(1) The Secretary may issue guidelines, not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, to assist operators of retirement villages in complying with their obligations under the following provisions of this Act--(a) section 58A (2) (a), (b) and (b1),(b) section 58B (Annual emergency evacuation exercises and key safety information display),(c) section 69A (Right to request resident's current village contract information meeting),(d) section 101A (Asset management plans),(e) Subdivision 1 (Auditing of accounts) of Division 6 of Part 7,(f) section 129 (How and when residence right or contract is terminated),(g) section 152 (Recurrent charges for general services: registered interest holders),(h) Part 10AA (Payments if certain residential premises not sold).
(2) The guidelines--(a) may be amended, revoked or replaced, and(b) are to be published in the Gazette.
(3) The Tribunal may take into account guidelines that relate to a provision of this Act in determining whether or not the operator of a retirement village has complied with the provision.