(1) A notice or other document required to be given under this Act or the regulations to a resident of a retirement village may be given--(a) by delivering it personally to the resident, or(b) by sending it by post to the residential premises occupied by the resident and addressed to the resident, or(b1) by email to an email address specified by the resident for the service of documents of that kind, or(b2) by other electronic means to an address or location specified by the resident for the service of documents of that kind, or(c) in such other manner as may be prescribed for the purposes of this section or approved by the Tribunal.
(2) A notice or other document required to be given to the operator of a retirement village under this Act or the regulations may be given--(a) by delivering it personally to the operator, or(b) by sending it by post to the operator's usual place of business, or(b1) by email to an email address specified by the operator for the service of documents of that kind, or(b2) by other electronic means to an address or location specified by the operator for the service of documents of that kind, or(c) in such other manner as may be prescribed for the purposes of this section or approved by the Tribunal.
(3) If a notice or other document referred to in this section is sent by post, it is taken to have been received (unless evidence sufficient to raise doubt is adduced to the contrary) on the second business day after it was posted.