Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 5 – Dictionary

"adult respondent" means a respondent who is not a child respondent.

"annual report" ...

"appeal court" , for part 3A , division 4 , see section 13ZG .

"appearance notice" , for a proceeding for an offender prohibition order, means a notice in the approved form stating the following in relation to the order—

(a) that an application for the order will be made against the respondent;
(b) when and where the application is to be heard;
(c) that the respondent is required to appear at the hearing to be heard on the application;
(d) that the court may make the order in the respondent’s absence if the respondent fails to appear at the hearing;
(e) that on the making of the order—
(i) the respondent becomes a reportable offender; and
(ii) the respondent is prohibited from making a working with children check application; and
(iii) any working with children authority or working with children card held by the respondent is—
(A) if the order is a temporary order—suspended; or
(B) if the order is a final order—cancelled;
(f) that the order may be registered in a jurisdiction other than Queensland, including a jurisdiction outside Australia, if a law of the other jurisdiction provides for the registration.

"application documents" , for an offender prohibition order, see section 13B (3) .

"approved form" means a form approved under section 13ZN .

"Australian Border Force Commissioner" means the Australian Border Force Commissioner under the Australian Border Force Act 2015 (Cwlth) .

"Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission" means the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission established under the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 (Cwlth) .

"caravan or trailer" means a vehicle without a motor—
(a) designed to be attached to, or towed by, another vehicle that is designed to be propelled by a motor; and
(b) whether or not the vehicle is attached to the other vehicle mentioned in paragraph (a) .

"charge" , of an offence, means a charge in any form, including, for example—
(a) a charge on an arrest; and
(b) a notice to appear served under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , section 382 ; and
(c) a complaint under the Justices Act 1886 ; and
(d) a charge by a court under the Justices Act 1886 , section 42 (1A) , or another provision of an Act; and
The Justices Act 1886 , section 42 deals with the commencement of proceedings.
(e) an indictment.

"chief executive (child safety)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Child Protection Act 1999 is administered.

"chief executive (communities)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Youth Justice Act 1992 is administered.

"chief executive (corrective services)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Corrective Services Act 2006 is administered.

"chief executive (education)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 is administered.

"chief executive (justice)" means the chief executive of the department in which the Attorney-General Act 1999 is administered.

"child abduction offence" means—
(a) an offence against the Criminal Code , section 354 involving the kidnap of a child; or
(b) an offence against the Criminal Code , section 363 or 363A .

"child detainee" means a child who is detained in a detention centre under the Youth Justice Act 1992 .

"child respondent" means—
(a) for a temporary order—a respondent who is a child when the application for the temporary order is made; or
(b) for a corresponding order or registered corresponding order—a respondent who is a child when the corresponding order is registered under this Act; or
(c) otherwise—a respondent who is a child when the application for the offender prohibition order is made.

"class 1 offence" ...

"class 1 or 2 offence" ...

"class 2 offence" ...

"commencement date" ...

"commencement day" means the day the Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2023 , section 3 commences.

"committed against a child" includes committed in relation to a child.

"conduct" includes an act, omission and course of conduct.

"conviction" see section 10 .

"corresponding Act" means a law of a foreign jurisdiction—
(a) that provides for people who have committed specified offences—
(i) to report, in that jurisdiction, information about themselves; and
(ii) to keep that information current for a specified period; and
(b) that a regulation states is a corresponding Act.

"corresponding offender reporting order" means an order made under a corresponding Act that falls within a class of order that a regulation states is a corresponding offender reporting order.

"corresponding order" means an order made under a law of a jurisdiction other than Queensland, including a jurisdiction outside Australia, that closely corresponds to an offender prohibition order.

"corresponding registrar" means the person whose functions under a corresponding Act most closely correspond to the functions of the police commissioner under this Act.

"corresponding reportable offence" means an offence that is a reportable offence under a corresponding Act, but is not a reportable offence under this Act.

"corresponding reportable offence" see section 7 (2) .

"corresponding reportable offender" see section 7 .

(a) for an offender prohibition order for a child respondent—means the Childrens Court constituted by a Childrens Court magistrate; or
(b) for any other offender prohibition order—means a Magistrates Court, other than a Magistrates Court constituted by justices who are not magistrates; or
(c) otherwise, includes a court of a foreign jurisdiction, however described.

"criminal history" , of a person, means, despite the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 , sections 5 , 6 , 8 and 9
(a) every conviction of the person for a reportable offence committed against a child, in Queensland or elsewhere, whether before or after the commencement; and
(b) every charge made against the person for a reportable offence committed against a child, in Queensland or elsewhere, whether before or after the commencement—
(i) that has not been withdrawn or discontinued, or dismissed by a court; or
(ii) for which the respondent has not been acquitted or convicted; or
(iii) that has been withdrawn or discontinued because the complainant died or was unable or unwilling to proceed with the matter.

