Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 6 – Dictionary

"Aboriginal people particularly concerned with land" ...

"accepted representations" see section 403E (2) .

"additional area" ...

"adjacent land" , in relation to relevant land, for chapter 7 , part 3C , see section 431ZA .

"adjacent owner" , for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 8A .

"adjoining owner" in relation to land adjoining a road, means—

(a) the registered owner of the land, other than a trustee of a deed of grant in trust; or
(b) if the land is lease land—the lessee; or
(c) if the land is trust land—the trustee of the trust land.

"adjustment notice" means a notice in the approved form requesting the registrar of titles to register an adjustment of the particulars of land under this Act.

"agreement" ...

"agriculture" means the cultivation of land including, for example, the following—
(a) farming;
(b) crop-raising;
(c) forestry.

"amalgamation offer" , for chapter 4 , part 3 , division 5 , see section 176L (2) .

"ambulatory boundary principles" see the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 , part 7 .

"amendment Act" means the Land and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2023 .

"appeal" means an appeal under chapter 7 , part 3 .

"appeal expiration day" , for a decision, means—
(a) if an application for review of the decision is not made within the 42 days mentioned in section 424 (1) or within any extended period under section 424 (2) —the day the 42 days or extended period ends; or
(b) if an application is made, the day all proceedings under chapter 7 , part 3 , in relation to the decision and any appeals from those proceedings, are ended.

"application" , for chapter 7 , part 2A , see section 420AB .

"appropriate form" , for the completion of a document, means the completion of—
(a) the approved form for the document; or
(b) if a form is approved or prescribed for the document under another Act—that form; or
(c) if the registrar of titles has given consent for an electronic form of the document under section 305A (1) —the electronic form; or
(d) if the chief executive or registrar of titles has given consent for an electronic form of the document under the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001 —the electronic form.

"appropriate register" means—
(a) for leases and matters relating to leases—the leasehold land register; or
(b) for reserves and matters relating to reserves—the register of reserves; or
(c) for State forests and timber reserves and matters relating to State forests and timber reserves—
(i) generally—the register of State forests and timber reserves; and
(ii) in relation to a plantation licence or a dealing with a plantation licence—the register mentioned in paragraph (a) and the register of plantation licences; or
(d) for nature conservation areas and matters relating to protected areas, critical habitat, or areas of major interest, under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 —the register of nature conservation areas; or
(e) for specified national parks and matters relating to specified national parks—the register of specified national parks; or
(f) for licences and permits and matters relating to licences and permits—the register of licences and permits; or
(g) for unallocated State land and matters relating to unallocated State land—the register of unallocated State land; or
(h) for State housing leases and matters relating to State housing leases—the register of State housing leases; or
(i) for land vested in fee simple and matters relating to the land—the register of land vested in fee simple.

"approved agreement" , for an indigenous cultural interest, see section 373ZB .

"approved form" means—
(a) for an electronic conveyancing document—a form approved by the registrar of titles under the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland) , section 7 ; or
(b) otherwise—a form approved under section 444 .

"authorised activity" , for chapter 7 , part 3C , see section 431ZA .

"authorised officer" means a person who holds office under chapter 6A , part 2 as an authorised officer.

"authorised person" ...

"bankruptcy" includes a proceeding under a law about bankruptcy, insolvency or the liquidation of corporations.

"broadscale tree clearing" ...

"building" means a fixed structure that is wholly or partly enclosed by walls and is roofed, and includes a part of a building.

"building management statement" see section 294B (2) .

"cancellation notice" means a notice in the approved form requesting the registrar of titles to register a cancellation of a tenure or interest in land under this Act.

"cane railway easement" see the Sugar Industry Act 1999 , section 63 (5) .

"carbon abatement interest" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8C , see section 373R .

"carbon abatement product" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8C , see section 373R .

"carbon sequestration" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8C , see section 373R .

"category" ...

"caveatee" , for a lease, licence or interest in a reserve over which a caveat has been lodged, means—
(a) a lessee of the lease or licensee of the licence; or
(b) someone, other than the caveator, who has an interest in the lease or licence; or
(c) a holder of an interest in a reserve.

"caveator" , for a lease, licence or interest in a reserve over which a caveat has been lodged, means a person in whose favour the caveat is lodged.

"chief executive (water)" , for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 8 .

"clear" a tree includes clear by blading, burning, cutting, dozing, felling, poisoning, pulling, ringbarking and sawing, but does not include lopping or the destruction of standing vegetation by stock.

"Commonwealth ILUA register" means the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) .

"community purpose" means a purpose stated in schedule 1 , column 1.

"compensation claimant" see section 219 (3) .

"compliance notice" see section 214H (2) .

"compliance notice offence" ...

