Tasmanian Bills

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                          BILL 2004


              1.    Short title
              2.    Commencement
              3.    Issue, application and appropriation of $2 531 073 000
              4.    Purposes of appropriation
              5.    Power to borrow money
              Schedule 1 - Purposes of appropriation

[Bill 29]-I






CONSOLIDATED FUND APPROPRIATION BILL 2004 (Brought in by the Treasurer, the Honourable Paul Anthony Lennon) A BILL FOR An Act for the appropriation of money out of the Consolidated Fund for the service of the financial year ending on 30 June 2005 and to authorise the Treasurer to borrow money on behalf of the State Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows: Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the Consolidated Fund Appropriation Act 2004. Commencement 2. This Act commences on 1 July 2004. Issue, application and appropriation of $2 531 073 000 3. (1) In respect of the financial year ending on 30 June 2005, the Treasurer may - [Bill 29] 3



s. 4 No. Consolidated Fund Appropriation 2004 (a) issue the sum of $2 531 073 000 out of the Consolidated Fund; and (b) apply that sum for the services of the Government. (2) The sum specified in subsection (1) is appropriated. Purposes of appropriation 4. The sum of $2 531 073 000 is to be applied for the purposes specified in Schedule 1. Power to borrow money 5. The Treasurer may borrow such money as may be required for the purposes of the State. 4



2004 Consolidated Fund Appropriation No. sch. 1 SCHEDULE 1 - PURPOSES OF APPROPRIATION Section 4 PART 1 - SUMMARY 5



sch. 1 No. Consolidated Fund Appropriation 2004 6



2004 Consolidated Fund Appropriation No. sch. 1 PART 2 - PURPOSES OF APPROPRIATION 7



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2004 Consolidated Fund Appropriation No. sch. 1 15



sch. 1 No. Consolidated Fund Appropriation 2004 Government Printer, Tasmania 16


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