(1) The registered officer for a political party may apply to the returning officer to arrange for the name of the party as registered in the Local Government Register of Political Parties, or the abbreviation of the name as so registered, to be printed adjacent to the name of a candidate on the ballot-papers for an election to civic office, but only if the candidate has been endorsed for that election by the party.
(2) A candidate at an election is taken to have been endorsed for the election by a political party registered in the Local Government Register of Political Parties only if--(a) the candidate is stated by the registered officer for the party to be so endorsed, or(b) the name of the candidate is included in a statement that is signed by the registered officer for the party, sets out the names of the candidates endorsed by the party for the election and is given to the returning officer before noon on the day for the nomination of candidates at the election, or(c) the returning officer is satisfied, after making such inquiries as the returning officer thinks appropriate, that the candidate is so endorsed.
(3) A candidate for an election who has been endorsed by two or more political parties is taken to have been endorsed--(a) by the political party whose registered officer nominated the candidate, if the candidate was nominated by the registered officer, or(b) by the political party whose registered officer applied for the endorsement, if paragraph (a) does not apply, or(c) in any other case, by the political party specified by the candidate in a notice given to the returning officer.
(4) An application under this section must be in writing signed by the applicant and delivered to the returning officer before noon on the day for the nomination of candidates at the election.
(5) An application under this section may be withdrawn by the candidate by written notice to the returning officer before noon on the day for nomination.