"compliance order" see section 214J (2) (a) .

"compliance period" , for chapter 7 , part 2 , division 2 , see section 406 (4) (a) .

"conditional deed" see section 490 .

"conservation agreement" means a conservation agreement under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 .

"conservation covenant" means a covenant registered under section 373A that is of a type mentioned in section 373A (5) (b) .

"conservation park" means a conservation park under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 .

"constructing authority" has the meaning given by the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 .

"construction trustee sublease" see section 58 (4) (a) .

"conversion application" see section 166 (1) .

"conviction" includes a finding of guilt or the acceptance of a plea of guilty by a court, whether or not a conviction is recorded.

"copy" , of a document, if the document is an electronic conveyancing document, means—
(a) a representation of the document in paper form; or
(b) a reproduction or representation of the document in digital form.

"corporation" ...

"correct" includes correct by addition, omission or substitution.

(a) generally, other than in relation to an offence—means the Land Court; or
(b) in relation to an offence—means a Magistrates Court; or
(c) for chapter 6A —see section 390C ; or
(d) for chapter 7 , part 3 —see section 420J .

"criminal history" , of a person, means the person’s criminal history, as defined under the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 , other than a spent conviction.

"critical area" ...

"cultivation" means planting seeds for a crop or improved pasture species, whether or not the soil has been broken to prepare a seed bed, but does not include the breaking of the soil for the natural regeneration of indigenous grasses.

"current miners homestead application" see section 495 .

"declared beach area" , for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"declared pest" means a plant or animal, other than a native species of plant or animal, that is—
(a) invasive biosecurity matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014 ; or
1 See the Biosecurity Act 2014 , schedule 1 , part 3 or 4 or schedule 2 , part 2 .
2 See also the notes to the Biosecurity Act 2014 , schedules 1 and 2 .
(b) controlled biosecurity matter or regulated biosecurity matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014 .

"dedication notice" means a notice in the approved form—
(a) requesting the registrar of titles to register a dedication of land under this Act; or
(b) requesting the registrar of titles to register a dedication of land as a road under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 , section 12B .

"deed of grant" means—
(a) land granted in fee simple by the State; or
(b) the document evidencing the grant, including an indefeasible title under the Land Title Act 1994 .

"deed of grant in trust" means—
(a) land granted in fee simple in trust by the State; or
(b) the document evidencing the grant, including an indefeasible title under the Land Title Act 1994 .

"deferred interest" ...

"deposit" means file in the land registry other than for registration.
For filing an electronic conveyancing document, see the definition
"file" .

"designated occupation licence" means an occupation licence over—
(a) a forest reserve; or
(b) a national park; or
(c) a State forest; or
(d) a timber reserve.

"designated officer" , for a provision about a document, means—
(a) to the extent the provision is about a lease or licence—the Minister; or
(b) to the extent the provision is about a permit or other document—the chief executive.

"designated person" , for a provision about a lease, means—
(a) for a freeholding lease—the Governor in Council; or
(b) for a term or a perpetual lease—the Minister.

"destroy" ...

"determination of native title" see the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 225 .

"determined native title holders" , for an area, means the person or group of persons holding the common or group rights comprising native title in the area under a determination of native title.

"development lease" see section 476 .

"development work" , for land, means—
(a) if clearing of trees enhances the productivity of the land—the clearing of trees; and
(b) work performed for the rehabilitation and sustainability of the land; and
(c) filling, reclamation or any other works making the land suitable for use or the building or erection of a building or structure on the land.

"disposal order" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZT (2) .

"dispute notice" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339F (1) .

"document" includes—
(a) a deed of grant or lease; and
(b) a will, grant of representation, or exemplification of a will, that may be used to deal with a lot; and
(c) a deed that relates to or may be used to deal with a lot; and
(d) a power of attorney that may be used to deal with a lot; and
(e) a request, application or other document that deals with a lot and may be registered under this Act; and
(f) a map or plan of survey that may be lodged; and
(g) another document that may be deposited; and
(h) an electronic conveyancing document.

"document certification requirement" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZW (6) .

"document production requirement" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZW (2) .

"earlier plan of subdivision" ...

"electronic communication" means a communication of information in the form of data, text or images by guided or unguided electromagnetic energy.

"electronic conveyancing document" see section 290P .

"Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland)" see the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland) Act 2013 , section 4 .

"electronic document" ...

"encumbrance" includes a registered covenant under chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8A .

"end" includes end by cancellation, expiry, forfeiture and surrender.

"endorse" , in relation to endorsing information on a document, if the document is an electronic conveyancing document, means record the information in electronic form as part of the document in such a way that it is reasonable to expect the information will be readily accessible as part of the document so as to be useable for subsequent reference.

