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                     REVENUE MEASURES BILL 2012

          1.      Short title
          2.      Commencement

        PART 2 - DUTIES ACT 2001 AMENDED
          3.      Principal Act
          4.      Section 29 amended (General rate)
          5.      Section 166 amended (What duty is payable?)
          6.      Section 221 amended (Motor accident premium certificates)
          7.      Section 259E inserted
                    259E. Transitional provisions consequent on the enactment
                             of Part 2 of the Revenue Measures Act 2012

          8.      Principal Act
          9.      Section 34 amended (Imposition of motor tax for light vehicles)
          10.     Schedule 1 substituted

        PART 4 - REPEAL
          11.     Repeal of Act

[Bill 26]-I






REVENUE MEASURES BILL 2012 This Public Bill originated in the House of Assembly, and, having this day passed, is now ready for presentation to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. P. R. ALCOCK, Clerk of the House 21 June 2012 (Brought in by the Treasurer, the Honourable Larissa Tahireh Giddings) A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Duties Act 2001 and the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows: PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Revenue Measures Act 2012. 2. Commencement This Act commences on 1 October 2012. [Bill 26] 3



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of s. 3 Part 2 - Duties Act 2001 Amended PART 2 - DUTIES ACT 2001 AMENDED 3. Principal Act In this Part, the Duties Act 2001* is referred to as the Principal Act. 4. Section 29 amended (General rate) Section 29 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting subsection (1) and substituting the following subsection: (1) The rate of duty chargeable on a dutiable transaction is as follows: The dutiable value of the dutiable Rate of duty property subject to the dutiable transaction Not more than $1 300 $20 More than $1 300 but not more than $20 plus $1.75 for every $100, or $25 000 part, by which the dutiable value exceeds $1 300 More than $25 000 but not more than $435 plus $2.25 for every $100, or $75 000 part, by which the dutiable value exceeds $25 000 More than $75 000 but not more than $1 560 plus $3.50 for every $100, or $200 000 part, by which the dutiable value exceeds $75 000 *No. 15 of 2001 4



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of Part 2 - Duties Act 2001 Amended s. 5 More than $200 000 but not more than $5 935 plus $4 for every $100, or $375 000 part, by which the dutiable value exceeds $200 000 More than $375 000 but not more than $12 935 plus $4.25 for every $100, $725 000 or part, by which the dutiable value exceeds $375 000 More than $725 000 $27 810 plus $4.50 for every $100, or part, by which the dutiable value exceeds $725 000 5. Section 166 amended (What duty is payable?) Section 166 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting "8%" and substituting "10%". 6. Section 221 amended (Motor accident premium certificates) Section 221(3) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting "$6" and substituting "$20". 7. Section 259E inserted After section 259D of the Principal Act, the following section is inserted in Part 3: 259E. Transitional provisions consequent on the enactment of Part 2 of the Revenue Measures Act 2012 (1) If one or more transactions which were liable for duty prior to 1 October 2012 5



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of s. 7 Part 2 - Duties Act 2001 Amended are to be aggregated with one or more transactions which are liable for duty on or after 1 October 2012 in accordance with section 22 or under section 71, the duty chargeable on the transaction or transactions liable for duty on or after 1 October 2012 is to be calculated in accordance with the following formula: where - DP is the duty payable; B is the duty calculated on the dutiable value of the aggregated transactions in accordance with the general rate of duty that was in effect on 1 October 2012; A is the duty calculated on the dutiable value of the aggregated transactions in accordance with the general rate of duty that was in effect on 30 September 2012; D is the dutiable value of the aggregated transaction or transactions that are liable for duty on or after 1 October 2012; T is the total dutiable value of the aggregated transactions. 6



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of Part 2 - Duties Act 2001 Amended s. 7 (2) For the purposes of sections 22(4) and 71(3), the duty payable in accordance with section 22 or under section 71 is taken to be the duty chargeable in accordance with this section. 7



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of s. 8 Part 3 - Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 Amended PART 3 - VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC ACT 1999 AMENDED 8. Principal Act In this Part, the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999* is referred to as the Principal Act. 9. Section 34 amended (Imposition of motor tax for light vehicles) Section 34(4) of the Principal Act is amended by omitting "2007" and substituting "2012". 10. Schedule 1 substituted Schedule 1 to the Principal Act is repealed and the following Schedule is substituted: SCHEDULE 1 - RATES OF MOTOR TAX FOR LIGHT VEHICLES Section 34 PART 1 - CLASS A LIGHT VEHICLES Type of Vehicle Tax payable $ 1. A motor vehicle propelled by a piston engine 102 with 3 or fewer cylinders 2. A motor vehicle propelled by a piston engine 119 with 4 cylinders *No. 70 of 1999 8



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of Part 3 - Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 Amended s. 10 3. A motor vehicle propelled by a piston engine 149 with 5 or 6 cylinders 4. A motor vehicle propelled by a piston engine 204 with 7 or 8 cylinders 5. A motor vehicle propelled by a piston engine 229 with more than 8 cylinders 6. A motor vehicle propelled by a rotary engine or 119 an electric motor PART 2 - OTHER LIGHT VEHICLES Type of Vehicle Tax payable $ 1. A truck with a GVM of 3.0 tonnes or more - (a) propelled by a piston engine with 4 or 229 fewer cylinders (b) propelled by a piston engine with 5 or 266 6 cylinders (c) propelled by a piston engine with 7 or 305 8 cylinders (d) propelled by a piston engine with 343 more than 8 cylinders (e) propelled by a rotary engine or an 229 electric motor 2. A bus with 10 adult seats including the driver's 151 seat 3. A bus with more than 10 adult seats including 266 the driver's seat 4. A motor cycle 17 5. A trailer with a GVM of 4.5 tonnes or less 22 9



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of s. 10 Part 3 - Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 Amended 6. A tractor 114 10



Revenue Measures Act 2012 Act No. of Part 4 - Repeal s. 11 PART 4 - REPEAL 11. Repeal of Act This Act is repealed on the ninetieth day from the day on which it commences. Government Printer, Tasmania 11


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