Queensland Consolidated Acts

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SCHEDULE 2 – Dictionary

"abbreviated process notice" , for part 7 , see section 7 .18(1).

"ACC" means the Australian Crime Commission established under the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 (Cwlth) , section 7 .

"alcohol test" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"approved agency"

(a) for part 10 , division 1A —see section 10 .2G; or
(b) for part 10 , division 1B —see section 10 .2S.

"approved form" means a form approved by the commissioner for use under this Act.

"approved information" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"assistant commissioner" means the executive officer holding the rank of assistant commissioner.

"authorised person" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"award" ...

"breach of discipline" ...

"CCC" means the Crime and Corruption Commission under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 .

"child-related employment screening" , for part 10 , division 1B , see section 10 .2S.

"commissioned officer" means a person who holds a position in the police service as a commissioned officer.

"commissioner" means the commissioner of the police service.

"commissioner for police service reviews" means a commissioner for police service reviews under section 9 .2A.

"complaint" , for part 7 , see section 7 .3.

"comprehensive transfer" , for part 7 , division 5 , see section 7 . 37.

"condition" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"constable" means a person who holds a position in the police service as a constable.

"conviction" , for a provision of part 5AA or part 10 , division 1B , means a finding of guilt, or the acceptance of a plea of guilty, by a court for an offence—
(a) whether or not a conviction is recorded; and
(b) whether in Queensland or elsewhere; and
(c) whether before or after the commencement of the provision.

"corrupt conduct" see the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 , section 15 .

"covert operative" ...

"criminal history" , of a person—
(a) for part 5AA and schedule 1 —see section 5AA .1A; or
(b) for part 10 , division 1 , subdivision 2 —see section 10 .2AA; or
(c) for part 10 , division 1A —see section 10 .2G; or
(d) for part 10 , division 1B —see section 10 .2S.

"CrimTrac" ...

"CrimTrac Agency" ...

"critical area" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"critical incident" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"dangerous drug" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"declared agency" see the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , schedule 6 .

"declared law enforcement agency" ...

"deputy commissioner" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"disability-related employment screening" , for part 10 , division 1B , see section 10 .2S.

"disciplinable conduct" , for part 7 , see section 7 .3.

"disciplinary action" see section 7 .3.

"disciplinary charge" , for part 7 , division 4 , see section 7 . 25(a).

"disciplinary declaration"
(a) for a disciplinary declaration made under a public sector disciplinary law, means—
(i) a disciplinary declaration made under—
(A) section 7A .2(2); or
(B) the Public Sector Act 2022 , section 95 ; or
(C) the Misconduct Tribunals Act 1997 or QCAT Act ; or
(ii) a declaration under another public sector disciplinary law that states the disciplinary action that would have been taken against the person if the person’s employment had not ended; or
(b) otherwise, means a disciplinary declaration made under section 7A .2(2).

"disciplinary finding" means a finding that a ground for disciplinary action exists.

"disciplinary ground" ...

"disciplinary history" , of an officer, for part 7 , see section 7 .3.

"disciplinary proceeding" see section 7 .3.

"disciplinary proceeding notice" , for part 7 , see section 7 . 25.

"disciplinary sanction" , for part 7 , see section 7 . 34.

"end user" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"engaged by the service" see section 5AA .3.

"evidence" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"executive officer" means a person who holds a position in the police service as an executive officer.

"external service provider" , for part 5AA , means a person or class of persons—
(a) who is employed or engaged in an entity other than the service; and
(b) whose functions include, or may include, performing direct corporate service support for the service that allows the person access to corporate or operational information in the possession of the commissioner; and
(c) who is declared by regulation to be an external service provider for this part.

"face matching services" , for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"finally dealt with" , in relation to a proceeding, see section 7 .3.

"fire service officer" see the Fire Services Act 1990 , schedule 2 .

"former officer" , for part 7A and any reference to a disciplinary declaration, see section 7A .1(1)(b).

"general alcohol limit" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"ground for disciplinary action" see section 7 .3.

"handler" , of a police dog, means an officer whose duties include handling a police dog.

"head" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section10.2G.

"host agency" , for an identity matching service, for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"identity document" , for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"identity information" , for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"identity matching services" , for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"industrial agreement" ...

"industrial authority" means the industrial commission or Industrial Court.

"industrial instrument" means an industrial instrument under the Industrial Relations Act 2016 .

"information" , for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"interstate screening unit" , for part 10 , division 1B , see section 10 .2S.

"IPSP" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"law enforcement agency" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"law enforcement purpose" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"local transfer" , for part 7 , division 5 , see section 7 .38.

"low alcohol limit" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"marked print" means a print of a photograph, marked in a way that highlights—
(a) features or aspects of the subject of the print; or
(b) points of similarity between the subject of the print and the subject of another print.

"medical examination" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"member" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section10.2G.

"member of the service" see section 2 .2.

"MINDA" ...

"misconduct" means conduct that—
(a) is disgraceful, improper or unbecoming an officer; or
(b) shows unfitness to be or continue as an officer; or
(c) does not meet the standard of conduct the community reasonably expects of a police officer.

