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                      VEHICLE CHARGES) BILL 2008

           1.      Short title
           2.      Commencement
           3.      Principal Act
           4.      Section 34 amended (Imposition of motor tax for light vehicles)
           5.      Section 34A inserted
                     34A.     Imposition of motor tax for heavy vehicles
           6.      Schedule 1 amended (Rates of Motor Tax)
           7.      Schedule 2 inserted
                     Schedule 2 - Rates of Motor Tax for Heavy Vehicles

[Bill 16]-II






VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC AMENDMENT (HEAVY VEHICLE CHARGES) BILL 2008 (Brought in by the Minister for Infrastructure, Resources, Planning and Workplace Relations, the Honourable Steven Kons) A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows: 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008. 2. Commencement This Act commences on 1 July 2008. 3. Principal Act In this Act, the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999* is referred to as the Principal Act. *No. 70 of 1999 [Bill 16] 3



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 4 4. Section 34 amended (Imposition of motor tax for light vehicles) Section 34 of the Principal Act is amended as follows: (a) by omitting from subsection (1) "motor vehicle or a trailer" and substituting "light vehicle"; (b) by omitting from subsection (2) "subsections (3) and (5)" and substituting "subsection (3)"; (c) by omitting from subsection (3) "for a light vehicle"; (d) by omitting subsections (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9). 5. Section 34A inserted After section 34 of the Principal Act, the following section is inserted in Part 5: 34A. Imposition of motor tax for heavy vehicles (1) Tax is imposed in respect of a heavy vehicle used or to be used on a public street. (2) The amount of the tax is the amount prescribed by Schedule 2. 4



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 6 6. Schedule 1 amended (Rates of Motor Tax) Schedule 1 to the Principal Act is amended as follows: (a) by omitting the heading and substituting the following heading: SCHEDULE 1 - RATES OF MOTOR TAX FOR LIGHT VEHICLES (b) by omitting Part 3. 7. Schedule 2 inserted After Schedule 1 to the Principal Act, the following Schedule is inserted: SCHEDULE 2 - RATES OF MOTOR TAX FOR HEAVY VEHICLES Section 34A 1. Interpretation (1) In this Schedule - "annual adjustment factor" - see clause 6; "articulated bus" means a bus consisting of more than one rigid section with passenger access between the sections and the sections connected to one another 5



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 so to allow rotary movement between the sections; "axle group" means a single axle group, tandem axle group, twinsteer axle group, tri-axle group or quad-axle group; "B-double lead trailer" means a semi-trailer that is nominated for use as the lead trailer in a B- double combination; "converter dolly" means a trailer with a fifth wheel coupling designed to support a semi-trailer for hauling purposes; "dog trailer" means a trailer with - (a) one axle group or single axle at the front that is steered by connection to the towing vehicle by a drawbar; and (b) one axle group or single axle at the rear; "drawbar" means a part of a trailer (other than a semi-trailer) that connects the trailer body to a coupling for towing purposes; "fifth wheel coupling" means a device, other than the upper 6



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 rotating element and the kingpin (which are parts of a semi-trailer), used with a prime mover, semi- trailer or converter dolly to permit quick coupling and uncoupling and to provide for articulation; "goods", for a vehicle, does not include the fuel, water, lubricants, tools and other equipment needed for the normal operation of the vehicle; "lead trailer", in a combination, means the trailer that is, or that is to be, attached to the prime mover; "low loader" means a gooseneck semi-trailer with a loading deck no more than 1 metre above the ground; "low loader dolly" means a mass- distributing device that - (a) is usually coupled between a prime mover and low loader; and (b) consists of a gooseneck rigid frame; and (c) does not directly carry any load on itself; and 7



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 (d) is equipped with one or more axles, a kingpin and a fifth wheel coupling; "nominated" means nominated by the person applying for registration; "passengers", for a vehicle, does not include the driver, trainee driver or any other person needed for the normal operation of the vehicle; "pig trailer" means a trailer with one axle group or single axle near the middle of its load-carrying surface, and connected to the towing vehicle by a drawbar; "pole type trailer" means a trailer that - (a) is attached to a towing vehicle by means of a pole or an attachment fitted to a pole; and (b) is ordinarily used for transporting loads, such as logs, pipes, structural members or other long objects, that are generally capable of supporting themselves like beams between supports; 8



