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the board, or           12
                   (d) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or                                      13
                   (e) was not eligible to be elected under this Part as a councillor or delegate       14
                         and the board gives the councillor or delegate written notice that the         15
                         office is vacated because he or she was not eligible to be elected.            16

     23L     Filling vacancy in office of councillor or delegate                                        17

             (1)   If the office of a councillor or delegate becomes vacant (otherwise than by the      18
                   expiration of a term of office), a person is, subject to this Act, to be appointed   19
                   to fill the vacancy in accordance with the procedures under the constitution.        20

             (2)   A councillor or delegate appointed under subsection (1):                             21
                   (a) must be a person who is eligible under this Part to be elected as a              22
                        councillor or delegate for the electorate in which the vacancy has              23
                        occurred, and                                                                   24
                   (b) holds office as a councillor or delegate during the unexpired term of the        25
                        vacated office.                                                                 26

     23M     Appointment of councillor or delegate                                                      27

             (1)   This section applies if, at an election, a person is not elected as the councillor   28
                   or a delegate for an electorate.                                                     29

             (2)   A person who is eligible to be elected as the councillor or a delegate for the       30
                   electorate may be appointed as the councillor or a delegate in accordance with       31
                   the constitution.                                                                    32

             (3)   A person who is appointed as the councillor or a delegate under this section is      33
                   taken to have been elected as the councillor or delegate under this Part on the      34
                   day the person is appointed.                                                         35

      Division 3          Miscellaneous                                                                 36

     23N     Cost of election                                                                           37

                   The cost of conducting an election is payable by the federation.                     38

     23O     Regulations                                                                                39

             (1)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the conduct of an          40
                   election.                                                                            41

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              (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may provide for requirements         1
                    of the electoral commissioner relating to the conduct of an election.                 2

[8]   Sections 23P and 23Q                                                                                3

      Insert in Part 4 before section 24:                                                                 4

      23P     Delegation                                                                                  5

                    The Minister may delegate the exercise of any function of the Minister under          6
                    this Act (other than this power of delegation) to:                                    7
                     (a) the Secretary of the Department, or                                              8
                    (b) another employee of the Department who is a Public Service senior                 9
                          executive within the meaning of the Government Sector Employment               10
                          Act 2013.                                                                      11

      23Q     Act prevails over constitution                                                             12

                    This Act prevails to the extent of any inconsistency between this Act and the        13
                    constitution.                                                                        14

[9]   Schedules 1 and 2                                                                                  15

      Insert after section 24:                                                                           16

      Schedule 1                 Provisions relating to board and executive                              17
                                 committee                                                               18

                                                                         (Sections 11 (3) and 12A (5))   19

      Part 1        The board                                                                            20

          1   General procedure                                                                          21

              (1)   The procedure for the calling of meetings of the board and for the conduct of        22
                    business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the constitution, to be as    23
                    determined by the board.                                                             24

              (2)   The board must hold a meeting of the board at least once every 2 months.             25

          2   Quorum                                                                                     26

                    The quorum for a meeting of the board is a majority of its members for the time      27
                    being.                                                                               28

          3   Presiding member                                                                           29

              (1)   The president (or, in the absence of the president, a person elected by the          30
                    members of the board who are present at a meeting of the board) is to preside        31
                    at a meeting of the board.                                                           32

              (2)   The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality        33
                    of votes, has a second or casting vote.                                              34

          4   Voting                                                                                     35

              (1)   A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the board       36
                    at which a quorum is present is the decision of the federation, other than to the    37
                    extent the decision is inconsistent with this Act, the constitution or a decision    38
                    of the federation made at its annual general meeting.                                39

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              (2)   Subclause (1) is subject to section 10.                                                1

          5   Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone                                     2

              (1)   The board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation of    3
                    papers among all the members of the board for the time being, and a resolution         4
                    in writing approved in writing by a majority of those members is taken to be a         5
                    decision of the board.                                                                 6

