New South Wales Repealed Regulations

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This legislation has been repealed.


SCHEDULE 1 – Model by-laws

(Clause 23)

Residential Schemes

1 Noise

An owner or occupier of a lot must not create any noise on a lot or the common property likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or of any person lawfully using common property.

2 Vehicles

An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

3 Obstruction of common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.

4 Damage to lawns and plants on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation:

(a) damage any lawn, garden, tree, shrub, plant or flower being part of or situated on common property, or
(b) use for his or her own purposes as a garden any portion of the common property.

5 Damage to common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise any additions to the common property.
(3) This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
(a) any locking or other safety device for protection of the owner's lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner's lot, or
(b) any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot, or
(c) any structure or device to prevent harm to children, or
(d) any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner's lot.
(4) Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building.
(5) Despite section 62, the owner of a lot must:
(a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
(b) repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.

6 Behaviour of owners and occupiers

An owner or occupier of a lot when on common property must be adequately clothed and must not use language or behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to the owner or occupier of another lot or to any person lawfully using common property.

7 Children playing on common property in building

An owner or occupier of a lot must not permit any child of whom the owner or occupier has control to play on common property within the building or, unless accompanied by an adult exercising effective control, to be or to remain on common property comprising a laundry, car parking area or other area of possible danger or hazard to children.

8 Behaviour of invitees

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.

9 Depositing rubbish and other material on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

10 Drying of laundry items

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, hang any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article on any part of the parcel in such a way as to be visible from outside the building other than on any lines provided by the owners corporation for the purpose and there only for a reasonable period.

11 Cleaning windows and doors

An owner or occupier of a lot must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lot, including so much as is common property, unless:

(a) the owners corporation resolves that it will keep the glass or specified part of the glass clean, or
(b) that glass or part of the glass cannot be accessed by the owner or occupier of the lot safely or at all.

12 Storage of inflammable liquids and other substances and materials

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, use or store on the lot or on the common property any inflammable chemical, liquid or gas or other inflammable material.
(2) This by-law does not apply to chemicals, liquids, gases or other material used or intended to be used for domestic purposes, or any chemical, liquid, gas or other material in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle or internal combustion engine.

13 Moving furniture and other objects on or through common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not transport any furniture or large object through or on common property within the building unless sufficient notice has first been given to the executive committee so as to enable the executive committee to arrange for its nominee to be present at the time when the owner or occupier does so.
(2) An owners corporation may resolve that furniture or large objects are to be transported through or on the common property (whether in the building or not) in a specified manner.
(3) If the owners corporation has specified, by resolution, the manner in which furniture or large objects are to be transported, an owner or occupier of a lot must not transport any furniture or large object through or on common property except in accordance with that resolution.

14 Floor coverings

(1) An owner of a lot must ensure that all floor space within the lot is covered or otherwise treated to an extent sufficient to prevent the transmission from the floor space of noise likely to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot.
(2) This by-law does not apply to floor space comprising a kitchen, laundry, lavatory or bathroom.

15 Garbage disposal

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that does not have shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must maintain such receptacles within the lot, or on such part of the common property as may be authorised by the owners corporation, in clean and dry condition and (except in the case of receptacles for recyclable material) adequately covered, and
(b) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(c) for the purpose of having the garbage, recyclable material or waste collected, must place the receptacles within an area designated for that purpose by the owners corporation and at a time not more than 12 hours before the time at which garbage, recyclable material or waste is normally collected, and
(d) when the garbage, recyclable material or waste has been collected, must promptly return the receptacles to the lot or other area referred to in paragraph (a),
(e) must not place any thing in the receptacles of the owner or occupier of any other lot except with the permission of that owner or occupier, and
(f) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled from the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(2) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that has shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(b) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled in the area of the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.

16 Keeping of animals

Note: Select option A, B or C. If no option is selected, option A will apply.
Option A
(1) Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, keep any animal (except fish kept in a secure aquarium on the lot) on the lot or the common property.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval of the keeping of an animal on a lot or the common property.
Option B
(1) Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, keep any animal (except a cat, a small dog or a small caged bird, or fish kept in a secure aquarium on the lot) on the lot or the common property.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval of the keeping of an animal on a lot or the common property.
(3) If an owner or occupier of a lot keeps a cat, small dog or small caged bird on the lot then the owner or occupier must:
(a) notify the owners corporation that the animal is being kept on the lot, and
(b) keep the animal within the lot, and
(c) carry the animal when it is on the common property, and
(d) take such action as may be necessary to clean all areas of the lot or the common property that are soiled by the animal.
Option C Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a residential lot must not keep any animal on the lot or the common property.

