(cf SCR Part 25, rule 1; DCR Part 23, rule 1; LCR Part 20, rule 1)
(1) This Division applies to proceedings in which--(a) a person's physical or mental condition is relevant to a matter in question, and(b) either--(i) that person is a party, or(ii) that person is a person for whose benefit a party is claiming relief under the Compensation to Relatives Act 1897 .
(2) In this Division--
"first party" means the party referred to in subrule (1)(b).
"medical examination" includes any examination by a medical expert but does not include tests referred to in Division 2.
"medical expert" includes dentist, medical practitioner, occupational therapist, optometrist, physiotherapist and psychologist.
"notice for medical examination" means a notice referred to in rule 23.2(1).
"person concerned" means the person referred to in subrule (1)(a) (whether or not the first party) whose physical or mental condition is relevant to a matter in question.