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 "quad-axle group" means a group of 4 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is more than 3.2 metres but not more than 4.9 metres; "single axle" means an axle not forming part of an axle group; "single axle group" means a group of 2 or more axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is less than 1 metre; "special-purpose vehicle" means - (a) a vehicle that has been built, or permanently modified, to be used primarily for a purpose other than the carriage of passengers or goods; or (b) such other vehicle as is prescribed as a special- purpose vehicle; "tandem axle group" means a group of at least 2 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is at least 1 metre but not more than 2 metres; 9



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 "tax table" means - (a) for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2008, the table at the foot of clause 2; and (b) for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2009, the table at the foot of clause 3; and (c) for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2010, the table at the foot of clause 4(2); "tri-axle group" means a group of at least 3 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is more than 2 metres, but not more than 3.2 metres; "twinsteer axle group" means a group of 2 axles - (a) with single tyres; and (b) fitted to a motor vehicle; and (c) connected to the same steering mechanism; and 10



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 (d) the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of which is at least 1 metre, but not more than 2 metres; "type" includes category. (2) In determining, for the purposes of this Schedule, the number of trailers that a prime mover or truck is nominated to haul - (a) a converter dolly and a semi- trailer when used together are to be regarded as one trailer; and (b) a low loader dolly and a low loader when used together are to be regarded as one trailer. (3) For the purpose of this Schedule (other than the definitions of "single axle group", "tandem axle group", "tri-axle group", "twinsteer axle group" and "quad-axle group") - (a) 2 axles positioned less than 1 metre apart are to be regarded as one axle; and (b) 3 axles positioned not more than 2 metres apart are to be regarded as 2 axles; and 11



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 (c) 4 axles positioned not more than 3.2 metres apart are to be regarded as 3 axles. 2. Heavy vehicle tax for 2008/09 For the financial year commencing on 1 July 2008, the amount of tax payable for a heavy vehicle of a type specified in column 2 of the tax table is the amount correspondingly specified in column 3 of the tax table. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Tax payable ($) Trucks 1. A 2 axle truck with a GVM not exceeding 12 tonnes 380 2. A 2 axle truck with a GVM exceeding 12 tonnes 652 3. A 2 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 652 having a trailer with a laden mass exceeding 4.5 tonnes and a mass entitlement not exceeding 42.5 tonnes 4. A 2 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 5 161 having one trailer and more than 6 axles or a mass entitlement exceeding 42.5 tonnes 5. A 3 axle truck with a GVM not exceeding 16.5 tonnes 652 6. A 3 axle truck with a GVM exceeding 16.5 tonnes 859 12



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Tax payable ($) 7. A 3 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 859 having a trailer with a laden mass exceeding 4.5 tonnes and a mass entitlement not exceeding 42.5 tonnes 8. A 3 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 5 161 having one trailer and more than 6 axles or a mass entitlement exceeding 42.5 tonnes 9. A truck with 4 or more axles and a GVM not 652 exceeding 20 tonnes 10. A truck with 4 or more axles and a GVM exceeding 20 859 tonnes 11. A truck with 4 or more axles and nominated for use in 1 593 a combination having a trailer with a laden mass exceeding 4.5 tonnes and a mass entitlement not exceeding 42.5 tonnes 12. A truck with 4 or more axles and nominated for use in 5 574 a combination having one trailer and more than 6 axles or a mass entitlement exceeding 42.5 tonnes Prime Movers 1. A prime mover with 2 axles 1 000 2. A prime mover with 3 axles 3 930 3. A prime mover with 4 or more axles 4 322 4. A prime mover with 2 axles and nominated for use in a 7 050 combination having 2 semi-trailers 5. A prime mover with 3 axles and nominated for use in a 7 050 combination having 2 semi-trailers 13



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Tax payable ($) 6. A prime mover with 4 or more axles and nominated for 7 755 use in a combination having 2 semi-trailers Buses 1. A 2 axle rigid bus with a GVM not exceeding 12 380 tonnes 2. A 2 axle rigid bus with a GVM exceeding 12 tonnes 380 3. A rigid bus with 3 or more axles 2 087 4. An articulated bus 380 Trailers 1. A goods-carrying trailer with a GVM exceeding 4.5 166 tonnes but less than 9 tonnes 2. A single or tandem axle semi-trailer (excluding a 380 (per axle) converter dolly) with a GVM of 9 tonnes or more 3. A tri-axle or quad-axle semi-trailer (excluding a 380 (per axle) converter dolly) with a GVM of 9 tonnes or more 4. A pig trailer with a GVM exceeding 9 tonnes 380 (per axle) 5. A dog trailer with a GVM exceeding 9 tonnes 380 (per axle) 6. A converter dolly or low loader dolly with a GVM 380 (per axle) exceeding 4.5 tonnes 7. B-double lead trailer - single axle 380 (per axle) 8. B-double lead trailer - tandem axle 380 (per axle) 9. B-double lead trailer - tri-axle and quad-axle 380 (per axle) 14