17 Appearance of lot

(1) The owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.
(2) This by-law does not apply to the hanging of any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article as referred to in by-law 10.

18 Change in use of lot to be notified

An occupier of a lot must notify the owners corporation if the occupier changes the existing use of the lot in a way that may affect the insurance premiums for the strata scheme (for example, if the change of use results in a hazardous activity being carried out on the lot, or results in the lot being used for commercial or industrial purposes rather than residential purposes).

19 Provision of amenities or services

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
(a) window cleaning,
(b) garbage disposal and recycling services,
(c) electricity, water or gas supply,
(d) telecommunication services (for example, cable television).
(2) If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.
Note: Section 111 of the Act provides that an owners corporation may enter into an agreement with an owner or occupier of a lot for the provision of amenities or services by it to the lot or to the owner or occupier.

Retirement Village Schemes

1 Noise

An owner or occupier of a lot must not create any noise on a lot or the common property likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or of any person lawfully using common property.

2 Vehicles

An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

3 Obstruction of common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.

4 Damage to lawns and plants on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation:

(a) damage any lawn, garden, tree, shrub, plant or flower being part of or situated on common property, or
(b) use for his or her own purposes as a garden any portion of the common property.

5 Damage to common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise any additions to the common property.
(3) This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
(a) any locking or other safety device for protection of the owner's lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner's lot, or
(b) any health or medical equipment that is necessary to preserve the health or well-being of the occupier of the lot, or
(c) any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot, or
(d) any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner's lot.
(4) Any such locking or safety device, equipment, screen or other device must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building.
(5) Despite section 62, the owner of a lot must:
(a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
(b) repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, equipment, screen or other device referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.

6 Behaviour of owners and occupiers

An owner or occupier of a lot when on common property must be adequately clothed and must not use language or behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to the owner or occupier of another lot or to any person lawfully using common property.

7 Behaviour of invitees

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.

8 Depositing rubbish and other material on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

9 Drying of laundry items

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, hang any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article on any part of the parcel in such a way as to be visible from outside the building other than on any lines provided by the owners corporation for the purpose and there only for a reasonable period.

10 Cleaning windows and doors

An owner or occupier of a lot must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lot, including so much as is common property, unless:

(a) the owners corporation resolves that it will keep the glass or specified part of the glass clean, or
(b) that glass or part of the glass cannot be accessed by the owner or occupier of the lot safely or at all.

11 Storage of inflammable liquids and other substances and materials

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, use or store on the lot or on the common property any inflammable chemical, liquid or gas or other inflammable material.
(2) This by-law does not apply to chemicals, liquids, gases or other material used or intended to be used for domestic purposes, or any chemical, liquid, gas or other material in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle or internal combustion engine.

12 Moving furniture and other objects on or through common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not transport any furniture or large object through or on common property within the building unless sufficient notice has first been given to the executive committee so as to enable the executive committee to arrange for its nominee to be present at the time when the owner or occupier does so.
(2) An owners corporation may resolve that furniture or large objects are to be transported through or on the common property (whether in the building or not) in a specified manner.
(3) If the owners corporation has specified, by resolution, the manner in which furniture or large objects are to be transported, then an owner or occupier of a lot must not transport any furniture or large object through or on common property except in accordance with that resolution.

13 Floor coverings

(1) An owner of a lot must ensure that all floor space within the lot is covered or otherwise treated to an extent sufficient to prevent the transmission from the floor space of noise likely to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot.
(2) This by-law does not apply to floor space comprising a kitchen, laundry, lavatory or bathroom.

14 Garbage disposal

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that does not have shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must maintain such receptacles within the lot, or on such part of the common property as may be authorised by the owners corporation, in clean and dry condition and (except in the case of receptacles for recyclable material) adequately covered, and
(b) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(c) for the purpose of having the garbage, recyclable material or waste collected, must place the receptacles within an area designated for that purpose by the owners corporation and at a time not more than 12 hours before the time at which garbage, recyclable material or waste is normally collected, and
(d) when the garbage, recyclable material or waste has been collected, must promptly return the receptacles to the lot or other area referred to in paragraph (a), and
(e) must not place any thing in the receptacles of the owner or occupier of any other lot except with the permission of that owner or occupier, and
(f) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled from the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(2) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that has shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped, or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(b) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled in the area of the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.