"enforcement warrant" see the Civil Proceedings Act 2011 , section 90 .

"environmentally sensitive area" ...

"error" includes an error by omission.

"existing" means existing immediately before section 524 commenced.

"existing grazing homestead freeholding lease" means a grazing homestead freeholding lease issued under the repealed Act, part 4 , division 5 because of an application received on or after 5 February 1990.

"existing lease" , for chapter 4 , part 3 , division 4 , see section 176 (1) .

"existing leases" , for chapter 4 , part 3 , division 5 , see section 176K (1) .

"existing post-Wolfe freeholding lease" means—
(a) an existing perpetual country, suburban or town lease that was taken to be, under the repealed Act, part 7 , division 3 a lease for a term of years subject to a covenant entitling the lessee to the issue of a deed of grant if an application was received—
(i) on or after 5 February 1990; or
(ii) for leases issued for an industrial lease under the repealed Industrial Development Act 1963 —on or after 3 October 1991; or
(b) an existing agricultural farm issued on or after 31 December 1991 under the repealed Act, part 4 , division 1 ; or
(c) an existing special lease purchase freehold issued under the repealed Act, part 8 , division 2 ; or
(d) an existing auction purchase freehold issued under the repealed Act, part 7 , division 1 .

"expiry advice" see section 164C (2) .

"explanatory format plan" see section 290D .

"extension application" see section 164C (1) .

"family arrangement" ...

"fee" includes tax.

"file" , a document, if the document is an electronic conveyancing document, means lodge the document electronically under the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland) , section 7 .

"floating reservation" means a reservation for a public purpose contained in a deed of grant, deed of grant in trust or lease if the grant or lease does not identify the particular land reserved.

"foreshore" , for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"forest consent agreement" see the Forestry Act 1959 , section 61J .

"forest consent area" see the Forestry Act 1959 , section 61J .

"forest entitlement area" means a reservation of commercial timber, and the land on which it stands, to the State in a deed of grant or freeholding lease.

"forest products" see the Forestry Act 1959 , schedule 3 .

"forest reserve" has the same meaning as in the Nature Conservation Act 1992 .

"former owner" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZQ (1) .

"former schedule 1" means schedule 1 as in force immediately before the commencement of the amendment Act.

"freeholding lease" means a pre-Wolfe freeholding lease, a post-Wolfe freeholding lease or a grazing homestead freeholding lease.

"freehold land" means—
(a) land recorded in the freehold land register; and
(b) other land that has been granted or vested in fee simple.

"full supply level" ...

"fund" ...

"future conservation area" ...

"general power" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZD (1) and (2) .

"GPS" means global positioning system.

"grazing homestead freeholding lease" means an existing grazing homestead freeholding lease or a grazing homestead freeholding lease issued under this Act.

"grazing homestead perpetual lease" means—
(a) a grazing homestead perpetual lease issued under the repealed Act; or
(b) a grazing homestead lease, grazing farm lease or settlement farm lease that, under the Land Act Amendment Act 1984 (No. 54), was converted to and declared to be a grazing homestead perpetual lease under the repealed Act.

"help requirement" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZE (1) .

"high-water mark" means the ordinary high-water mark at spring tides.

"identifiable fixed features" include road intersections, fence intersections, survey marks and built infrastructure.

"identity card" , for a provision about authorised officers, means an identity card issued under section 390I .

"ILUA register" ...

"image base" means an image or mosaic of images, including, for example, an aerial photograph or a satellite image.

"imposed condition" , of a lease, licence or permit, see section 202A (2) .

"improvements" means any—
(a) building, fence or yard; and
(b) artificial watercourse or watering-place, bore, reservoir, well or apparatus for raising, holding or conveying water; and
(c) cultivation, garden, orchard or plantation; and
(d) building, structure or appliance that is a fixture for the working or management of land or stock pastured on the land or for maintaining, protecting or increasing the natural capabilities of the land;
but does not include development work.

"improvements notice"
(a) for chapter 4 , part 3 , division 2 , subdivision 1AA —see section 156A (1) ; or
(b) for chapter 4 , part 4 —see section 180I (1) ; or
(c) for chapter 5 , part 4 , division 4 —see section 244 (1) .

"improvements report"
(a) for chapter 4 , part 3 , division 2 , subdivision 1AA —see section 156 (2) ; or
(b) for chapter 4 , part 4 —see section 180C (1) ; or
(c) for chapter 5 , part 4 , division 4 —see section 242A (2) .

"indigenous access and use agreement" see section 373ZB .

"indigenous cultural interest" see section 373ZB .

"indigenous land use agreement" see section 373ZB .

