South Australian Current Regulations

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73—Giving way at a T-intersection

        (1)         A driver at a T-intersection without traffic lights or a stop sign, stop line, give way sign or give way line, must give way in accordance with this rule.

Offence provision.

Note 1—

"Give way line", "stop line", "T-intersection" and "traffic lights" are defined in the dictionary.

Note 2—

For this rule, "give way" means the driver must slow down and, if necessary, stop to avoid a collision—see the definition in the dictionary.

Note 3—

Rule 75(1)(d) requires a driver at a T-intersection to give way when crossing the continuing road to enter a road-related area or adjacent land.

        (2)         If the driver is turning left (except if the driver is using a slip lane) or right from the terminating road into the continuing road, the driver must give way to—

            (a)         any vehicle travelling on the continuing road (except a vehicle making a U-turn on the continuing road at the T-intersection); and

            (b)         any pedestrian or rider of a bicycle who is crossing the continuing road at or near the intersection.

Note 1—

"Bicycle", "continuing road", "slip lane" and "terminating road" are defined in the dictionary.

Note 2—

In relation to paragraph (b), rule 353(1) specifies that a driver is not required to give way to a pedestrian who is crossing the terminating road, and rule 353(2) provides that a pedestrian who is only crossing a part of a road is considered to be crossing the road.


Example 1

Driver turning right from the terminating road giving way to a vehicle on the continuing road


Example 2

Driver turning left (except if the driver is using a slip lane) from the terminating road giving way to a pedestrian on the continuing road


In example 1, vehicle B must give way to vehicle A.

In example 2, the vehicle must give way to the pedestrian.

        (3)         If the driver is turning left from the terminating road into the continuing road using a slip lane, the driver must give way to—

            (a)         any vehicle travelling on the continuing road (except a vehicle making a U-turn on the continuing road at the T-intersection); and

            (b)         any pedestrian or rider of a bicycle on or entering the slip lane.

        (4)         If the driver is turning left (except if the driver is using a slip lane) from the continuing road into the terminating road, the driver must give way to any pedestrian or rider of a bicycle who is crossing the terminating road at or near the intersection.


Example 3

Driver turning left (except if the driver is using a slip lane) from the continuing road giving way to a pedestrian on the terminating road


In this example, the vehicle must give way to the pedestrian.


Rule 353(1) specifies that a driver is not required to give way to a pedestrian who is crossing the continuing road, and rule 353(2) provides that a pedestrian who is only crossing a part of a road is considered to be crossing the road.

        (5)         If the driver is turning from the continuing road into the terminating road using a slip lane, the driver must give way to—

            (a)         any vehicle approaching from the right (except a vehicle making a U-turn from the terminating road at the T-intersection); and

            (b)         any pedestrian or rider of a bicycle on or entering the slip lane.


Example 3A

Driver turning left using a slip lane giving way to a vehicle that is turning right into the road the driver is entering


        (5A)         Subrule (5)(b) does not apply if another law of this jurisdiction does not require a driver who is turning from a continuing road into a terminating road using a slip lane to give way to a pedestrian on or entering a slip lane.


For South Australia, see regulation 9A of the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014.

        (6)         If the driver is turning right from the continuing road into the terminating road, the driver must give way to—

            (a)         any oncoming vehicle that is travelling through the intersection on the continuing road or turning left at the intersection; and

            (b)         any pedestrian or rider of a bicycle who is crossing the terminating road at or near the intersection.

Note 1—

"Oncoming vehicle" is defined in the dictionary.

Note 2—

In relation to paragraph (b), rule 353(1) specifies that a driver is not required to give way to a pedestrian who is crossing the continuing road, and rule 353(2) provides that a pedestrian who is only crossing a part of a road is considered to be crossing the road.

        (7)         In this rule—

"turning left from the continuing road into the terminating road , for a driver, includes, where the continuing road curves to the right at a T-intersection, leaving the continuing road to proceed straight ahead onto the terminating road.

"turning right from the continuing road into the terminating road , for a driver, includes, where the continuing road curves to the left at a T-intersection, leaving the continuing road to proceed straight ahead onto the terminating road.


"Straight ahead" is defined in the dictionary.


Example 4

Driver turning right from the continuing road giving way to an oncoming vehicle travelling through the intersection on the continuing road


Example 5

Driver leaving the continuing road to proceed straight ahead on the terminating road giving way to a vehicle travelling through the intersection on the continuing road


Example 5 shows a T-intersection where the continuing road (which is marked with broken white lines) goes around a corner. Vehicle B is leaving the continuing road to enter the terminating road. In examples 4 and 5, vehicle B must give way to vehicle A.

Example 6

Driver turning right from the continuing road giving way to an oncoming vehicle turning left from the continuing road


Example 7

Driver turning right from the continuing road giving way to a pedestrian on the terminating road


In example 6, vehicle B must give way to vehicle A.

In example 7, the vehicle must give way to the pedestrian.

Division 3—Entering or leaving road-related areas and adjacent land

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