15 Keeping of animals

Note: Select option A, B or C. If no option is selected, option A will apply.
Option A
(1) Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, keep any animal (except fish kept in a secure aquarium on the lot) on the lot or the common property.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval of the keeping of an animal on a lot or the common property.
Option B
(1) Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, keep any animal (except a cat, a small dog, a small caged bird or except fish kept in a secure aquarium kept on the lot) on the lot or the common property.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval of the keeping of an animal on a lot or the common property.
(3) If an owner or occupier of a lot keeps a cat, small dog or small caged bird on the lot then the owner or occupier must:
(a) notify the owners corporation that the animal is being kept on the lot, and
(b) keep the animal within the lot, and
(c) carry the animal when it is on the common property, and
(d) take such action as may be necessary to clean all areas of the lot or the common property that are soiled by the animal.
Option C Subject to section 49 (4), the owner or occupier of a residential lot must not keep any animal on the lot or the common property.

16 Appearance of lot

(1) The owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.
(2) This by-law does not apply to the hanging of any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article as referred to in by-law 9.

17 Change in use of lot to be notified

An occupier of a lot must notify the owners corporation if the occupier changes the existing use of the lot in a way that may affect the insurance premiums for the strata scheme (for example, if the change of use results in a hazardous activity being carried out on the lot, or results in the lot being used for commercial or industrial purposes rather than residential purposes).

18 Provision of amenities or services

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
(a) medical and nursing services,
(b) emergency response services,
(c) meals,
(d) domestic services,
(e) window cleaning,
(f) transportation,
(g) garbage disposal and recycling services,
(h) electricity, water or gas supply,
(i) telecommunication services (for example, cable television).
(2) If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.
Note: Section 111 of the Act provides that an owners corporation may enter into an agreement with an owner or occupier of a lot for the provision of amenities or services by it to the lot or to the owner or occupier.

Industrial Schemes

1 Vehicles

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval to the parking or standing of a motor vehicle on the common property.

2 Obstruction of common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.

3 Damage to common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise any additions to the common property.
(3) This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
(a) any locking or other safety device for protection of the owner's lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner's lot, or
(b) any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot, or
(c) any sign to advertise the activities of the occupier of the lot, or
(d) any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner's lot.
(4) Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or sign must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, consistent with any guidelines established by the owners corporation about such installations or, in the absence of guidelines, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building.
(5) Despite section 62, the owner of a lot must:
(a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
(b) repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or sign referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.

4 Children on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not permit any child of whom the owner or occupier has control to remain on common property, unless accompanied by an adult exercising effective control.

5 Behaviour of invitees

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.

6 Depositing rubbish and other material on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the written approval of the owners corporation.

7 Cleaning windows and doors

An owner or occupier of a lot must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lot, including so much as is common property, unless:

(a) the owners corporation resolves that it will keep the glass or specified part of the glass clean, or
(b) that glass or part of the glass cannot be accessed by the owner or occupier of the lot safely or at all.

8 Garbage disposal

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that does not have shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must maintain such receptacles within the lot, or on such part of the common property as may be authorised by the owners corporation, in clean and dry condition and (except in the case of receptacles for recyclable material) adequately covered, and
(b) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(c) for the purpose of having the garbage, recyclable material or waste collected, must place the receptacles within an area designated for that purpose by the owners corporation and at a time not more than 12 hours before the time at which garbage, recyclable material or waste is normally collected, and
(d) when the garbage, recyclable material or waste has been collected, must promptly return the receptacles to the lot or other area referred to in paragraph (a), and
(e) must not place any thing in the receptacles of the owner or occupier of any other lot except with the permission of that owner or occupier, and
(f) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled from the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(2) Subclause (1) does not require an owner or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant law applying to the disposal of such waste.
(3) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that has shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(b) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled in the area of the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(4) Subclause (3) does not require an owner or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant law applying to the disposal of such waste.

9 Appearance of lot

The owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.