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Tax payable ($) Special-purpose vehicles 1. A special-purpose vehicle (type p), being a special- Nil purpose vehicle built, or permanently modified, primarily for - (a) off-road use; or (b) use on public streets that are under construction or repair 2. A special-purpose vehicle (type t), being a special- 248 purpose vehicle (other than one referred to in item 1) that - (a) has been built, or permanently modified, for use on public streets; and (b) has no axle group loaded in excess of the mass limits prescribed under this Act 3. A special-purpose vehicle (type o), being a special- 310 + (310 x purpose vehicle (other than one referred to in item 1) number of that - axles over 2) (a) has been built, or permanently modified, primarily for use on public streets; and (b) has at least one axle or axle group loaded in excess of the mass limits prescribed under this Act 3. Heavy vehicle tax for 2009/10 (1) In this clause - 15



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 "base tax", for a heavy vehicle, means the amount specified in column 3 of the tax table for that type of heavy vehicle. (2) For the financial year commencing on 1 July 2009, the amount of tax payable for a heavy vehicle of a type specified in column 2 of the tax table is to be calculated by - (a) multiplying the base tax for that heavy vehicle by the annual adjustment factor for that financial year; and (b) adding the result to or, if the percentage is negative, subtracting the result from that base tax; and (c) rounding the result up or down to the nearest dollar (rounding an amount of 50 cents upwards). Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Base tax ($) Trucks 1. A 2 axle truck with a GVM not exceeding 12 tonnes 380 2. A 2 axle truck with a GVM exceeding 12 tonnes 652 16



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Base tax ($) 3. A 2 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 652 having a trailer with a laden mass exceeding 4.5 tonnes and a mass entitlement not exceeding 42.5 tonnes 4. A 2 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 5 828 having one trailer and more than 6 axles or a mass entitlement exceeding 42.5 tonnes 5. A 3 axle truck with a GVM not exceeding 16.5 tonnes 652 6. A 3 axle truck with a GVM exceeding 16.5 tonnes 859 7. A 3 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 859 having a trailer with a laden mass exceeding 4.5 tonnes and a mass entitlement not exceeding 42.5 tonnes 8. A 3 axle truck nominated for use in a combination 5 828 having one trailer and more than 6 axles or a mass entitlement exceeding 42.5 tonnes 9. A truck with 4 or more axles and a GVM not 652 exceeding 20 tonnes 10. A truck with 4 or more axles and a GVM exceeding 20 859 tonnes 11. A truck with 4 or more axles and nominated for use in 1 593 a combination having a trailer with a laden mass exceeding 4.5 tonnes and a mass entitlement not exceeding 42.5 tonnes 12. A truck with 4 or more axles and nominated for use in 6 295 a combination having one trailer and more than 6 axles or a mass entitlement exceeding 42.5 tonnes 17



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Base tax ($) Prime Movers 1. A prime mover with 2 axles 1 000 2. A prime mover with 3 axles 3 930 3. A prime mover with 4 or more axles 4 322 4. A prime mover with 2 axles and nominated for use in a 7 050 combination having 2 semi-trailers 5. A prime mover with 3 axles and nominated for use in a 7 050 combination having 2 semi-trailers 6. A prime mover with 4 or more axles and nominated for 7 755 use in a combination having 2 semi-trailers Buses 1. A 2 axle rigid bus with a GVM not exceeding 12 380 tonnes 2. A 2 axle rigid bus with a GVM exceeding 12 tonnes 380 3. A rigid bus with 3 or more axles 2 087 4. An articulated bus 380 Trailers 1. A goods-carrying trailer with a GVM exceeding 4.5 166 tonnes but less than 9 tonnes 2. A single or tandem axle semi-trailer (excluding a 380 (per axle) converter dolly) with a GVM of 9 tonnes or more 18



