Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 3 – Dictionary

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child placement principle" , in relation to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child, see section 5C (2) .

"agency head" , for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"aggrieved person" , for a reviewable decision, means a person stated opposite the decision in schedule 2 .

"appealable decision" ...

"appellate court" means—

(a) for a decision on an application for a court assessment order or child protection order, or for an order transferring a child protection order or child protection proceeding to a participating State—
(i) if the decision was made by the Childrens Court constituted by a judge—the Court of Appeal; or
(ii) if the decision was made by the Childrens Court constituted in another way—the Childrens Court constituted by a judge; or
(b) for a decision on an application for a temporary assessment order or temporary custody order—the Childrens Court constituted by a judge.

"application" ...

"apply for an exemption notice" ...

"apply for a prescribed notice" ...

"apply for a review" , for chapter 4 , part 2 , division 4 , subdivision 3 , see section 140AB .

"appropriate" , for a child, means appropriate for the age, maturity, capacity, culture and circumstances of the child.

"appropriate Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander entity" , for chapter 4 , part 2A , see section 148BA .

"appropriately qualified" ...

"approved carer"
(a) generally, means—
(i) an approved foster carer; or
(ii) an approved kinship carer; or
(iii) a provisionally approved carer; or
(b) for chapter 4 , part 2 , division 4 , subdivision 3 —see section 140AB .

"approved form" means a form approved under section 157 .

"approved foster carer" means a person who holds a certificate of approval as an approved foster carer.

"approved kinship carer" , for a child, means a person who holds a certificate of approval as an approved kinship carer for the child.

"assessment care agreement" see section 51ZD (2) .

"assessment order" means a temporary or court assessment order.

"associated interim order" , in relation to a proceeding transferred to Queensland by a court under an interstate law, means an interim order made by the court when ordering the transfer of the proceeding.

"authorised officer" means a person holding office as an authorised officer under an appointment under this Act.

"authority" means a licence or certificate of approval.

"care agreement" see section 51ZD (1) .

"carer" , of a child, means the entity in whose care the child has been placed under section 82 (1) .

"case plan" see section 51B .

"case planning" see section 51A .

"case planning meeting" see section 51H (2) .

"CDCRC" ...

"certificate of approval" means a certificate of approval issued under chapter 4 , part 2 .

"charge" , of an offence, means a charge in any form, including, for example, the following—
(a) a charge on an arrest;
(b) a notice to appear served under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , section 382 ;
(c) a complaint under the Justices Act 1886 ;
(d) a charge by a court under the Justices Act 1886 , section 42 (1A) , or another provision of an Act;
(e) an indictment.

"charter of rights" means the charter of rights for a child in care in schedule 1 .

"chief executive (adoptions)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Adoption Act 2009 is administered.

"chief executive (employment screening)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Working with Children Act is administered.

"chief executive for transport" means the chief executive of the department in which the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 is administered.

"child" see section 8 .

"child death review board" means the board established by the Family and Child Commission Act 2014 , section 29C .

"child in need of protection" see section 10 .

"child placement principles" ...

"child protection care agreement" see section 51ZD (3) .

"child protection order"
(a) means a child protection order under chapter 2 , part 4 , including—
(i) an order extending, varying or revoking a child protection order; and
(ii) an interim order under section 67 in relation to a proceeding for a child protection order; and
(b) for chapter 7 , includes an order mentioned in section 201 .

"child protection proceeding" means—
(a) a proceeding under this Act for the making, extension, amendment or revocation of a child protection order; or
(b) a proceeding under a child welfare law of a participating State for—
(i) the making, extension, amendment or revocation of a child protection order or interim order; or
(ii) if, under that law, the making of a particular finding is a prerequisite to the making of a child protection order—the making of the finding.

"children’s commissioner" ...

"Childrens Court" , of another State, means the court in that State that may hear and decide a child protection proceeding at first instance.

"child welfare law" , of another State, means a law declared under section 203 to be a child welfare law of that State.

"commencement" , for chapter 9 , part 6 , see section 266 .

"commission" , of an offence, includes attempted commission of the offence.

"Commissioner’s Act" ...

"contact" , with a child, includes to see and talk to the child.

"contact arrangements" , for a child, means arrangements for the child’s contact with members of the child’s family group or other persons with whom the child is connected.

"convicted" means found guilty, or having a plea of guilty accepted, by a court whether or not a conviction is recorded.