"indigenous party" , for an indigenous cultural interest, means—
(a) if the approved agreement for the interest is an indigenous access and use agreement—the determined native title holders, or registered native title claimants, for the subject area who are a party to the agreement; or
(b) if the approved agreement for the interest is an indigenous land use agreement—the native title party for the subject area who is a party to the agreement.

"information notice" , about a decision, means a notice stating—
(a) the decision and the reasons for it; and
(b) the rights of review and appeal under this Act; and
(c) the period in which any review or appeal under this Act must be started; and
(d) how rights of review and appeal under this Act are to be exercised; and
(e) that, if the person who is given the notice applies under this Act for review of the decision, the person may apply for a stay of the decision.

"instalment" includes any interest that is a component of the instalment.

"interested person" , for chapter 7 , part 3C , see section 431ZG (1) (b) .

"inundated land" means freehold land that, through the excavation of the land or other land, has become inundated by water subject to tidal influence, but does not include a canal, or part of a canal, within the meaning of the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995 .

"investigation decision" , for chapter 7 , part 3 , see section 420J .

"lake" has the same meaning as in the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 , section 62 .

"land degradation" includes any of the following—
(a) soil erosion, salinity or scalding;
(b) destruction of soil structure, including, for example, the loss of fertility, organic matter or nutrients;
(c) decline in perennial pasture grasses, pasture composition and density;
(d) low ground cover;
(e) thickening in woody plants;
(f) stream bank instability and slumping;
(g) the presence of any declared pest;
(h) water logging;
(i) rising water tables;
(j) a process that results in declining water quality.

"land management agreement" means an agreement about the management and use of lease land, entered into under chapter 4 , part 3 , division 6 , whether before or after the commencement of this definition, and includes the agreement as amended from time to time.

"land registry" means the land registry under section 275 .

"Land Title Act compensation provisions" means the Land Title Act 1994 , sections 188 and 188A .

"Land Valuation Act" means the Land Valuation Act 2010 .

(a) generally—means the interest in land comprising a lease held under this Act, as shown by the current particulars of the interest in the appropriate register; and
(b) for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 11A —includes sublease.

"lease land" , for a provision about a lease or proposed lease, a lease to be made available or an offer of a lease, means the land subject to the lease, proposed lease or the lease to be made available or offered.

"legal practitioner" means—
(a) an Australian legal practitioner as defined under the Legal Profession Act 2007 , section 6 (1) ; or
(b) a government legal officer engaged in government work as defined under the Legal Profession Act 2007 , section 12 (1) and (2) .

"lessee" means the person registered in the land registry as the holder of a lease from the State under this Act or the repealed Act, and for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 11A , includes sublessee.

"licence" means the occupation rights comprising a licence held under this Act, as shown by the current particulars of the rights in the appropriate register.

"licence land" , for a provision about a licence, means the land subject to the licence.

"licensee" means the person registered in the land registry as the holder of a licence from the State under this Act or the repealed Act.

"liquidation notice" see section 74 .

"liquidator" see section 74 .

"living area" means the area of grazing or agricultural land that will be adequate to enable a competent person to derive from the working of the land, according to the use for which the land is suited, an income adequate to ensure a reasonable standard of living for the person, the person’s spouse and dependant children, as well as provide a reserve to meet adverse seasons and the cost of developing and maintaining the land at a sustainable rate of production throughout average seasons, having regard to—
(a) the locality of the land; and
(b) the nature of the land; and
(c) the potential of the land for sustainable development; and
(d) the distance of the land from transport facilities and markets.

"lodge" means file for registration in the land registry.
For filing an electronic conveyancing document, see the definition
"file" .

"lopping" , a tree, means cutting or pruning branches of the tree, but does not include—
(a) removing the trunk of the tree; or
(b) cutting or pruning branches of the tree so severely that the tree is likely to die.

"lot" means a separate, distinct parcel of land created on the registration of a plan of subdivision and for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"low-water mark" means the ordinary low-water mark at spring tides.

"manager" , for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"mandatory condition" , of a lease, licence or permit, see section 198C (2) .

"mandatory standard terms document" ...

"mandatory terms" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8D , see section 373ZB .

"Map Grid of Australia 1994" ...

"marker" , for a monitoring site, means a marker for the site, installed or placed under section 390ZD .

"MEDQ" means MEDQ under the Economic Development Act 2012 .

"mill owner" see the Sugar Industry Act 1999 , schedule.

"miners homestead" means—
(a) for chapter 8 , part 7 , division 2 , see section 495 ; or
(b) for chapter 8 , part 7 , division 2A , see section 503B .

"mining interest" see section 20 .

"mining titles freeholding lease" means a mining titles freeholding lease issued under the Mining Titles Freeholding Act 1980 , and includes a replacement document issued under section 502 .

