AustLII Tasmanian Consolidated Acts

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Transmission on death to personal representative

(1)  Where registered land devolved under the Deceased Persons' Estates Act 1874 or devolves under the Administration and Probate Act 1935 on the personal representative of a deceased registered proprietor, the Recorder shall, on the lodgement of –
(a) an application by the personal representative in an approved form to be registered proprietor of the land; and
(b) the probate, letters of administration, or other authority constituting the applicant as personal representative of the deceased registered proprietor –
make such recording on the relevant folio of the Register or registered dealing as may be necessary to register the personal representative as proprietor of the land.
(2)  A recording made under subsection (1) may include a statement that the person named in the recording is registered proprietor as personal representative of the deceased proprietor.

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