(1) The Commissioner may grant a permit, to the holder of a licence granted for the genuine reason of collection, to carry or use any firearm held under the licence at a commemorative or historical event and held on an approved range.(2) The Commissioner may impose any conditions on the permit that the Commissioner considers appropriate.(3) The conditions that the Commissioner may impose on a permit granted under this section may include conditions for or in respect of (a) the circumstances in which the Commissioner may cancel or suspend the permit and any other matters related to any such cancellation or suspension; and(b) the length or term of the permit and any related matters.(4) An application for a permit must be (a) in a form and manner approved by the Commissioner; and(b) accompanied by the prescribed fee.(5) The holder of a permit must comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.