              (2)   The board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a meeting at which    7
                    members (or some members) participate by telephone, closed-circuit                     8
                    television or other means, but only if any member who speaks on a matter               9
                    before the meeting can be heard by the other members.                                 10

              (3)   For the purposes of:                                                                  11
                     (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or                             12
                    (b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),                                  13
                    the president and each member have the same voting rights as they have at an          14
                    ordinary meeting of the board.                                                        15

              (4)   A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to this Act, to be              16
                    recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the board.                                 17

              (5)   Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of                        18
                    subclause (1) by facsimile, email or other transmission of the information in         19
                    the papers concerned.                                                                 20

              (6)   Subclause (1) is subject to section 10.                                               21

          6   First meeting                                                                               22

                    The administrator may call the first meeting of the board in such manner as the       23
                    administrator thinks fit.                                                             24

          7   Allowances                                                                                  25

                    A councillor is entitled to be paid allowances, in accordance with the                26
                    constitution, for the reimbursement of costs incurred by the councillor in his        27
                    or her capacity as a member of the board.                                             28

      Part 2        The executive committee                                                               29

          8   Terms of office                                                                             30

              (1)   A member of the executive committee holds office on the terms not provided            31
                    for in this Act that are specified in the constitution.                               32

              (2)   A member of the executive committee is entitled to be paid allowances, in             33
                    accordance with the constitution, for the reimbursement of costs incurred by          34
                    the member in his or her capacity as a member.                                        35

          9   Vacancy in office of member                                                                 36

                    The office of a member of the executive committee becomes vacant if the               37
                    member:                                                                               38
                    (a) ceases to be a councillor, or                                                     39
                    (b) completes a term of office and is not re-elected by the board, or                 40
                    (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the board, or            41

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

                    (d)   is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the executive committee of           1
                          which reasonable notice has been given to the member personally or by         2
                          post, except on leave granted by the board or unless the member is            3
                          excused by the board for having been absent from those meetings, or           4
                    (e)   is removed from office in accordance with the constitution.                   5

       10    President, secretary and other office holders                                              6

             (1)   The president, secretary or other office holder of the executive committee           7
                   vacates the person's office if he or she:                                            8
                   (a) is removed from office by the board, or                                          9
                   (b) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the board, or          10
                   (c) ceases to be a member of the executive committee.                               11

             (2)   The board may remove the president, secretary or other office holder from           12
                   office at a meeting of the board if written notice of the resolution to remove      13
                   the office holder from office has been given to each member of the board at         14
                   least 1 month before the meeting is held.                                           15

       11    Filling of vacancy in office of member                                                    16

                   If the office of a member of the executive committee becomes vacant                 17
                   (otherwise than by the expiration of the term of office), the board is to appoint   18
                   a councillor to fill the vacancy.                                                   19

       12    General procedure                                                                         20

                   The procedure for the calling of meetings of the executive committee and for        21
                   the conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the           22
                   constitution, to be as determined by the committee.                                 23

       13    Quorum                                                                                    24

                   The quorum for a meeting of the executive committee is a majority of its            25
                   members for the time being.                                                         26

       14    Presiding member                                                                          27

             (1)   The president (or, in the absence of the president, a person elected by the         28
                   members of the executive committee who are present at a meeting of the              29
                   committee) is to preside at a meeting of the committee.                             30

             (2)   The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality       31
                   of votes, has a second or casting vote.                                             32

       15    Voting                                                                                    33

                   A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the            34
                   executive committee at which a quorum is present is the decision of the             35
                   federation, other than to the extent the decision is inconsistent with this Act,    36
                   the constitution or a decision of the federation made at its annual general         37
                   meeting.                                                                            38

       16    Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone                                  39

             (1)   The executive committee may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by      40
                   the circulation of papers among all the members of the committee for the time       41
                   being, and a resolution in writing approved in writing by a majority of those       42
                   members is taken to be a decision of the committee.                                 43