"monitoring device" see section 390ZD (2) (c) .

"monitoring site" see section 390ZD (2) (a) .

"national park" means a national park (scientific) or national park under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 .

"native title" see the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 223 .

"native title claim" means a claim in an application for a determination of native title made to the Federal Court under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 13 .

"native title claim area" means an area that is the subject of a native title claim.

"native title claim group" see the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 253 .

"native title party" see the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 253 .

"native title registrar" means the Native Title Registrar under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 253 .

"natural environmental values" , of lease land, means the qualities and characteristics of the land that contribute to its biological diversity and integrity.

"natural resource" ...

"natural resource product" ...

"nature conservation area" means any of the following under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
(a) a national park;
(b) a conservation park;
(c) a resources reserve;
(d) a forest reserve;
(e) a special wildlife reserve.

"navigable river" ...

"NCA department" means the department in which the Nature Conservation Act 1992 is administered.

"new plan of subdivision" ...

"non-competitive lease" means an existing perpetual country, suburban or town lease issued under the repealed Act, part 8 , division 2 or 3 .

"non-core utility provider" means a person or entity mentioned in this schedule, definition
"public utility provider" , paragraph (e) or (f) .

"non-freehold land" means all land that is not freehold land.

"non-tidal boundary (lake)" , for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 8 .

"non-tidal boundary (watercourse)" , for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 8 .

"non-tidal lake land" , for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 13AA (1) (b) .

"non-tidal watercourse" means a watercourse in which the water that flows is not subject to tidal influence.

"non-tidal watercourse land" , for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 13AA (1) (a) .

"note" , in relation to noting particular information on a document, if the document is an electronic conveyancing document, means record the information in electronic form as part of the document in such a way that it is reasonable to expect the information will be readily accessible as part of the document so as to be useable for subsequent reference.

"notice" means written notice.

"notifier" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339F (1) .

"noxious plant" means a plant that is a declared pest.

"occupation licence" means an existing occupation licence issued under the repealed Act, part 3 , division 3 .

"occupier" , of a place, for chapter 6A and chapter 7 , part 3C , includes the following persons—
(a) if there is more than 1 person who apparently occupies the place—any 1 of the persons;
(b) any person at the place who is apparently acting with the authority of a person who apparently occupies the place;
(c) if no-one apparently occupies the place—
(i) for a place that is non-freehold land—the lessee, licensee, permittee or trustee of the land; or
(ii) for a place that is freehold land—any person who is a registered owner of the place.

"of" , a place, includes at or on the place.

"offence warning" , for a direction or requirement by an authorised officer, for chapter 6A , see section 390C .

"offer" , for chapter 8 , part 7 , division 2 , see section 495 .

"offeree" , for chapter 7 , part 1D , see section 403P .

"offeror" , for chapter 7 , part 1D , see section 403P .

"offer period" , for chapter 7 , part 1D , see section 403R .

"operational deed of grant in trust" means a deed of grant in trust, in effect immediately before the commencement of the amendment Act, if none of the purposes of the deed of grant in trust is—
(a) a community purpose; or
See also sections 559 (3) , 572 (4) and 575 (5) .
(b) provision of services beneficial to Aboriginal people particularly concerned with the land granted in trust; or
(c) provision of services beneficial to Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with the land granted in trust.

"operational reserve" means—
(a) a reserve, in effect immediately before the commencement of the amendment Act, that complies with both of the following—
(i) none of the purposes of the reserve is—
(A) a community purpose; or
See also sections 559 (3) , 562 (5) , 565 (4) and 568 (6) .
(B) provision of services beneficial to Aboriginal people particularly concerned with the land contained in the reserve; or
(C) provision of services beneficial to Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with the land contained in the reserve;
(ii) since the commencement of the amendment Act, the purpose of the reserve has not been changed under section 31B (1) to a purpose mentioned in section 31 (1) (d) or to add a purpose mentioned in section 31 (1) (d) ; or
(b) a reserve, dedicated under chapter 9 , part 8 , division 3 , other than section 570 , that complies with both of the following—
(i) none of the purposes of the reserve is—
(A) a community purpose; or
See also sections 562 (5) , 565 (4) and 568 (6) .
(B) provision of services beneficial to Aboriginal people particularly concerned with the land contained in the reserve; or
(C) provision of services beneficial to Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with the land contained in the reserve;
(ii) since the reserve was dedicated, the purpose of the reserve has not been changed under section 31B (1) to a purpose mentioned in section 31 (1) (d) or to add a purpose mentioned in section 31 (1) (d) ; or
(c) a reserve over public use land that became unallocated State land under section 290JA (2) (d) ; or
(d) a reserve over public use land under the Land Title Act 1994 that became unallocated State land under section 51 (2) (d) of that Act.

