Queensland Consolidated Regulations
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- Made under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
- As at 23 September 2024
- Reg 194 of 2009
Division 1 - General
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Object
Division 2 - Some features of this regulation
4. Definitions
5. Compliance with standards
6. Examples
7. Sections 7–10 not used
Division 1 - Roads and road-related areas
11. Regulation applies to vehicles and road users on roads and road-related areas
12. Section number not used
13. What is a road-related area
Division 2 - Road users and vehicles
14. Road users
15. What is a vehicle
15A. Personal mobility devices—Act, sch 4
16. Who is a driver
17. Who is a rider
18. (Repealed)
19. Reference to driver includes rider etc.
20. Obeying the speed limit
21. Speed limit where a speed limit sign applies
22. Speed limit in a speed limited area
23. Speed limit in a school zone
24. Speed limit in a shared zone
24A. Speed limit for certain vehicles
24B. Speed limit for personal mobility devices
25. Speed limit elsewhere
Division 1 - Left turns
26. Application of division to roundabouts, road-related areas and adjacent land
27. Starting a left turn from a road (except a multi-lane road)
28. Starting a left turn from a multi-lane road
29. Making a left turn as indicated by a turn line
Division 2 - Right turns
30. Application of division to certain right turns
31. Starting a right turn from a road (except a multi-lane road)
32. Starting a right turn from a multi-lane road
33. Making a right turn
Division 3 - Hook turns at intersections
34. Making a hook turn at a hook turn only sign
35. Optional hook turn by a bicycle or personal mobility device rider
36. Bicycle rider making a hook turn contrary to no hook turn by bicycles sign
Division 4 - U-turns
37. Beginning a U-turn
38. Giving way when making a U-turn
39. Making a U-turn contrary to a no U-turn sign
40. Making a U-turn at an intersection with traffic lights
41. Making a U-turn at an intersection without traffic lights
42. Starting a U-turn at an intersection
43. Making a U-turn at particular crossings
43A. Making a U-turn on a road-related area with traffic lights
Division 1 - Change of direction signals
44. Division does not apply to entering or leaving a roundabout, lane filtering or repositioning
45. What is changing direction
46. Giving a left change of direction signal
47. How to give a left change of direction signal
48. Giving a right change of direction signal
49. How to give a right change of direction signal
50. How to give a right change of direction signal by giving a hand signal
51. When use of direction indicator lights permitted
Division 2 - Stop signals
52. Division does not apply to bicycle or personal mobility device riders or certain tram drivers
53. Giving a stop signal
54. How to give a stop signal
55. How to give a stop signal by giving a hand signal
Division 1 - Obeying traffic lights and traffic arrows
56. Stopping on a red traffic light or arrow
57. Stopping for a yellow traffic light or arrow
58. Exceptions to stopping for a red or yellow traffic light
59. Proceeding through a red traffic light
60. Proceeding through a red traffic arrow
60A. Proceeding through a bicycle storage area before a red traffic light or arrow
61. Proceeding when traffic lights or arrows at an intersection change to red or yellow
Division 2 - Giving way at traffic lights and traffic arrows
62. Giving way when turning at intersection with traffic lights
63. Giving way at an intersection with traffic lights not operating or only partly operating
64. Giving way at a flashing yellow traffic arrow at an intersection
65. Giving way at a marked foot crossing (except at an intersection) with a flashing yellow traffic light
Division 3 - Twin red lights (except at level crossings)
66. Stopping for twin red lights (except at level crossings)
Division 4 - (Repealed)
Division 1 - Giving way at a stop sign, stop line, give way sign or give way line applying to the driver
67. Stopping and giving way at a stop sign or stop line at an intersection without traffic lights
68. Stopping and giving way at a stop sign or stop line at other places
69. Giving way at a give way sign or give way line at an intersection, other than a roundabout
69A. Two or more drivers facing various signs or lines at an intersection
70. Giving way at a give way sign at a bridge or length of narrow road
71. Giving way at a give way sign or give way line at other places
Division 2 - Giving way at an intersection without traffic lights or a stop sign, stop line, give way sign or give way line