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              (2)   The executive committee may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a     1
                    meeting at which members (or some members) participate by telephone,                 2
                    closed-circuit television or other means, but only if any member who speaks          3
                    on a matter before the meeting can be heard by the other members.                    4

              (3)   For the purposes of:                                                                 5
                     (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or                            6
                    (b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),                                 7
                    the president and each member have the same voting rights as they have at an         8
                    ordinary meeting of the executive committee.                                         9

              (4)   A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to this Act, to be            10
                    recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the executive committee.                 11

              (5)   Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of                      12
                    subclause (1) by facsimile, email or other transmission of the information in       13
                    the papers concerned.                                                               14

      Schedule 2              Savings, transitional and other provisions                                15

      Part 1        General                                                                             16

          1   Regulations                                                                               17

              (1)   The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature          18
                    consequent on the enactment of the Parents and Citizens Associations                19
                    Incorporation Amendment Act 2014 or any other Act that amends this Act.             20

              (2)   Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the         21
                    date of commencement of the Act concerned.                                          22

              (3)   To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is          23
                    earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website, the        24
                    provision does not operate so as:                                                   25
                    (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or       26
                           an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the    27
                           date of its publication, or                                                  28
                    (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority       29
                           of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the   30
                           date of its publication.                                                     31

      Part 2        Provisions consequent on enactment of the                                           32
                    Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation                                     33
                    Amendment Act 2014                                                                  34

      Division 1            Preliminary                                                                 35

          2   Definitions                                                                               36

                    In this Part:                                                                       37
                    administration day means the day the administrator of the federation is             38
                    appointed by the Minister.                                                          39
                    administration period--see clause 3 (2).                                            40

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

                    administrator means the person appointed as the administrator of the               1
                    federation under this Part.                                                        2
                    former corporation--see section 4 (2).                                             3

      Division 2          Administrator                                                                4

          3   Appointment of administrator                                                             5

              (1)   The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, appoint a person as the      6
                    administrator of the federation.                                                   7

              (2)   Subject to this Act, the administrator holds office for the period (the            8
                    administration period) provided for in the administrator's instrument of           9
                    appointment.                                                                      10

              (3)   The period referred to in subclause (2) must not be more than 12 months.          11

          4   Legal status and functions of administrator                                             12

              (1)   The administrator is taken to be the federation for all purposes under this Act   13
                    during the administration period.                                                 14

              (2)   The administrator has and may exercise all the functions of the federation, the   15
                    board and the executive committee.                                                16

              (3)   Also, the administrator has the following functions:                              17
                    (a) to assist in conducting the first election of councillors and delegates,      18
                    (b) to assist the first councillors to elect office holders of the executive      19
                           committee,                                                                 20
                    (c) the functions specified in the administrator's instrument of                  21
                           appointment,                                                               22
                    (d) the functions the Minister, by written notice given to the administrator,     23
                           confers on the administrator for the purpose of exercising or carrying     24
                           out his or her other functions and responsibilities.                       25

              (4)   Without limiting this clause, the administrator acting alone may execute a        26
                    document, or execute a document as a deed, of the federation during the           27
                    administration period.                                                            28

              (5)   Subclauses (2)-(4) apply subject to the terms and conditions on which the         29
                    administrator holds office and any direction given to the administrator under     30
                    clause 6.                                                                         31

          5   Terms and conditions of appointment                                                     32

              (1)   The administrator may be paid the remuneration and allowances decided by          33
                    the Minister.                                                                     34

              (2)   The administrator holds office on the terms and conditions, not provided by       35
                    this Act, that are decided by the Minister.                                       36

          6   Directions of Minister                                                                  37

              (1)   The Minister may give the administrator a written direction about the exercise    38
                    of the administrator's functions or the carrying out of the administrator's       39
                    responsibilities.                                                                 40