10 Change in use of lot to be notified

An occupier of a lot must notify the owners corporation if the occupier changes the existing use of the lot in a way that may affect the insurance premiums for the strata scheme (for example, if the change of use results in a hazardous activity being carried out on the lot).

11 Preservation of fire safety

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.

12 Prevention of hazards

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to create a hazard or danger to the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using the common property.

13 Provision of amenities or services

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
(a) security services,
(b) promotional services,
(c) cleaning,
(d) garbage disposal and recycling services,
(e) electricity, water or gas supply,
(f) telecommunication services (for example, cable television).
(2) If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.
Note: Section 111 of the Act provides that an owners corporation may enter into an agreement with an owner or occupier of a lot for the provision of amenities or services by it to the lot or to the owner or occupier.

Hotel/Resort Schemes

1 Vehicles

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval to the parking or standing of a motor vehicle on the common property.

2 Obstruction of common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.

3 Damage to common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property without the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise any additions to the common property.
(3) This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
(a) any locking or other safety device for protection of the owner's lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner's lot, or
(b) any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot, or
(c) any structure or device to prevent harm to children, or
(d) any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner's lot.
(4) Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, consistent with any guidelines established by the owners corporation about such installations or, in the absence of guidelines, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building.
(5) Despite section 62, the owner of a lot must:
(a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
(b) repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.

4 Behaviour of owners and occupiers

An owner or occupier of a lot when on common property must be adequately clothed and must not use language or behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to the owner or occupier of another lot or to any person lawfully using common property.

5 Behaviour of invitees

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.

6 Depositing rubbish and other material on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

7 Cleaning windows and doors

The owners corporation must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lots, whether common property or part of a lot.

8 Storage of inflammable liquids and other substances and materials

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, use or store on the lot or on the common property any inflammable chemical, liquid or gas or other inflammable material.
(2) This by-law does not apply to chemicals, liquids, gases or other material used or intended to be used for domestic purposes, or any chemical, liquid, gas or other material in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle or internal combustion engine.

9 Keeping of animals

Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a lot must not keep any animal on the lot or the common property.

10 Appearance of lot

The owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.

11 Preservation of fire safety

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.

12 Provision of amenities or services

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
(a) electricity, water or gas supply,
(b) telecommunication services (for example, cable television).
(2) If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.
Note: Section 111 of the Act provides that an owners corporation may enter into an agreement with an owner or occupier of a lot for the provision of amenities or services by it to the lot or to the owner or occupier.

Commercial/Retail Schemes

1 Vehicles

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval to the parking or standing of a motor vehicle on the common property.

2 Obstruction of common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis (for example a temporary display).

3 Damage to common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property without the written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise any additions to the common property.
(3) This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
(a) any locking or other safety device for protection of the owner's lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner's lot, or
(b) any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot, or
(c) any sign to advertise the activities of the occupier of the lot if the owners corporation has specified locations for such signs and that sign is installed in the specified locations, or
(d) any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner's lot.
(4) Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or sign must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, consistent with any guidelines established by the owners corporation about such installations or, in the absence of guidelines, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building.
(5) Despite section 62, the owner of a lot must:
(a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
(b) repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or sign referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.

4 Behaviour of invitees

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier (including all customers and staff) do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.

5 Depositing rubbish and other material on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

6 Cleaning windows and doors

The owners corporation must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lots, whether a part of a lot or common property.

7 Garbage disposal

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that does not have shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must maintain such receptacles within the lot, or on such part of the common property as may be authorised by the owners corporation, in clean and dry condition and (except in the case of receptacles for recyclable material) adequately covered, and
(b) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(c) for the purpose of having the garbage, recyclable material or waste collected, must place the receptacles within an area designated for that purpose by the owners corporation and at a time not more than 12 hours before the time at which garbage, recyclable material or waste is normally collected, and
(d) when the garbage, recyclable material or waste has been collected, must promptly return the receptacles to the lot or other area referred to in paragraph (a), and
(e) must not place any thing in the receptacles of the owner or occupier of any other lot except with the permission of that owner or occupier, and
(f) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled from the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(2) Subclause (1) does not require an owner or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant law applying to the disposal of such waste.
(3) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that has shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(b) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled in the area of the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(4) Subclause (3) does not require an owner or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant law applying to the disposal of such waste.

8 Appearance of lot

The owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.