"MRQ member" see the Marine Rescue Queensland Act 2024 , schedule 1 .

"MRQ volunteer" see the Marine Rescue Queensland Act 2024 , schedule 1 .

"new prescribed officer" see section 7 .42B(1).

"no alcohol limit" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"noncommissioned officer" means a person who holds a position in the police service as a noncommissioned officer.

(a) generally, means a police officer; and
(b) for part 7 , see section 7 .3.

"official misconduct" ...

"operative" see section 5A .2.

"original prescribed officer" see section 7 .42A(a).

"over the limit" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"participating entity" , in relation to an identity matching service, for part 10 , division 1AA , see section 10 .2FA.

"place" means any, or any part of any, land, water, building, structure, vehicle, vessel, aircraft or carriage.

"police dog" means a dog kept by the commissioner for helping police officers perform the duties of police officers.
a dog trained as a sniffer dog to help find illegal drugs

"police horse" means a horse kept by the commissioner for use by officers when performing the duties of police officers.

"police officer" means a person declared under section 2 .2(2) to be a police officer.

"police recruit" means a person who holds a position in the police service as a police recruit.

"policing purpose" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"prescribed officer" see section 7 .3.

"prescribed person" ...

"prescribed responsibility" means the responsibility of the commissioner for the matters mentioned in section 4 .8(1)(a) and (b).

"print" means a print of a photograph or part of a photograph, and includes a marked print and an audio recording of an interview.

"professional development strategy" , for part 7 , see section 7 .3.

"proposed sanction notice" , for part 7 , see section 7 .28(2).

"proposed sanction or strategy"
(a) for part 7 , division 3 , see section 7 .18(1)(c); or
(b) for part 7 , division 4 , see section 7 .28(2)(c).

"protective services officer" means a person appointed by the commissioner under section 5 .19(1)(a).

"protective services officer (in training)" means a person appointed by the commissioner under section 5 .19(1)(b).

"PSBA" ...

"PSBA chief operating officer" ...

"PSBA employee" ...

"public sector disciplinary law" means—
(a) this Act or any repealed Act regulating police; or
(b) the Public Sector Act 2022 ; or
(c) the Misconduct Tribunals Act 1997 or QCAT Act ; or
(d) a disciplinary provision of an industrial instrument under the Industrial Relations Act 2016 ; or
(e) another Act prescribed under a regulation.

"public service employee" ...

"QCAT information notice" , for a decision, means a notice complying with the QCAT Act , section 157 (2) for the decision.

"QPS database" means any of the following—
(a) the database known as QPRIME;
(b) the register of enforcement acts kept under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 ;
(c) another database kept by or on behalf of the commissioner.

"Queensland Transport" means the department in which the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 is administered.

"random alcohol test" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"recruit" means a police recruit.

"relevant information" , about a person, for part 5AA , means information about the person of a kind mentioned in schedule 1 for the person.

"relevant member" ...

"relevant person" , for part 5A , see section 5A .3.

"relevant PSBA employee" ...

"required period" , for part 7 , division 3 , subdivision 3 , see section 7 .20.

"saliva analysing instrument" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"seconded officer" ...

"senior officer" , in relation to another officer (the
"subordinate" ), means—
(a) an officer designated as the subordinate’s senior officer in accordance with established administrative arrangements or policies; or
(b) if there is no officer mentioned in paragraph (a)
(i) an officer holding a higher rank than the subordinate as prescribed by regulation; or
(ii) an officer holding the same rank as the subordinate but who has held that rank for a longer period; or
(iii) an officer holding the same rank as the subordinate for the same period but who has the longer period of continuous service as an officer.
In relation to special constables (State officer), see section 5 .16A(5).

"service" means the police service.

"service history" , of an officer, see section 7 .3.

"SES local government employee" means an SES employee under the State Emergency Service Act 2024 who—
(a) performs an SES function as an employee of a local government; and
(b) does not also perform an SES function as an employee of the State.

"SES function" see the State Emergency Service Act 2024 , schedule 1 .

"SES member" see the State Emergency Service Act 2024 , schedule 1 .

"SES volunteer"
(a) generally—see the State Emergency Service Act 2024 , schedule 1 ; and
(b) for part 5A or schedule 1 —does not include a person who also performs an SES function as an employee of the State.

"special constable" means a person who holds a position as a special constable.

"special constable (associate)" means a person holding appointment as a special constable (associate) under section 5 .16.

"special constable (State officer)" means a person holding appointment as a special constable (State officer) under section 5 .16.

"staff member" means a person who is a staff member of the police service under section 2 .5(1).

"state building" see the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 , section 549 .

"subject officer" , for part 7 , see section 7 .2.

"targeted substance" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"targeted substance test" , for part 5A , see section 5A .2.

"tenure not limited by time" see section 1 .5.

"transfer" of a police officer to a position has the meaning given by section 5 .2(1).

"unlawfully" means without authorisation, justification or excuse by law.

"use" , for part 10 , division 1A , see section 10 .2G.

"watch-house officer" means a staff member who is appointed by the commissioner to be a watch-house officer.

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