"details" , of a locality where a reportable offender can generally be found, means a description of, or directions to, a place or area where the offender can generally be found that is sufficiently described to allow a reasonable person to locate the place or area based on the description or directions.
Examples of details of a locality where a reportable offender can generally be found—
• the name and location of a caravan park where the offender can generally be found
• a description of, and directions to, the part of a camping area within a national park where the offender can generally be found

"device inspection offence" see the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , section 21B (5) .

"digital device"
(a) means a device on which information may be stored or accessed electronically by a person using the device; and
(b) includes a computer, memory stick, portable hard drive, smart phone and tablet computer; and
(c) does not include a device if the only information stored on or accessed from the device is stored or accessed automatically when the device is used or operated in the usual way.
Examples for paragraph (c)—
digital scales, a fridge with smart technology

"disability" has the same meaning as it has in the Disability Services Act 2006 , section 11 .

"disqualification order" see section 13T (2) .

"employer" , for a reportable offender, includes a person who—
(a) arranges, in the course of business, for the offender to be employed by another person; or
(b) engages the offender under a contract of employment.

"employment" , for a reportable offender, includes any of the following activities engaged in, or carried out, by the offender—
(a) working under a contract of employment;
(b) working as a self-employed person or a subcontractor;
(c) working for an organisation as a volunteer;
(d) working as a minister of religion or for a religious organisation in another capacity;
(e) undertaking practical training as part of an educational or vocational course.

"exemption notice" ...

"existing reportable offence" see section 9 (2) .

"existing reportable offender" see section 6 .

"final order" see section 13H .

"finding of guilt" ...

"fingerprints" includes fingerprints taken by a device to obtain a record of the fingerprints.

"foreign jurisdiction" means a jurisdiction other than Queensland, including jurisdictions outside Australia.

"foreign witness protection law" means a law of a foreign jurisdiction that provides for the protection of witnesses.

"forensic order" means a following order under the Mental Health Act 2016
(a) a forensic order (mental health);
(b) a forensic order (disability);
(c) a forensic order ( Criminal Code ).

"forensic patient" means a person in relation to whom a forensic order has been made.

"forensic reportable offender" means a person who is subject to an offender reporting order that was made with a forensic order under the Mental Health Act 2016 .

"generally reside" , for a reportable offender, means reside for at least 7 days, whether consecutive or not, within a 1-year period.

"government detention" means—
(a) detention, other than under a supervision order, of—
(i) a prisoner under the Corrective Services Act 2006 ; or
(ii) a child detainee under the Youth Justice Act 1992 ;
including if the prisoner or child detainee is on unescorted leave of absence; or
(b) detention under a law of a foreign jurisdiction in the nature of detention mentioned in paragraph (a) ; or
(c) detention under the Mental Health Act 2016 ; or
(d) detention under the Migration Act 1958 (Cwlth) .

"government entity" see the Public Sector Act 2022 , section 276 .

"hide" , information or a thing, includes—
(a) delete or encrypt the information, or information about the information; and
(b) delete or encrypt information about the thing.

"home affairs department" means the department of the Commonwealth responsible for administering the Migration Act 1958 (Cwlth) .

"home detention order" ...

"imprisonment" includes detention under the Youth Justice Act 1992 .

"initial report" see section 14 (2) .

"initial reporting obligations notice" see section 54A (1) .

"intensive correction order" means—
(a) an intensive correction order under the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 ; or
(b) an intensive supervision order under the Youth Justice Act 1992 .

"lawyer" means an Australian lawyer within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2007 who, under that Act, may engage in legal practice in this State.

"magistrate" , for a child respondent, means a Childrens Court magistrate.

(a) means a network of computers or other devices, whether or not part of the internet; and
(b) includes part of a network of computers or other devices.

"New South Wales Act" ...

"New South Wales reportable offender" ...

"offender prohibition order" means—
(a) a prohibition order; or
(b) a temporary order.

"offender reporting order"
(a) see section 12A ; and
(b) includes a corresponding reporting order.

"parent" , of a person, means a parent or guardian of the person and includes—
(a) for an Aboriginal person—a person who, under Aboriginal tradition, is regarded as a parent of the person; or
(b) for a Torres Strait Islander person—a person who, under Island custom, is regarded as a parent of the person;
but does not include an approved carer of the person under the Child Protection Act 1999 .

"parole order" means—
(a) a parole order under the Corrective Services Act 2006 ; or
(b) any equivalent order made under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction.

"periodic report" see section 18 (1) .

