(1) At least 1 off-street car parking space, being an open hard stand space or a carport or garage, must be provided on a lot unless--(a) the lot has a width of less than 8m measured at the building line, or(b) the complying development is the alteration of, or an addition to, a dwelling house and the lot does not contain an off-street car parking space, or(c) the complying development is the erection or alteration of, or an addition to, attached development and the lot does not contain an off-street car parking space.
(2) All off-street car parking spaces and vehicle access must comply with AS/NZS 2890.1:2004, Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking .
(3) The off-street car parking space for a battle-axe lot must be constructed so that vehicles can leave the lot in a forward direction.
(4) An attached garage may only be erected on a lot that has a width of less than 8m measured at the building line if the garage is accessed only from a secondary road, parallel road or lane.
(5) An attached garage, carport or car parking space accessed from a primary road must have a minimum setback as shown in the following table--
Setback of dwelling house from primary road Minimum off-street parking setback from primary road <4.5m 5.5m 4.5m or more 1m or more behind the building line of the dwelling house
(6) The maximum width of all garage door openings facing a primary, secondary or parallel road is shown in the following table--
Lot width Maximum width of garage door openings 8m-12m 3.2m >12m 6m
Note 1--:
"Attached" ,
"battle-axe lot" ,
"building line" ,
"detached" ,
"hard stand space" ,
"lane" ,
"parallel road" ,
"primary road" ,
"secondary road" and
"setback" are defined in clause 1.5.
Note 2--: Clause 2.28 applies to the construction or installation of a driveway as exempt development.
Note 3--: Alterations or additions to a garage or carport that is forward of the building line is not complying development under this code (see clause 3.2(1)(g)).