"original decision" means a decision—
(a) made under this Act and mentioned in schedule 2 ; or
(b) made under a regulation, if the regulation provides for an appeal in relation to the decision.

(a) for chapter 1 , part 4 , see section 8 ; or
(b) for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8C , see section 373R ; or
(c) for chapter 6A , see section 390C ; or
(d) for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"pastoral lease" means a pastoral holding, preferential pastoral holding, pastoral development holding or stud holding issued under the repealed Act.

"penalty interest" ...

"permanent road closure application" see section 97A .

"permit" means the occupation rights comprising a permit held under this Act, as shown by the current particulars of the rights in the appropriate register.

"permit land" , for a provision about a permit, means the land subject to the permit.

"permittee" means—
(a) for a permit for a term of not more than 12 months, issued under chapter 4 , part 4 , that is not registered—the holder of the permit; or
(b) otherwise—the person registered as the holder of a permit from the State issued under this Act or the repealed Act.

"perpetual lease" means a lease granted in perpetuity.

"personal details requirement" , for chapter 6A , see section 390ZU (5) .

"personally lives" means continuous living on a lease by a lessee or 1 or more of the lessees of a joint interest or interest in common, or within a distance of the lease, stated in the lease, sale notice or prescribed under the regulations.

"personal residence condition" ...

"person in control" , for chapter 6A , see section 390C .

"place" , for chapter 6A , see section 390C .

"Planning Act" means the Planning Act 2016 .

"plan of subdivision" see section 290E .

"plantation licence" means a plantation licence under the Forestry Act 1959 .

"port" has the same meaning as in the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 .

"port authority" means a port authority under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 .

"port lessee" has the meaning given in the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , section 267 .

"port lessor" has the meaning given in the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , section 267 .

"port manager" has the meaning given in the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , section 267 .

"post-Wolfe freeholding lease" means an existing post-Wolfe freeholding lease or a freeholding lease issued under chapter 8 , part 2 , division 2 .

"premises" , for chapter 6A , see section 390C .

"prescribed dispute resolution entity" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339A .

"prescribed term" see section 254 .

"pre-Wolfe freeholding lease" means—
(a) an existing auction perpetual lease that is a perpetual country, suburban or town lease issued under the repealed Act, part 7 , division 2 ; or
(b) an existing perpetual country, suburban or town lease that was taken to be, under the repealed Act, part 7 , division 3 , a lease for a term of years subject to a covenant entitling the lessee to the issue of a deed of grant if an application was received—
(i) before 5 February 1990; or
(ii) for leases issued for an industrial lease under the repealed Industrial Development Act 1963 —before 3 October 1991; or
(c) an existing perpetual lease selection issued under the repealed Act, part 4 , division 2 ; or
(d) an existing agricultural farm issued before 31 December 1991 under the repealed Act, part 4 , division 1 ; or
(e) an existing grazing homestead freeholding lease issued under the repealed Act, part 4 , division 5 because of an application received before 5 February 1990; or
(f) a mining titles freeholding lease; or
(g) an existing lease for a term of years subject to a covenant entitling the lessee to a deed of grant in fee simple, if the lease was granted under the Special Freeholding of Leases Act 1991 on the application of the lessee of a lease mentioned in section 4 (1) (b) of that Act.

"priority development area" means a priority development area under the Economic Development Act 2012 .

"profit a prendre" ...

"Property Law Act relief provisions" means the Property Law Act 1974 , part 11 .

"property vegetation management plan" means—
(a) a property vegetation management plan under this Act, as in force before the commencement of the Vegetation Management and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2004 , section 3 ; or
(b) a property vegetation management plan as defined under the Vegetation Management Act .

"provisional value" see section 139 (3) .

"public interest" includes the cultural, economic, environmental, heritage, land protection, planning, recreational, social and strategic interests of the public.

"public place" , for chapter 6A , see section 390C .

"public purpose" means—
(a) a purpose for which land may be taken under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 ; or
(b) a community purpose; or
(c) a purpose stated in former schedule 1 .

"public thoroughfare easement" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8 , see section 361 .

"public use" , for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"public use land" means land dedicated to public use by a plan of subdivision.

"public utility easement" see section 361 .

"public utility provider" means—
(a) the State or another entity representing the State; or
(b) the Commonwealth or another entity representing the Commonwealth; or
(c) a local government; or
(d) a person authorised by law to provide a public utility service; or
(e) a person authorised under an Act to provide a particular public utility service;
Examples for paragraph (e)—
a special approval holder under the Electricity Act 1994 or a service provider for a registered service under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008
(f) an entity approved by the Minister as suitable to provide infrastructure for use by another entity in the provision of a particular public utility service;
Example for paragraph (f)—
a relevant infrastructure owner as defined under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 whose infrastructure may be used by another entity authorised to supply a water or sewerage service under that Act
(g) a person approved by the Minister as suitable to provide a particular public utility service; or
(h) a mill owner, but only for the registration of a cane railway easement.

