(1) The Society may,
at its absolute discretion, make payments to a claimant in advance of the
determination of a claim if satisfied that—
(a) the
claim is likely to be allowed; and
payment is warranted to alleviate hardship.
(2) A payment may be
made under this section even if there is some prospect that the whole or a
part of the claimant's pecuniary loss will be recovered from another source.
(3) Any payments made
in advance are to be taken into account when the claim is determined.
(4) Payments under
this section are to be made from the Fidelity Fund.
(5) If the claim is
disallowed, the amounts paid under this section are recoverable by the Society
as a debt due to the Fidelity Fund.
(6) If the claim is
allowed but the amount payable is less than the amount paid under this
section, the excess paid under this section is recoverable by the Society as a
debt due to the Fidelity Fund.