"court assessment order" means an order under chapter 2 , part 3 , and includes—
(a) an order extending, varying or revoking a court assessment order; and
(b) an interim order under section 67 in relation to a proceeding for a court assessment order.

"criminal history" , of a person, means all of the following—
(a) every conviction of the person for an offence, in Queensland or elsewhere, and whether before or after the commencement of this definition, including spent convictions;
(b) every charge made against the person for an offence, in Queensland or elsewhere, and whether before or after the commencement of this definition;
(c) every disqualification order made under the Working with Children Act in relation to the person, whether before or after the commencement of this definition;
(d) every disqualification order and offender prohibition order made under the Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2004 in relation to the person, whether before or after the commencement of this definition.

"current" ...

"departmental care service" means a care service established by the chief executive to accommodate children in the chief executive’s custody or guardianship or other children in need of protection.

"director" , of an applicant for a licence or a licensee, means—
(a) if the applicant or licensee is a company under the Corporations Act —a person appointed as a director of the applicant or licensee; or
(b) otherwise—a person who is, or is a member of, the executive or management entity, by whatever name called, of the applicant or licensee.

"direct representative" means a lawyer mentioned in section 108 (1) (a) (i) .

"disqualifying event" ...

"disqualifying offence" means a disqualifying offence under the Working with Children Act .

"domestic violence history" , of a person, means the history of domestic violence orders made against the person under the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 .

"endorse" , a case plan, means record an endorsement on the plan.

"excluding offence" ...

"executive officer" , of a corporation, means a person who is concerned with, or takes part in, the corporation’s management, whether or not the person is a director or the person’s position is given the name of executive officer.

"exemption notice" ...

"family group" , of a child, includes—
(a) members of the child’s extended family; and
(b) if the child belongs to a clan, tribe or similar group—members of that group; and
(c) anyone else recognised by persons mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) as belonging to the child’s family.

"family group meeting" means a family group meeting under chapter 2 , part 3A .

"family meeting" ...

"finalised" , for a case plan, means recorded in the approved form and endorsed by the chief executive.

"foster carer certificate" see section 131 (a) .

"government entity" means a government entity under the Public Sector Act 2022 , section 276 , and includes the Queensland Police Service to the extent it is not a government entity under that section.

"guardian" ...

"harm" see section 9 .

"head" , of a relevant agency, for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"health practitioner" means—
(a) a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise, other than as a student, in any of the following—
(i) the dental profession as any of the following—
(A) dentist;
(B) dental therapist;
(C) dental hygienist;
(D) oral health therapist;
(ii) the nursing profession;
(iii) the medical profession;
(iv) the occupational therapy profession;
(v) the optometry profession;
(vi) the physiotherapy profession;
(vii) the psychology profession; or
(b) a person who is eligible for practising membership of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited ACN 008 393 440; or
(c) a person who is eligible for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers.

"holder" , of an authority, means—
(a) for a licence—the licensee; or
(b) for a certificate of approval—the holder of the certificate.

"home order" see section 200 (a) .

"honorary officer" means a person appointed as an honorary officer under section 155B .

"Hospital and Health Service" means a Hospital and Health Service established under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 .

"independent Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander entity" , for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child, see section 11A (1) .

"interim order" ...

"internal agency review" , for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"interstate government officer" see section 235 (7) .

"interstate law" , of another State, means a law declared under section 204 to be an interstate law of that State.

"interstate officer" , for another State, means the officer declared to be the interstate officer for that State under section 204 .

"interstate order" ...

"interstate transfer decision" means—
(a) an order of a court in a participating State, made under an interstate law of that State, transferring a child protection order or child protection proceeding from that State to Queensland; or
(b) a decision of the interstate officer of a participating State, made under an interstate law of that State, to transfer a child protection order from that State to Queensland.

"interstate welfare authority" ...

"intervention" see section 51ZA .

"judge" means a Childrens Court judge.

"judicial review application" means an application for a statutory order of review, or an application for review, under the Judicial Review Act 1991 .

"kin" , in relation to a child, means the following persons—
(a) a member of the child’s family group who is a person of significance to the child;
(b) if the child is an Aboriginal child—a person who, under Aboriginal tradition, is regarded as kin of the child;
(c) if the child is a Torres Strait Islander child—a person who, under Island custom, is regarded as kin of the child;
(d) another person—
(i) who is recognised by the child, or the child’s family group, as a person of significance to the child; and
(ii) if the child is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child—with whom the child has a cultural connection.

"kinship carer certificate" see section 131 (b) .

