(1) Car parking and vehicle access requirements All off-street car parking spaces and vehicle access must comply with AS/NZS 2890.1:2004, Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking .
(2) Primary road setbacks A detached garage or carport that is accessed from a primary road must have a minimum setback as shown in the following table--
Primary road setback of dwelling house Minimum required garage or carport setback from primary road <4.5m 5.5m 4.5m or more At least 1m behind the building line of the building that is the residential accommodation to which the garage or carport relates
(3) Secondary and parallel road setbacks A detached garage or carport on a corner lot must have a minimum setback from a secondary road or parallel road as shown in the following table--
Lot area Minimum setback from secondary or parallel road 400m 2 -600m 2 2m >600m 2 -1,500m 2 3m >1,500m 2 5m
(4) Rear setbacks A detached garage or carport must have a minimum setback from the rear boundary as shown in the following table--
Lot area Building height at that point Minimum setback from rear boundary 400m 2 -900m 2 0m-4.5m 900mm >900m 2 -1,500m 2 0m-4.5m 1.5m >1,500m 2 0m-4.5m 2.5m
(5) Built to rear boundary Despite subclause (4), a detached garage or carport of masonry construction may be built to the rear boundary if there is a wall of a building on the adjoining lot within 900mm of that boundary, the wall is of masonry construction and does not have a window facing that boundary.
(6) Building separation A detached garage must be at least 3m from any building that is residential accommodation on the same lot.
(7) Maximum width of garage doors The maximum width of all detached garage and carport door openings (except where the garage or carport is to the rear of the building that is residential accommodation to which it relates) facing a primary, secondary or parallel road is 6m.
Note 1--:
"Boundary wall" ,
"building line" ,
"corner lot" ,
"detached" ,
"dwelling house" ,
"gross floor area" ,
"lane" ,
"parallel road" ,
"primary road" ,
"secondary road" and
"setback" are defined in clause 1.5.
Note 2--:
"Building height" and
"ground level (existing)" have the same meanings as they have in the Standard Instrument.