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Base tax ($) 3. A tri-axle or quad-axle semi-trailer (excluding a 405 (per axle) converter dolly) with a GVM of 9 tonnes or more 4. A pig trailer with a GVM exceeding 9 tonnes 380 (per axle) 5. A dog trailer with a GVM exceeding 9 tonnes 380 (per axle) 6. A converter dolly or low loader dolly with a GVM 380 (per axle) exceeding 4.5 tonnes 7. B-double lead trailer - single axle 380 (per axle) 8. B-double lead trailer - tandem axle 1 140 (per axle) 9. B-double lead trailer - tri-axle and quad-axle 1 190 (per axle) Special-purpose vehicles 1. A special-purpose vehicle (type p), being a special- Nil purpose vehicle built, or permanently modified, primarily for - (a) off-road use; or (b) use on public streets that are under construction or repair 2. A special-purpose vehicle (type t), being a special- 248 purpose vehicle (other than one referred to in item 1) that - (a) has been built, or permanently modified, for use on public streets; and 19



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Base tax ($) (b) has no axle group loaded in excess of the mass limits prescribed under this Act 3. A special-purpose vehicle (type o), being a special- 310 + (310 x purpose vehicle (other than one referred to in item 1) number of that - axles over 2) (a) has been built, or permanently modified, primarily for use on public streets; and (b) has at least one axle or axle group loaded in excess of the mass limits prescribed under this Act 4. Heavy vehicle tax for 2010/11 (1) In this clause - "additional tax", for a heavy vehicle, means the amount specified in column 3 of the tax table for that type of heavy vehicle; "previous tax", for a heavy vehicle, means the amount of tax that was payable under clause 3 for the heavy vehicle for registration for the full term of the financial year commencing on 1 July 2009 (regardless of whether that amount was actually or fully paid). 20



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 (2) For the financial year commencing on 1 July 2010, the amount of tax payable for a heavy vehicle of a type specified in column 2 of the tax table is to be calculated by - (a) adding the additional tax for that heavy vehicle to the previous tax for that heavy vehicle; and (b) multiplying the amount determined under paragraph (a) by the annual adjustment factor for that financial year; and (c) adding the result to or, if the percentage is negative, subtracting the amount from the amount determined under paragraph (a); and (d) rounding the result up or down to the nearest dollar (rounding an amount of 50 cents upwards). Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Additional tax ($) 1. Tri-axle or quad-axle semi-trailer (excluding a 25 (per axle) converter dolly) with a GVM of 9 or more tonnes 2. B-double lead trailer - tandem axle 760 (per axle) 21



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Type of heavy vehicle Additional tax ($) 3. B-double lead trailer - tri-axle and quad-axle 810 (per axle) (3) For the financial year commencing on 1 July 2010, the amount of tax payable for a heavy vehicle of a type not specified in column 2 of the tax table is to be calculated by - (a) multiplying the previous tax for that heavy vehicle by the annual adjustment factor for that financial year; and (b) adding the result to or, if the percentage is negative, subtracting the result from the amount of that previous tax; and (c) rounding the result up or down to the nearest dollar (rounding an amount of 50 cents upwards). 5. Heavy vehicle tax for 2011/12 and beyond (1) In this clause - "out financial year" means a financial year following the 22



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 financial year ending on 30 June 2011; "previous tax", for a heavy vehicle in respect of a financial year, means the amount of tax payable for the heavy vehicle under this Schedule for registration for the full term of the immediately preceding financial year (regardless of whether that amount was actually or fully paid). (2) For an out financial year, the amount of tax payable for a heavy vehicle is to be calculated by - (a) multiplying the annual adjustment factor for that out financial year by the previous tax; and (b) adding the result to or, if the percentage is negative, subtracting the amount from the previous tax; and (c) rounding the result up or down to the nearest dollar (rounding an amount of 50 cents upwards). 23



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 6. Annual adjustment factor (1) The annual adjustment factor for a financial year is the figure determined by the Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, based on the formula that - (a) is determined by the National Transport Commission, established under the National Transport Commission Act 2003 of the Commonwealth, in respect of that financial year; and (b) reflects changes in the expenditure of State and local governments on roads and expected changes in road use by heavy vehicles. (2) A notice under subclause (1) is not - (a) a statutory rule for the purposes of the Rules Publication Act 1953; or (b) subordinate legislation for the purposes of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1992. (3) Sections 47(3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1931 apply to a notice under subclause (1) as if it were regulations within the meaning of the Act. 24



Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) Act 2008 Act No. of s. 7 7. Heavy vehicles in 2 or more categories (1) For the purposes of this Schedule, if a heavy vehicle falls within 2 or more categories of heavy vehicle, the tax payable for the heavy vehicle is the higher or highest of the taxes that could apply to the heavy vehicle. (2) Subclause (1) prevails over any other provision of this Schedule. Government Printer, Tasmania 25


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