72. Giving way at an intersection (except a T-intersection or roundabout)
73. Giving way at a T-intersection
Division 3 - Entering or leaving road-related areas and adjacent land
74. Giving way when entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land
75. Giving way when entering a road-related area or adjacent land from a road
Division 4 - Keeping clear of and giving way to particular vehicles
76. Keeping clear of trams travelling in tram lanes etc.
77. Giving way to buses
78. Keeping clear of police and emergency vehicles
78A. Approaching and passing emergency response vehicles
79. Giving way to police and emergency vehicles
79A. Giving way to escorted vehicles
Division 5 - Crossings and shared zones
80. Stopping at a children’s crossing
81. Giving way at a pedestrian crossing
82. Overtaking or passing a vehicle at a children’s crossing or pedestrian crossing
83. Giving way to pedestrians in a shared zone
Division 6 - Other give way rules
84. Giving way when driving through a break in a dividing strip
85. Giving way on a painted island
86. Giving way in median turning bays
87. Giving way when moving from a side of a road or a median strip parking area
Division 1 - Traffic signs and road markings at intersections and other places
88. Left turn signs
89. Right turn signs
90. No turns signs
91. No left turn and no right turn signs
92. Traffic lane arrows
Division 2 - Traffic signs and road markings generally
93. No overtaking or passing signs
94. No overtaking on bridge signs
95. Emergency stopping lane
96. Keep clear markings
97. Road access signs
98. One-way signs
99. Keep left and keep right signs
100. No entry signs
101. Hand-held stop signs
101A. Safety ramp and arrester bed signs
Division 3 - Signs for trucks, buses and other large vehicles
102. Clearance and low clearance signs
103. Load limit signs
104. No trucks signs
105. Trucks must enter signs
106. No buses signs
107. Buses must enter signs
108. Trucks and buses low gear signs
109. What is a roundabout
110. Meaning of halfway around a roundabout
111. Entering a roundabout from a multi-lane road or a road with 2 or more lines of traffic travelling in the same direction
112. Giving a left change of direction signal when entering a roundabout
113. Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout
114. Giving way when entering or driving in a roundabout
115. Driving in a roundabout
116. Obeying traffic lane arrows when driving in or leaving a roundabout
117. Giving a change of direction signal when changing marked lanes or lines of traffic in a roundabout
118. Giving a left change of direction signal when leaving a roundabout
119. Giving way by the rider of a bicycle, personal mobility device or animal to a vehicle leaving a roundabout
120. What is a level crossing
121. Stopping and giving way at a stop sign at a level crossing
122. Giving way at a give way sign or give way line at a level crossing
123. Entering a level crossing when a train or tram is approaching etc.
124. Leaving a level crossing
Division 1 - General
125. Unreasonably obstructing drivers or pedestrians
126. Keeping a safe distance behind vehicles
127. Keeping a minimum distance between long vehicles
128. Entering blocked intersections
128A. Entering particular blocked crossings
Division 2 - Keeping to the left
129. Keeping to the far left side of a road
130. Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road
131. Keeping to the left of oncoming vehicles
132. Keeping to the left of the centre of a road or the dividing line
133. Exceptions to keeping to the left of the centre of a road
134. Exceptions to keeping to the left of a dividing line
134A. Exception to keeping to the left of a dividing line for drivers of long vehicles
135. Keeping to the left of a median strip
136. Driving on a one-way service road
137. Keeping off a dividing strip
138. Keeping off a painted island
139. Exceptions for avoiding obstructions on a road
139A. Exceptions for passing bicycle or personal mobility device rider
Division 3 - Overtaking
140. No overtaking unless safe to do so
141. No overtaking etc. to the left of a vehicle
142. No overtaking to the right of a vehicle turning right etc.
143. Passing or overtaking a vehicle displaying a do not overtake turning vehicle sign
144. Keeping a safe distance when overtaking
144A. Keeping a safe lateral distance when passing bicycle or personal mobility device rider
