In the administration of this Act, land to which this Act applies must be
managed for the benefit of the people of Queensland by having regard to the
following principles—
• sustainable resource use and development to ensure existing needs are met and the State’s resources are conserved for the benefit of future generationsEvaluation
• land evaluation based on the appraisal of land capability and the consideration and balancing of the different economic, environmental, cultural and social opportunities and values of the landDevelopment
• allocating land for development in the context of the State’s planning framework, and applying contemporary best practice in design and land management
• when land is made available, allocation to persons to support the economic, social and physical wellbeing of the people of QueenslandCommunity purpose
• if land is needed for community purposes, the retention of the land for the community in a way that protects and facilitates the community purposeProtection
• protection of environmentally and culturally valuable and sensitive areas and featuresConsultation
• consultation with community groups, industry associations and authorities is an important part of the decision-making processAdministration
• consistent and impartial dealings
• efficient, open and accountable administration
• a market approach in land dealings, adjusted when appropriate for community benefits arising from the dealing.