"quarry material" has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1959 .

"quarter day" ...

"rail land" means non-rail corridor land or rail corridor land, as defined under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , that is held under a perpetual lease.

"reasonably believe" ...

"reasonably believes" means believes on grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances.

"reasonably suspect" ...

"reasonably suspects" means suspects on grounds that are reasonable in the circumstances.

"regional park (general)" ...

"register" a document, an interest, land or something else, means to record the particulars of the thing in the appropriate register in the land registry.

"registered native title claimant" see the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) , section 253 .

"registered owner" has the same meaning as in the Land Title Act 1994 .

"register of plantation licences" means the register of plantation licences under the Forestry Act 1959 .

"registrar" ...

"registrar of titles" means the registrar of titles under the Land Title Act 1994 .

"regulated condition" see section 212A .

"regulated island" means an island, or a part of an island, declared by regulation under section 434A to be a regulated island.

"regulatory information notice" see section 403L (2) .

"regulatory notice" see section 403K (1) .

"related subleases" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339A .

"related sublessee" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339A .

"relevant interest" see section 254 .

"relevant land" , for chapter 7 , part 3C , see section 431ZA .

"relevant local government" , in relation to land or a tenure, means the local government in whose area the land or tenure is situated.

"relevant Minister" , for land for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8C , see section 373T (1) .

"relevant period" , for chapter 7 , part 2 , division 2 , see section 409 (2) .

"relevant person" , in relation to relevant land, for chapter 7 , part 3C , see section 431ZA .

"relevant section" ...

"relevant tenure" ...

"remedial action" , in relation to land or a thing that has suffered damage, means—
(a) action to return the land or thing to the condition it was in before the damage; or
(b) other appropriate action performed on the land or thing that is of the same, or a similar, value to the action mentioned in paragraph (a) .

"remedial action notice" see section 214 .

"remedial action order" see section 214D (2) .

"renewal application" see section 158 (1) .

"renewal provisions" means chapter 4 , part 3 , division 2 , subdivision 2 .

"rent" means the amount payable under a rent and instalment regulation by a lessee, licensee or permittee for a rental period, but does not include rent for a trustee lease or trustee permit.

"rental category" , of a lease, licence or permit, means the categorisation of the lease, licence or permit under a rent and instalment regulation to the extent the regulation relates to rent.

"rental period" , for a lease, licence or permit, means the rental period prescribed for the lease, licence or permit by a rent and instalment regulation.

"rental valuation" ...

"rent and instalment regulation" means a regulation, or provisions of a regulation, made under this Act for the purposes of section 448 (2) (g) .

"repealed Act" means the Land Act 1962 .

"repealed miners homestead Acts" means—
(a) for chapter 8 , part 7 , division 2 , see section 495 ; or
(b) for chapter 8 , part 7 , division 2A , see section 503B .

"required particulars" ...

"required time" ...

"requisition" see section 305 .

"reserve" includes land dedicated as a reserve under this Act, or reserved and set apart under the repealed Act, as shown by the current particulars in the appropriate register.

"resources reserve" means a resources reserve under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 .

"responder" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339F (1) .

"response" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 3A , see section 339G (1) .

"restricted use area" see section 403K (1) .

"review change" see section 212 .

"review decision" see section 426 (1) .

"revocation notice" means a notice in the approved form requesting the registrar of titles to register a revocation under this Act.

"right line boundary" see section 8 .

"right line tidal boundary" see section 8 .

"road" see section 93 .

"road closure application" see section 97A .

"rolling term lease" see section 164 .

"rural leasehold land" means land for which, under this Act, leases may be issued in perpetuity or for a term of years for agricultural, grazing or pastoral purposes, other than land in any of the following—
(a) a reserve;
(b) a State forest;
(c) a timber reserve;
(d) any of the following under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
(i) a national park;
(ii) a national park (Aboriginal land);
(iii) a national park (Torres Strait Islander land);
(iv) a national park (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land);
(v) a conservation park;
(vi) a resources reserve;
(vii) a forest reserve.

"safety action" see section 403G (2) .

"safety notice" see section 403G (2) .

"sale notice" see section 113 (2) (b) .

"seashore" , for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431O .

"seaward side" , of a tidal boundary or right line tidal boundary, means on the same side of the boundary as the water subject to tidal influence that is relevant to the identification of the boundary as a tidal boundary or right line tidal boundary.

"set format" , for chapter 6 , part 4 , division 8D , see section 373ZB .