9 Change in use of lot to be notified

An occupier of a lot must notify the owners corporation if the occupier changes the existing use of the lot in a way that may affect the insurance premiums for the strata scheme (for example, if the change of use results in a hazardous activity being carried out on the lot).

10 Preservation of fire safety

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.

11 Prevention of hazards

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to create a hazard or danger to the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using the common property.

12 Provision of amenities or services

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
(a) security services,
(b) promotional services,
(c) advertising,
(d) cleaning,
(e) garbage disposal and recycling services,
(f) electricity, water or gas supply,
(g) telecommunication services (for example, cable television).
(2) If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.
Note: Section 111 of the Act provides that an owners corporation may enter into an agreement with an owner or occupier of a lot for the provision of amenities or services by it to the lot or to the owner or occupier.

13 Controls on hours of operation and use of facilities

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, make any of the following determinations if it considers the determination is appropriate for the control, management, administration, use or enjoyment of the lots or the lots and common property of the strata scheme:
(a) that commercial or business activities may be conducted on a lot or common property only during certain times,
(b) that facilities situated on the common property may be used only during certain times or on certain conditions.
(2) An owner or occupier of a lot must comply with a determination referred to in subclause (1).

Mixed Use Schemes

1 Noise

An owner or occupier of a lot must not create any noise on a lot or the property likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or of any person lawfully using common property.

2 Vehicles

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval to the parking or standing of a motor vehicle on the common property.

3 Obstruction of common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.

4 Damage to lawns and plants on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation:

(a) damage any lawn, garden, tree, shrub, plant or flower being part of or situated on common property, or
(b) use for his or her own purposes as a garden any portion of the common property.

5 Damage to common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property except with the written approval of the owners corporation.
(2) An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise any additions to the common property.
(3) This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
(a) any locking or other safety device for protection of the owner's lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner's lot, or
(b) any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects on the lot, or
(c) any structure or device to prevent harm to children, or
(d) any sign to advertise the activities of the occupier of the lot if the owners corporation has specified locations for such signs and that sign is installed in the specified locations, or
(e) any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner's lot.
(4) Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building.
(5) Despite section 62, the owner of a lot must:
(a) maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
(b) repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.

6 Behaviour of owners and occupiers

An owner or occupier of a lot when on common property must be adequately clothed and must not use language or behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to the owner or occupier of another lot or to any person lawfully using common property.

7 Children playing on common property in building

An owner or occupier of a lot must not permit any child of whom the owner or occupier has control to play on common property within the building or, unless accompanied by an adult exercising effective control, to be or to remain on common property comprising a laundry, car parking area or other area of possible danger or hazard to children.

8 Behaviour of invitees

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.

9 Depositing rubbish and other material on common property

An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.

10 Drying of laundry items

An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, hang any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article on any part of the parcel in such a way as to be visible from outside the building other than on any lines provided by the owners corporation for the purpose and there only for a reasonable period.

11 Cleaning windows and doors

An owner or occupier of a lot must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lot, including so much as is common property, unless:

(a) the owners corporation resolves that it will keep the glass or specified part of the glass clean, or
(b) that glass or part of the glass cannot be accessed by the owner or occupier of the lot safely or at all.

12 Storage of inflammable liquids and other substances and materials

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, use or store on the lot or on the common property any inflammable chemical, liquid or gas or other inflammable material.
(2) This by-law does not apply to chemicals, liquids, gases or other material used or intended to be used for domestic purposes, or any chemical, liquid, gas or other material in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle or internal combustion engine.

13 Moving furniture and other objects on or through common property

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot must not transport any furniture, large object or deliveries to or from the lot through or on common property within the building unless sufficient notice has first been given to the executive committee so as to enable the executive committee to arrange for its nominee to be present at the time when the owner or occupier does so.
(2) An owners corporation may resolve that furniture, large objects or deliveries to and from the lot are to be transported through or on the common property (whether in the building or not) in a specified manner.
(3) If the owners corporation has specified, by resolution, the manner in which furniture, large objects or deliveries to and from the lot are to be transported, then an owner or occupier of a lot must not transport any furniture, large object or deliveries to and from the lot through or on common property except in accordance with that resolution.