"personal details" , of a reportable offender, see section 10A .

"personal information" means information about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information.

"police commissioner" ...

"positive exemption notice" ...

"positive notice" ...

"positive notice blue card" ...

"post-DPSOA reportable offender" see section 7A .

"post-prison community based release order" ...

"pre-2005 reporting order" means a reporting order made under the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1945 , section 19 , as in force from time to time before 1 January 2005.

"prescribed notice" ...

"prescribed offence" see section 9 .

"prisoner" means a person who is in custody of the chief executive (corrective services), including a person who is subject to a parole order.

"prohibition order" means an order under section 13C .

"protected witness" means a reportable offender to whom part 4 , division 9 applies.

"register" means the child protection register established under section 68 .

"registered corresponding order" means a corresponding order registered under section 13Z .

"registrar" , for part 3A , division 2 , see section 13Y .

"released" from government detention includes discharged from custody.

"relevant decision" , for part 3A , division 4 , see section 13ZG .

"relevant order" , for part 3A , division 4 , see section 13ZG .

"relevant sexual offender" means a following person who is not subject to a supervision order or interim supervision order under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 or a forensic order—
(a) a person who is a reportable offender;
(b) a person who would be a reportable offender if the person’s sentence for a reportable offence had not ended before the commencement of section 5 ;
(c) a person who would be a reportable offender if all the reporting periods for the person had not ended, as mentioned in section 8 (d) .

"repealed Act" see section 89 .

"reportable contact" see section 9A .

"reportable offence" see section 9 .

"reportable offender" see section 5 .

"reporting month" means each of the following—
(a) February;
(b) May;
(c) August;
(d) November.

"reporting obligations" , in relation to a reportable offender, means the obligations imposed on the offender by part 4 .

"reporting obligations notice" see section 54A (1) and (3) .

"reporting period" means the period, worked out under part 4 , division 5 , during which a reportable offender must comply with the offender’s reporting obligations.

"respondent" means—
(a) for a proposed offender prohibition order—the person who is the respondent to the application for the proposed offender prohibition order; or
(b) for an offender prohibition order—the person against whom the offender prohibition order is made; or
(c) for a corresponding order or a registered corresponding order—the person against whom the corresponding order is made.

"restricted police station" see section 25 (3) .

"section 54 notice" ...

"sentence" includes something in the nature of a sentence imposed under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction.

"significant impairment" , for a reportable offender, means a cognitive or physical impairment that—
(a) seriously impedes the offender’s ability to comply with the offender’s reporting obligations under part 4 ; or
(b) makes the offender incapable of complying with the offender’s reporting obligations under part 4 .

"significant mental illness" , for a reportable offender, means a mental illness that—
(a) seriously impedes the offender’s ability to comply with the offender’s reporting obligations under part 4 ; or
(b) makes the offender incapable of complying with the offender’s reporting obligations under part 4 .

"single offence" see section 11 (1) .

"social networking site" includes an internet-based application designed to be used, and used, by users of the application—
(a) for social networking or to make social connections with other users of the application; and
(b) to share user-generated content with other users of the application.

"supervising authority" , in relation to a reportable offender, means an authority that a regulation states is the authority having control of the offender.

"supervision order" means—
(a) a community service order, a probation order, an intensive correction order, or an order that a term of imprisonment be suspended, under the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 ; or
(b) a community service order, probation order, intensive supervision order, conditional release order, or supervised release order, under the Youth Justice Act 1992 ; or
(c) a parole order; or
(d) a continuing detention order or supervision order under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 ; or
(e) an order equivalent to any order mentioned in paragraph (a) , (b) , (c) or (d) made under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction.

"temporary order" means an order made under section 13J or 13K .

"unescorted leave of absence" means—
(a) for a prisoner—leave of absence granted under the Corrective Services Act 2006 , section 72 if the prisoner is not ordered to remain in the physical custody of a corrective services officer under that Act during the leave; or
(b) for a child detainee—leave of absence granted under the Youth Justice Act 1992 , section 269 if the child detainee is not in the physical custody of a person under that Act during the leave.

"usual place of employment" , for a reportable offender, means particular premises or a particular locality where the offender is employed for at least 7 days, whether consecutive or not, within a 1-year period.

"vehicle" includes—
(a) a vehicle designed to be propelled by a motor that forms part of the vehicle, even if the vehicle is not capable of being used, including, for example, because the vehicle is mechanically defective or part of the vehicle has been removed or is missing; and
(b) a caravan or trailer.

"Working with Children Act" means the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 .

"working with children authority" see the Working with Children Act , schedule 7 .

"working with children card" see the Working with Children Act , schedule 7 .

"working with children check application" see the Working with Children Act , schedule 7 .

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