145. Driver being overtaken not to increase speed
Division 4 - Driving in marked lanes or lines of traffic
146. Driving within a single marked lane or line of traffic
147. Moving from 1 marked lane to another marked lane across a continuous line separating the lanes
148. Giving way when moving from 1 marked lane or line of traffic to another marked lane or line of traffic
148A. Giving way when moving within a single marked lane
149. Giving way when lines of traffic merge into a single line of traffic
150. Driving on or across a continuous white edge line
151. Riding a motorbike, bicycle or personal mobility device alongside more than 1 other rider
151A. Lane filtering between slow or stationary vehicles on a motorbike
151B. Edge filtering past slow or stationary vehicles on a motorbike
Division 5 - Obeying overhead lane control devices applying to marked lanes
152. Complying with overhead lane control devices
Division 6 - Driving in marked lanes designated for special purposes
153. Bicycle lanes
154. Bus lanes
154A. Bus only lanes
155. Tram lanes
155A. Tramways
156. Transit lanes
157. Truck lanes
158. Exceptions to driving in special purpose lanes etc.
159. Marked lanes required to be used by particular kinds of vehicles
Division 7 - Passing trams and safety zones
160. Passing or overtaking a tram that is not at or near the left side of the road
161. Passing or overtaking a tram at or near the left side of a road
162. Driving past a safety zone
163. Driving past the rear of a stopped tram at a tram stop
164. Stopping beside a stopped tram at a tram stop
164AA. Staying stopped if a tram comes from behind a stopped driver and stops
Division 1 - General
164A. Minor traffic offences
165. Stopping in an emergency etc. or to comply with another provision
166. Application of part to bicycles and personal mobility devices
Division 2 - No stopping and parking signs and road markings
167. No stopping signs
168. No parking signs
169. No stopping on a road with a yellow edge line
Division 3 - Stopping at intersections and crossings
170. Stopping in or near an intersection
171. Stopping on or near a children’s crossing
172. Stopping on or near a pedestrian crossing (except at an intersection)
173. Stopping on or near a marked foot crossing (except at an intersection)
174. Stopping on or near a bicycle crossing (except at an intersection)
175. Stopping on or near a level crossing
Division 4 - Stopping on clearways and freeways and in emergency stopping lanes
176. Stopping on a clearway
177. Stopping on a freeway
178. Stopping in an emergency stopping lane
Division 5 - Stopping in zones for particular vehicles
179. Stopping in a loading zone
180. Stopping in a truck zone
181. Stopping in a works zone
182. Stopping in a taxi zone
183. Stopping in a bus zone
184. Section number not used
185. Stopping in a permit zone
186. Stopping in a mail zone
Division 6 - Other places where stopping is restricted
187. Stopping in a bus lane, bus only lane, tram lane, tramway, transit lane, truck lane or on tram tracks
188. Stopping in a shared zone
189. Double parking
190. Stopping in or near a safety zone
191. Stopping near an obstruction
192. Stopping on a bridge or in a tunnel etc.
193. Stopping on a crest or curve outside a built-up area
194. Stopping near a fire hydrant etc.
195. Stopping at or near a bus stop
196. Stopping at or near a tram stop
197. Stopping on a path, dividing strip, nature strip, painted island or traffic island
198. Obstructing access to and from a footpath, driveway etc.
199. Stopping near a postbox
200. Stopping on roads—heavy and long vehicles
201. Stopping on a road with bicycle parking sign
202. Stopping on a road with motorbike parking sign
203. Stopping in a parking area for people with disabilities
203A. Stopping in a slip lane
203B. Section number not used
203C. Stopping in a parking area for the charging of electric-powered vehicles
Division 7 - Permissive parking signs and parking fees
204. Meaning of particular information on or with permissive parking signs
205. Parking for longer than indicated
205A. Parking outside times indicated
206. Time extension for people with disabilities
207. Section number not used
Division 8 - Parallel parking
208. Parallel parking on a road (except in a median strip parking area)
208A. Parallel parking in a road-related area (except in a median strip parking area)
209. Parallel parking in a median strip parking area
Division 9 - Angle parking
210. Angle parking
Division 10 - Other parking related rules
211. Parking in parking bays
212. Entering and leaving a median strip parking area
213. Making a motor vehicle secure
213A. Evidentiary provision
Division 1 - Lights on vehicles (except bicycles, personal mobility devices, animals and animal-drawn vehicles)
214. Division does not apply to riders of bicycles, personal mobility devices, animals or animal-drawn vehicles
215. Using lights when driving at night or in hazardous weather conditions
216. Towing a vehicle at night or in hazardous weather conditions
217. Using fog lights
218. Using headlights on high-beam
219. Lights not to be used to dazzle other road users
220. Using lights on vehicles that are stopped
221. Using hazard warning lights
222. School bus not to be driven without warning lights and warning signs
222A. Use of warning lights—picking up or setting down school children
Division 2 - Lights on animal-drawn vehicles
223. Using lights when riding an animal-drawn vehicle at night or in hazardous weather conditions
Division 3 - Horns and radar detectors
224. Using horns and similar warning devices
225. Using radar detectors and similar devices
Division 4 - Portable warning triangles for heavy vehicles
226. Heavy vehicles to be equipped with portable warning triangles
227. Using portable warning triangles
Division 5 - Signs for oversize vehicles
227A. Do not overtake turning vehicle signs for long vehicles
227B. Warning sign not to be displayed if not required by law
Division 1 - General
228. No pedestrian signs
229. Pedestrians on a road with a road access sign
230. Crossing a road—general
231. Crossing a road at pedestrian lights
232. Crossing a road at traffic lights
233. Crossing a road to or from a tram
234. Crossing a road on or near a crossing for pedestrians
235. Crossing a level crossing
235A. Crossing a pedestrian level crossing that has a red pedestrian light
236. Pedestrians not to cause a traffic hazard or obstruction
237. Getting on or into a moving vehicle
238. Pedestrians travelling along a road (except if using a wheeled recreational device or wheeled toy)
239. Pedestrians on a bicycle path or separated footpath
239A. Operating a motorised mobility device on a path
Division 2 - Rules for persons travelling in or on wheeled recreational devices and wheeled toys