"set rent" ...

"shared country" means land that is subject to two or more native title claims.

"ship" ...

"show cause notice" see section 403D (2) .

"show cause period" see section 403D (2) (d) .

"significant development" see section 128 .

"special lease" see section 476 .

"special perpetual mining purposes lease" , for chapter 8 , part 7 , division 2A , see section 503B .

"specified national parks" means the following under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
(a) national parks (Aboriginal land);
(b) national parks (Torres Strait Islander land);
(c) national parks (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land);
(d) indigenous joint management areas.

"spent conviction" ...

"standard document" ...

"standard format" see section 290B .

"standard format lot" means a lot on a standard format plan of survey.

"State forest" has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1959 .

"State housing lease" means a lease in force under the Housing (Freeholding of Land) Act 1957 or the Housing Act 2003 , part 10 .

"State lease" means—
(a) a lease issued over a reserve under section 15 (2) (b) ; or
(b) a special lease issued over a reserve under section 203 (b) of the repealed Act.

"statutory body" means a government entity within the meaning of the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 , a local government and a port authority.

"stock route" means a road or route ordinarily used for travelling stock or declared under an Act to be a stock route.

"strategic port land" means strategic port land under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 .

"subdivision offer" , for chapter 4 , part 3 , division 4 , see section 176A (2) .

"subject area" , for an indigenous cultural interest, means the area that is subject to the interest.

"sublease" includes—
(a) for trust land—a sub-sublease; and
(b) for other land—any derivative under lease, including, for example, a sub-sub-sublease.

"surrender notice" means a notice in the approved form requesting the registrar of titles to register a surrender of a tenure or interest in land under this Act.

"temporary road closure application" see section 97A .

"tenure document" means the document evidencing the interest or rights in land held under this Act.

"term lease" means a lease for a term of years.

"terms" includes covenants and conditions.

"tidal boundary" see section 8 .

"tidal boundary plan of subdivision" ...

"tidal navigable river" ...

"tidal water" see section 8 .

"tied condition" see section 205 .

"timber reserve" has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1959 .

"titles registry fee" , for a matter mentioned in a provision of this Act, means the fee payable for the matter under section 445 .

"titles registry operator" means the operator under the Queensland Future Fund (Titles Registry) Act 2021 .

"topsoil" has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1959 .

"Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with land" ...

"tourism purposes" see section 434 .

"transferable land" means transferable land under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 or Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 .

"transition to sale agreement" see section 240K (2) (b) .

"transport land" , for chapter 6 , means any of the following land that is held under a perpetual lease—
(a) land declared to be busway land under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , chapter 9 ;
(b) land declared to be light rail land under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 , chapter 10 ;
(c) non-rail corridor land as defined under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 ;
(d) rail corridor land as defined under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 ;
(e) State toll road corridor land as defined under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 ;
(f) local government tollway corridor land as defined under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 .

"tree" has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1959 .

"tree clearing offence" ...

"tree clearing provision" ...

"trespass notice" see section 406 (1) .

"trespass order" see section 418 .

"trespass related act" see section 404 .

"trustee lease" means a lease given by the trustee of trust land.

"trustee lease (construction)" see section 57 (5) .

"trustee lease (State or statutory body)" see section 57 (6) .

"trustee of trust land notice" means a notice in the approved form requesting the registrar of titles to register particulars about the office of a trustee.

"trustee permit" means a permit given by a trustee of trust land.

"trustees" see section 30 .

"trust land" means the land comprising a reserve or deed of grant in trust.

"unallocated State land" means all land that is not—
(a) freehold land, or land contracted to be granted in fee simple by the State; or
(b) a road or a reserve, or a national park, conservation park, State forest or timber reserve; or
(c) subject to a lease, licence or permit issued by or for the State, other than a permit to occupy under this Act issued by the chief executive.

"unimproved value" ...

"urban development area" ...

"Urban Land Development Authority" ...

"use conditions" , for chapter 7 , part 3B , see section 431T .

"valuation for rental purposes" ...

"vegetation clearing offence" means—
(a) a vegetation clearing offence under the Vegetation Management Act ; or
(b) a tree clearing offence under this Act, as in force immediately before the Vegetation Management and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2004 , section 3 .

"Vegetation Management Act" means the Vegetation Management Act 1999 .

"vehicle" , for chapter 6A , see section 390C .

"volumetric format" see section 290C .

"watercourse" has the same meaning as in the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 , section 63 .

"water subject to tidal influence" , in relation to a boundary that is a tidal boundary or right line tidal boundary, means the water that is relevant to the identification of the boundary as a tidal boundary or right line tidal boundary.

"writ of execution" means a writ or warrant of execution after judgment in any court, and includes an enforcement warrant.

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