"legally qualified member" see the QCAT Act , schedule 3 .

"licence" means a licence to provide care services.

"licensed care service" means a service, operated under a licence, to provide care for children in the chief executive’s custody or guardianship.

"licensed premises" means premises noted on a licence.

"licensed residential facility" means licensed premises in which children reside.

"litigation director" means the Director of Child Protection Litigation under the Director of Child Protection Litigation Act 2016 .

"litigation function" , of the litigation director, means the following—
(a) a function that is or relates to dealing with a child protection matter under the Director of Child Protection Litigation Act 2016 ;
(b) a function mentioned in section 9 (1) of that Act.

"living arrangements" , for a child, means arrangements about where or with whom the child will live.

"long-term guardian" , of a child, means a person, other than the chief executive, who is granted long-term guardianship of the child under a long-term guardianship order.
See section 61 (f) (i) and (ii) .

"long-term guardianship" , of a child under a child protection order, means guardianship until the child turns 18 years.

"long-term guardianship order" see section 61 (f) .

"medical examination" means a physical, psychiatric, psychological or dental examination, assessment or procedure, and includes forensic examination and an examination or assessment normally carried out by a health practitioner.

"Member" , of a person’s household—
(a) includes—
(i) someone who lives in the person’s home; and
(ii) an adult who, because of the nature of their contact with the child in need of protection and the context in which that contact happens, may create an unacceptable level of risk to the child; but
(b) does not include a parent of the child living in the person’s home if the child was placed in the care of the person under section 82 (1) .
"Member" , of an independent Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander entity for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child, includes a person employed or engaged by the entity.

"member" , of a person’s household ...

"member" , of a recognised entity ...

"Minister" , for a relevant agency, for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"negative exemption notice" ...

"negative notice" see the Working with Children Act , schedule 7 .

"negative prescribed notice" ...

"non-participating State" ...

"notifier" , for chapter 6 , part 6 , division 2 , subdivision 1 , see section 186 .

"obstruct" includes hinder, resist and attempt to obstruct.

"office of the litigation director" means the Office of the Director of Child Protection Litigation under the Director of Child Protection Litigation Act 2016 .

"order" means an assessment order, temporary custody order or child protection order.

"original review documents" ...

"outcomes" , of an internal agency review, for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"parent" , of a child—
(a) for chapter 2 , parts 2 , 3 , 3AA , 3A and 4 , sections 67 and 117 and chapter 7 —means each of the following persons—
(i) the child’s mother or father;
(ii) a person in whose favour a parenting order operates;
(iii) a person, other than the chief executive, having custody or guardianship of the child under another Act or a law of another State;
(iv) a long-term guardian of the child;
(v) a permanent guardian of the child; or
(b) otherwise—see section 11 .

"parenting order" means an order mentioned in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwlth) , section 64B (1) that deals with a matter mentioned in section 64B (2) (a) or (b) of that Act.

"participate" , in relation to the making of a decision or the exercise of a power, includes expressing views relating to the making of the decision or the exercise of the power.

"participating State" means a State declared to be a participating State under section 204 .

"party" , to a proceeding on an application for an order for a child, means the child, the applicant or a respondent to the application, and includes the chief executive if the application is for a court assessment order made by a police officer.

"permanency" , for a child, see section 5BA (3) .

"permanent care order" see section 61 (g) .

"permanent guardian" , of a child, means a person who is granted long-term guardianship of the child under a permanent care order.
See section 61 (g) .

"personal history" see section 141B .

"place" includes—
(a) land or premises; and
(b) a vehicle, boat or aircraft.

"police commissioner" ...

"police information" , for chapter 4 , part 2 , division 7 , see section 142 .

"policies" , for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"pool" ...

"positive exemption notice" ...

"positive prescribed notice" ...

"post-amended Act" , for chapter 9 , part 6 , see section 266 .

"premises" includes—
(a) a building or structure, or part of a building or structure; and
(b) land on which a building or structure is situated.

"prescribed delegate" , for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child, for chapter 4 , part 2A , see section 148BA .

"prescribed entity" see section 159M .

"prescribed notice" ...

"prescribed provision" , for chapter 4 , part 2 , division 4 , subdivision 3 , see section 140AB .

"private convenor" see section 51I (1) .

"prohibiting event" , for chapter 4 , part 2 , division 4 , subdivision 3 , see section 140AB .

"proposed interstate order" see section 200 (b) .

"protection" , of a child, includes care of the child.

"provisional certificate" means a certificate of approval as a provisionally approved carer.