240. Wheeled recreational devices and toys not to be used on certain roads
240A. No wheeled recreational devices or toys sign
241. Travelling in or on a wheeled recreational device or toy on a road
242. Travelling in or on a wheeled recreational device or toy on a footpath or shared path
243. Travelling on rollerblades etc. on a bicycle path or separated footpath
244. Wheeled recreational devices or wheeled toys being towed etc.
244A. Section number not used
244B. Wearing of helmets by users of low powered toy scooters
Division 3 - (Repealed)
245. Riding a bicycle
245A. Age restrictions for personal mobility device riders
246. Carrying people on a bicycle
246A. Carrying people on a personal mobility device
247. (Repealed)
247A. (Repealed)
247B. Giving way while entering or in a bicycle storage area
248. Riding a bicycle or personal mobility device across a road on particular crossings
249. Riding a bicycle or personal mobility device on a separated footpath
250. Riding a bicycle or personal mobility device on a footpath or shared path
251. Riding bicycles and personal mobility devices to the left of oncoming riders on a path
252. No bicycles signs and markings
252A. No personal mobility devices sign and road marking
252B. Personal mobility devices not to be ridden on particular roads
252C. Exception to not riding personal mobility devices on particular roads—PMD-permitted bicycle lane
252D. Other exceptions to not riding personal mobility devices on particular roads
252E. Personal mobility device rider crossing a road on or near a crossing for pedestrians
252F. Personal mobility device rider crossing a level crossing
252G. Personal mobility device rider crossing a pedestrian level crossing that has a red pedestrian light
253. Bicycle and personal mobility device riders not to cause a traffic hazard
254. Bicycles or personal mobility devices being towed etc.
255. Riding a bicycle or personal mobility device too close to the rear of a motor vehicle
256. Bicycle helmets
256A. Personal mobility device rider required to wear helmet
257. Riding a bicycle or personal mobility device with a person on a bicycle or PMD trailer
258. Equipment on a bicycle or personal mobility device
258A. Personal mobility devices with sharp protrusions
259. Riding bicycles or personal mobility devices at night
260. Stopping a bicycle or personal mobility device for a red bicycle crossing light
261. Stopping a bicycle or personal mobility device for a yellow bicycle crossing light
262. Proceeding when bicycle crossing at an intersection or another place on a road
263. Application of part to persons in or on trams
264. Wearing of seatbelts by drivers
264A. Driver must ensure passengers comply with seatbelt requirements
265. Seatbelt requirements for passengers 16 years old or older
266. Seatbelt requirements for passengers under 16 years old
267. Exemptions from wearing seatbelts
267A. Exemptions for driver in relation to passengers
267B. When an approved seatbelt is properly adjusted and fastened
268. How persons must travel in or on a motor vehicle
269. Opening doors and getting out of a vehicle etc.
270. Wearing motorbike helmets
271. Riding on motorbikes
271A. Passengers in or on quad bikes or utility off-road vehicles
272. Interfering with the driver’s control of the vehicle etc.
Division 1 - Trams
273. Division also applies to tram recovery vehicles and buses travelling along tram tracks
274. Stopping for a red T light
275. Stopping for a yellow T light
276. Exception to stopping for a red or yellow T light
277. Proceeding after stopping for a red or yellow T light
278. Proceeding when a red traffic light and a white T light or white traffic arrow is showing
279. Proceeding when a white T light or white traffic arrow is no longer showing
Division 2 - Buses, taxis and bicycles
280. Application of division
281. Stopping for a red B light
282. Stopping for a yellow B light
283. Exception to stopping for a red or yellow B light
284. Proceeding after stopping for a red or yellow B light
285. Proceeding when a red traffic light and a white B light or white traffic arrow is showing
286. Proceeding when a white B light or white traffic arrow is no longer showing
Division 1 - Miscellaneous rules for drivers
287. (Repealed)