14 Floor coverings

(1) An owner of a lot must ensure that all floor space within the lot is covered or otherwise treated to an extent sufficient to prevent the transmission from the floor space of noise likely to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot.
(2) This by-law does not apply to floor space comprising a kitchen, laundry, lavatory or bathroom.

15 Garbage disposal

(1) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that does not have shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must maintain such receptacles within the lot, or on such part of the common property as may be authorised by the owners corporation, in clean and dry condition and (except in the case of receptacles for recyclable material) adequately covered, and
(b) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(c) for the purpose of having the garbage, recyclable material or waste collected, must place the receptacles within an area designated for that purpose by the owners corporation and at a time not more than 12 hours before the time at which garbage, recyclable material or waste is normally collected, and
(d) when the garbage, recyclable material or waste has been collected, must promptly return the receptacles to the lot or other area referred to in paragraph (a),
(e) must not place any thing in the receptacles of the owner or occupier of any other lot except with the permission of that owner or occupier, and
(f) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled from the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(2) Subclause (1) does not require an owner or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant law applying to the disposal of such waste.
(3) An owner or occupier of a lot in a strata scheme that has shared receptacles for garbage, recyclable material or waste:
(a) must ensure that before refuse, recyclable material or waste is placed in the receptacles it is, in the case of refuse, securely wrapped or, in the case of tins or other containers, completely drained, or, in the case of recyclable material or waste, separated and prepared in accordance with the applicable recycling guidelines, and
(b) must promptly remove any thing which the owner, occupier or garbage or recycling collector may have spilled in the area of the receptacles and must take such action as may be necessary to clean the area within which that thing was spilled.
(4) Subclause (3) does not require an owner or occupier of a lot to dispose of any chemical, biological, toxic or other hazardous waste in a manner that would contravene any relevant law applying to the disposal of such waste.

16 Keeping of animals

Note: Select option A, B or C. If no option is selected, option A will apply.
Option A
(1) Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a residential lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, keep any animal (except fish kept in a secure aquarium on the lot) on the lot or the common property.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval of the keeping of an animal on a residential lot or the common property.
Option B
(1) Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a residential lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, keep any animal (except a cat, a small dog or a small caged bird, or fish kept in a secure aquarium on the lot) on the lot or the common property.
(2) The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval of the keeping of an animal on a residential lot or the common property.
(3) If an owner or occupier of a residential lot keeps a cat, small dog or small caged bird on the lot then the owner or occupier must:
(a) notify the owners corporation that the animal is being kept on the lot, and
(b) keep the animal within the lot, and
(c) carry the animal when it is on the common property, and
(d) take such action as may be necessary to clean all areas of the lot or the common property that are soiled by the animal.
Option C Subject to section 49 (4), an owner or occupier of a residential lot must not keep any animal on the lot or the common property.

17 Appearance of lot

(1) The owner or occupier of a lot must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.
(2) This by-law does not apply to the hanging of any washing, towel, bedding, clothing or other article as referred to in by-law 10.

18 Change in use of lot to be notified

An occupier of a lot must notify the owners corporation if the occupier changes the existing use of the lot in a way that may affect the insurance premiums for the strata scheme (for example, if the change of use results in a hazardous activity being carried out on the lot, or results in the lot being used for commercial or industrial purposes rather than residential purposes).

19 Preservation of fire safety

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.

20 Prevention of hazards

The owner or occupier of a lot must not do any thing or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do any thing on the lot or common property that is likely to create a hazard or danger to the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using the common property.

21 Provision of amenities or services

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
(a) security services,
(b) promotional services,
(c) advertising,
(d) commercial cleaning,
(e) domestic services,
(f) garbage disposal and recycling services,
(g) electricity, water or gas supply,
(h) telecommunication services (for example, cable television).
(2) If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (1) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.
Note: Section 111 of the Act provides that an owners corporation may enter into an agreement with an owner or occupier of a lot for the provision of amenities or services by it to the lot or to the owner or occupier.

22 Controls on hours of operation and use of facilities

(1) The owners corporation may, by special resolution, make any of the following determinations if it considers the determination is appropriate for the control, management, administration, use or enjoyment of the lots or the lots and common property of the strata scheme:
(a) that commercial or business activities may be conducted on a lot or common property only during certain times,
(b) that facilities situated on the common property may be used only during certain times or on certain conditions.
(2) An owner or occupier of a lot must comply with a determination referred to in subclause (1).

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