"provisionally approved carer" , for a child, means a person who holds a certificate of approval as a provisionally approved carer for the child.

"public guardian" means the public guardian under the Public Guardian Act 2014 .

"publish" , for chapter 6 , part 6 , see section 185 .

"reasonably believes" means believes on grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances.

"reasonably suspects" means suspects on grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances.

"recognised Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander agency" ...

"recognised entity" ...

"registered nurse" means a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law—
(a) to practise in the nursing profession, other than as a student; and
(b) in the registered nurses division of that profession.

(a) for chapter 2A —see section 99B ; or
(b) of the Childrens Court held at a place, includes the clerk of the Magistrates Court at the place.

"relevant agency" , for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"relevant child" , for chapter 5A , see section 159BA .

"relevant information" ...

"relevant person" , for chapter 4 , part 2 , division 4 , subdivision 3 , see section 140AB .

"reportable suspicion" , for chapter 2 , part 1AA , see section 13E (2) or 13F (2) , whichever is relevant.

"reviewable decision" means—
(a) for chapter 2A —see section 99B ; or
(b) otherwise—a decision stated in schedule 2 .

"review application" , for chapter 2A , see section 99B .

"review panel" ...

"review report" , for chapter 7A , see section 245B .

"revised case plan" means a case plan prepared under chapter 2 , part 3A , division 5 .

"risk-assessed role" see section 123A .

"rules of court" , means rules of court made under the Childrens Court Act 1992 .

"SCAN" stands for ‘Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect’.

"school" means—
(a) a State school under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 ; or
(b) an accredited school under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 .

"separate representative" , for a child—
(a) for chapter 2A —see section 99Q (3) ; or
(b) for chapter 3 —see section 110 (1) (a) .

"serious offence" means a serious offence under the Working with Children Act .

"serious physical injury" means—
(a) the loss of a distinct part or an organ of the body; or
(b) serious disfigurement; or
(c) any bodily injury of a nature that, if left untreated, would endanger or be likely to endanger life, or cause or be likely to cause permanent injury to health.

"service provider" see section 159M .

"short-term guardianship" , of a child under a child protection order, means guardianship of the child for not more than 2 years.

"significant decision" , about an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child, means a decision likely to have a significant impact on the child’s life.
Examples of decisions relating to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child that may be significant decisions—
• a decision made in the course of investigating an allegation of harm to the child
• a decision about placing the child in care
• a decision by the litigation director about whether or not to apply for a child protection order for the child

"specialist service provider" , for chapter 5A , part 4 , see section 159M .

"spent conviction" ...

"State" includes New Zealand.

"statement of standards" see section 122 .

"student hostel" means—
(a) a student hostel established under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 , section 15 (b) ; or
(b) a student hostel operated with an allowance paid under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 , section 368 (1) (e) .

"suitable person" means—
(a) for having the custody or guardianship of a child—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation and agrees to accept the custody or guardianship of the child; or
(b) for having the daily care of a child—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(c) for managing a licensed care service—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(d) for a director of an applicant for a licence or a licensee—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(e) for a nominee for a licence—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(f) for a person who will be, or is, performing a risk-assessed role for a licensed care service—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(g) for an approved foster carer—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(h) for an approved kinship carer—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(i) for a provisionally approved carer—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(j) for associating on a daily basis with children or a particular child—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation; or
(k) for being an independent Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander entity for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child—a person who is a suitable person under a regulation.

"support person" , for chapter 2A , see section 99B .

"teacher" means an approved teacher under the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 employed at a school.

"temporary assessment order" means an order under chapter 2 , part 2 , and includes an order extending a temporary assessment order.

"temporary custody order" means an order under chapter 2 , part 3AA .

"this Act" , for chapter 6 , part 6 , see section 185 .

"traffic history" , of a person, means the history of the person’s contraventions of the following provisions—
(a) the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 , section 79 ;
Editor’s note—
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 , section 79 (Vehicle offences involving liquor or other drugs)
(b) the Criminal Code , section 328A .
Editor’s note—
Criminal Code , section 328A (Dangerous operation of a vehicle)

"transition order" see section 65A (2) .

"tribunal" means QCAT.

"triggering event" , for an internal agency review, for chapter 7A , see section 245M .

"woman" includes any female.

"Working with Children Act" means the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 .

"working with children authority" see the Working with Children Act , schedule 7 .

"working with children check application" see the Working with Children Act , schedule 7 .

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