288. Driving on a path
289. Driving on a nature strip
290. Driving on a traffic island
291. Making unnecessary noise or smoke
292. Section number not used
293. Removing fallen etc. things from the road
293A. Oil and grease
293B. Restriction on driving or stopping vehicle on road
294. Keeping control of a vehicle being towed
295. Motor vehicle towing another vehicle with a towline
296. Driving a vehicle in reverse
297. Driver to have proper control of a vehicle etc.
298. Driving with a person in a trailer
299. Television receivers and visual display units in motor vehicles
300. Use of mobile phones
300A. Drinking liquor while driving
300B. (Repealed)
300C. Limitation on use of wheeled recreational device or wheeled toy
300D. Driver must not damage rail infrastructure or obstruct level crossing
300E. Interfering with or interrupting funeral procession
Division 2 - Rules for people in charge of animals
301. Leading an animal while in or on a vehicle
301A. Harnessing an animal drawing a vehicle
301B. Riding an animal on a road-related area when possible
302. Rider of an animal on a footpath or nature strip to give way to pedestrians
303. Riding an animal alongside more than 1 other rider
303A. Giving way to restive horses
Division 2A - Rules for people in charge of animal-drawn vehicles
303B. Brakes
Division 3 - Obeying directions
304. Direction by particular persons
305. Exemption for drivers of police vehicles
306. Exemptions for drivers of emergency vehicles
307. Stopping and parking exemption for police and emergency vehicles
308. Exemption for police officers and emergency workers on foot
308A. (Repealed)
309. Exemptions for drivers of trams etc.
310. Exemption for road workers etc.
311. Exemption for oversize vehicles
312. Exemption for tow truck drivers
313. Exemption for postal vehicles
313A. Exemption for garbage truck drivers etc.
313B. Exemption for motor breakdown service vehicles
Division 1 - General
314. Diagrams of traffic control devices, traffic-related items and symbols
315. Legal effect of traffic control devices
316. When do traffic control devices comply substantially with this regulation
317. Information on or with traffic control devices
318. Limited effect of certain traffic control devices
319. Legal effect of traffic-related items mentioned in this regulation
320. When do traffic-related items comply substantially with this regulation
321. Meaning of information on or with traffic control devices and traffic-related items
322. Reference to traffic control devices and traffic-related items on a road etc.
323. References to lights that are traffic signals
323A. Audible lines
Division 2 - Application of traffic control devices to lengths of roads and areas
324. Purpose of division
325. References to traffic control devices—application to lengths of road and areas
326. When do traffic control devices apply to a length of road or area—the basic rules
327. Length of road to which a traffic sign (except a parking control sign) applies
328. References to a traffic control device applying to a length of road
329. Traffic control devices applying to a marked lane
330. Traffic control devices applying to a slip lane
331. Traffic control devices applying to an intersection
332. Parking control signs applying to a length of road
333. Parking control signs applying to a length of road in an area to which another parking control sign applies etc.
334. How parking control signs apply to a length of road
335. Traffic control devices applying to an area
336. How separated footpath signs and separated footpath road markings apply
Division 3 - Application of traffic control devices to persons
337. Purpose of division
338. References to traffic control devices—application to persons
339. When do traffic control devices apply to a person—the basic rules
340. Traffic control devices (except road markings and parking control signs)
341. Road markings
342. Traffic signs (except parking control signs) applying to a length of road
343. Traffic signs (except parking control signs) applying to an area
344. Traffic control devices applying to a driver in a marked lane
345. Traffic control devices applying to a driver in a slip lane
346. Parking control signs
347. Meaning of abbreviations and symbols
348. References to a driver doing something etc.
349. References to certain kinds of roads
350. References to stopping or parking on a length of road etc.
351. References to left and right
352. References to stopping as near as practicable to a place
352A. Giving way to pedestrians and riders of bicycles and personal mobility devices crossing a road
353. Prescribed offences for ch 5, pt 7 of the Act
353AA. Prescribed offences for the Act, s 113A(2)(a) and (b)
353AB. Matters for camera-detected offences for which notice from defendant is required—Act, s 120
353ABA. Driver distraction offence—Act, s 120E
353AC. Evidence by certificate—Act, s 123C(3)
353A. People with disabilities symbols—Act, sch 4, definition people with disabilities symbol
353B. Power-assisted bicycles—Act, sch 4, definition power-assisted bicycle
354. Repeal
355. Continuation of Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 1999, s 266
356. References to Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 1999
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