The following development is specified for this code--
(a) the installation or extension of a fire sprinkler system in a residential care facility, within the meaning of the Standard Instrument,
(b) alteration to a hydraulic fire safety system for the purposes only of the installation or modification of--(i) a fire main or other pipe work, or(ii) a fire water storage tank, or(iii) a fixed on-site fire pump set, or(iv) a fire brigade's booster connection,
(c) the construction or installation of a new external pump house or enclosure to accommodate a fixed on-site fire pump set and associated pipe work,
(d) the internal or external alteration of, or addition to, an existing building for--(i) the construction or installation of a pump house or enclosure to accommodate a fixed on-site fire pump set and associated pipe work, or(ii) the installation or extension of a fire sprinkler system in a residential care facility, or(iii) an alteration to a hydraulic fire safety system, or(iv) fire alarm communication works,
(e) fire alarm communication link work for--(i) the installation of a fire alarm communication link to connect with the fire alarm monitoring network of a private service provider, or(ii) the conversion of a fire alarm communication link from a connection with the fire alarm monitoring network of a private service provider to the fire alarm monitoring network of another private service provider, or(iii) the conversion of a fire alarm communication link from a connection with the fire alarm monitoring network of a private service provider to another fire alarm monitoring network of the private service provider.
Note--: Development to which section 100B(1) of the Rural Fires Act 1997 applies is not complying development under this Policy.