(cf Gen Act, s 7)
(1) Subject to any statutory rules made for the purposes of subsection (2), if more than one person is the responsible person for a vehicle at any one time, a reference in any relevant legislation to the responsible person for a vehicle within the meaning of this Act or any other road transport legislation is taken to include a reference to each person who is a responsible person for such a vehicle.
(2) The statutory rules may provide for the determination of the respective rights, liabilities and obligations of each responsible person for a vehicle under any relevant legislation, but only with the concurrence of the Minister administering the relevant legislation.
(3) In this section--
"relevant legislation" means--(a) a provision of the road transport legislation, or(b) a provision of any other Act (or a provision of a statutory rule made under any such Act) concerned with the responsible person for a vehicle within the meaning of this Act or any other road transport legislation.