              (2)   The administrator must comply with a direction given under subclause (1).         41

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976 No 50

          7   Obligation to give documents to administrator                                              1
              (1)   The administrator may, by notice in writing given to a person who goes out of        2
                    office under clause 14, require the person to give the administrator any             3
                    document in the person's possession or control that relates to the operation or      4
                    business of the federation.                                                          5

              (2)   The notice must specify:                                                             6
                    (a) the reasonable time and the reasonable way in which the document is to           7
                          be given, and                                                                  8
                    (b) the document or type of document required to be given.                           9

              (3)   A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with a                 10
                    requirement made of the person under this clause.                                   11
                    Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.                                                  12

          8   Administrator not bound by constitution                                                   13

                    The administrator is not bound by the constitution in the exercise of the           14
                    administrator's functions or the carrying out of the administrator's                15
                    responsibilities.                                                                   16

          9   Administrator to give report to Minister                                                  17

                    The administrator must, if asked by the Minister, give the Minister a written       18
                    report about the exercise of the administrator's functions or the carrying out of   19
                    the administrator's responsibilities.                                               20

       10     Personal liability                                                                        21

                    A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the administrator or a person       22
                    acting under the direction of the administrator does not, if the matter or thing    23
                    was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purpose of executing this      24
                    or any other Act, subject the administrator or a person so acting personally to     25
                    any action, liability, claim or demand.                                             26

       11     Application of Act during administration period                                           27

                    This Act applies with any necessary changes for the purpose of the exercise of      28
                    the functions of the federation, the board or the executive committee by the        29
                    administrator during the administration period.                                     30

       12     Regulations                                                                               31

                    The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the administrator         32
                    and the exercise of the administrator's functions or the carrying out of the        33
                    administrator's responsibilities.                                                   34

      Division 3          Other provisions                                                              35

       13     Continuation of federation membership                                                     36

                    A parents and citizens association, person or other entity that, immediately        37
                    before the administration day, was a member of the former corporation               38
                    continues to be a member of the federation.                                         39

       14     Governing body and office holders of former corporation                                   40

              (1)   On the administration day:                                                          41
                    (a) any governing body (whatever called), committee or sub-committee of             42
                          the former corporation is dissolved, and                                      43

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                    (b)   any person who, immediately before the administration day, was the            1
                          holder of an office or purported to be the holder of an office (whatever      2
                          called) in a governing body, committee or sub-committee referred to in        3
                          paragraph (a) goes out of office.                                             4

             (2)   No compensation is payable to a person because of subclause (1).                     5

       15    Ending of former constitution                                                              6

                   When the constitution of the federation is declared under section 9, the             7
                   document that, immediately before the declaration, was the constitution of the       8
                   federation ceases to have any force or effect in relation to the federation.         9

       16    Amendment of constitution during transition period                                        10

             (1)   The Minister may amend the constitution during the transition period by             11
                   publishing notice of the amendment in the Gazette.                                  12

             (2)   The Minister must give notice of the amendment to the board as soon as              13
                   practicable after it is published.                                                  14

             (3)   Despite section 10, the board cannot amend the constitution under that section      15
                   until after the end of the transition period.                                       16

       17    First annual general meeting                                                              17

                   Section 12E (1) does not apply in relation to the federation until the day after    18
                   the end of the administration period.                                               19

       18    Public liability insurance                                                                20

                   Section 19 as amended by the Parents and Citizens Associations                      21
                   Incorporation Amendment Act 2014 does not apply in relation to a parents and        22
                   citizens association until the day that is 2 years after the commencement of that   23
                   section.                                                                            24

       19    Continuation of employment                                                                25

             (1)   This clause applies to a person who, immediately before the administration          26
                   day, was an employee of the former corporation.                                     27

             (2)   On and from the administration day, the person is taken to be employed by the       28
                   federation on the same terms and conditions on which the person was                 29
                   employed by the former corporation.                                                 30

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