(1) If an eligible pensioner is the person solely liable, or a person jointly liable with one or more other persons, for a rate or charge levied on land on which a dwelling is situated, the rate or charge is, on application to the council and on production to the council of evidence sufficient to enable it to calculate the amount of the reduction, to be reduced in accordance with this section.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the amount by which a rate or charge is required to be reduced is--(a) if the person making the application is, on the date on which the rate or charge is levied, an eligible pensioner who is solely liable or jointly liable with one or more jointly eligible occupiers but with no other person for the rate or charge--one-half of the rate or charge, or(b) if the person making the application is, on the date on which the rate or charge is levied, an eligible pensioner who is jointly liable with one other person who is not a jointly eligible occupier, or with two or more other persons, any of whom is not a jointly eligible occupier for the rate or charge--an amount that bears to one-half of the rate or charge the same proportion as the part of that rate or charge for which, as between all persons liable to pay the rate or charge, the applicant and any jointly eligible occupier are liable bears to the whole of that rate or charge.
(3) The total amount by which--(a) all ordinary rates and charges for domestic waste management services levied on any land for the same year are reduced is not to exceed $250, and(b) all water supply special rates or charges so levied are reduced is not to exceed $87.50, and(c) all sewerage special rates or charges so levied are reduced is not to exceed $87.50.However, if subsection (2)(b) applies, the maximum amounts specified in this subsection are to be proportionately reduced in line with the proportion applicable under subsection (2)(b).
(4) If a person becomes an eligible pensioner after the day on which a rate or charge is made and levied, the person is entitled to a reduction under this section of the rate or charge proportionate to the number of full quarters remaining after the day on which the person becomes an eligible pensioner in the year for which the rate or charge is made.
(5) A person who is an eligible pensioner or a jointly eligible occupier is, to the extent to which any rate or charge that, but for this section, would be payable by the person is reduced under this section, discharged from liability as between that person and any other person jointly liable to pay the rate or charge.