South Australian Current Acts

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93—Meetings of electors

        (1)         A council may convene a meeting of electors of the area or a part of the area.

        (2)         The chief executive officer must give public notice of the time and place of a meeting of electors, and of the nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting, at least 14 days and not more than 28 days before the date of the meeting.

        (3)         The following persons are entitled to attend and vote at a meeting convened under this section:

            (a)         in the case of a meeting of electors of an area

                  (i)         any person who is enrolled on the voters roll for the area as an elector; and

                  (ii)         a nominee of a body corporate or group which has its name on the voters roll for the area;

            (b)         in the case of a meeting of electors of a part of an area

                  (i)         any person who is enrolled on the voters roll for the area as an elector

                        (A)         in respect of a place of residence within that part of the area; or

                        (B)         in respect of rateable property within that part of the area; or

                  (ii)         a nominee of a body corporate which is a ratepayer, or of a group of persons who are ratepayers, in respect of rateable property within that part of the area.

        (4)         A meeting of electors under this section cannot proceed unless at least one member of the council is present at the meeting.

        (5)         If the principal member of the council is present and available to preside at a meeting of electors held under this section, he or she must preside at the meeting.

        (6)         If the principal member is absent from a meeting of electors held under this section or is not available to preside at the meeting, the following provisions apply:

            (a)         if there is a deputy mayor available to preside at the meeting—the deputy must preside;

            (b)         if there is no deputy or he or she is not available to preside—a member of the council appointed by the council must preside;

            (c)         if no member of the council is so appointed or a member so appointed is absent from the meeting—a member chosen by the persons present and lawfully voting at the meeting must preside.

        (7)         A question to be decided at a meeting of electors will be decided by a majority of the votes of the persons present and lawfully voting at the meeting.

        (8)         A person present at the meeting who is entitled to vote on a question arising for decision at the meeting in his or her own capacity as an elector may also, if the person is a nominee of a body corporate or a group of persons who are ratepayers, vote in that capacity as a nominee.

        (9)         The member presiding at a meeting of electors does not, in the event of an equality of votes, have a casting vote.

        (10)         The chief executive officer of the council must ensure that minutes are kept of the proceedings at a meeting of electors.

        (11)         Each member of the council must, within five days after a meeting of electors, be supplied with a copy of the minutes of the proceedings.

        (12)         The member presiding at a meeting of electors must transmit a resolution passed at a meeting held under this section to the council.

        (13)         A meeting of electors may be adjourned from time to time and from place to place.

        (14)         The procedure to be observed to make a nomination for the purposes of subsection (3)(a)(ii) or (b)(ii) will be as determined by the council.

        (15)         Subject to this Act, the procedure to be observed at a meeting of electors will be as determined by the person presiding at the meeting.

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