AustLII Tasmanian Consolidated Acts

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Division 4 - Management Committee of management

(1)  A body corporate may, by ordinary resolution –
(a) appoint a committee of management to transact business on behalf of the body corporate; or
(b) change the membership of a committee of management; or
(c) overrule a decision of the committee of management (to the extent it has not been acted on); or
(d) remove a committee of management from office.
(2)  A committee of management may, subject to limitations and directions imposed or given by the body corporate in general meeting, exercise any powers of the body corporate except powers that may only be exercised by unanimous resolution of the body corporate.
(3)  A committee of management –
(a) must consist of at least 3 members of the body corporate; and
(b) may consist of members representing sectional interests in the scheme.
(4)  Subject to any rules to the contrary determined by the body corporate in general meeting –
(a) a majority of the total number of the members of the committee of management constitutes a quorum of the committee; and
(b) a decision in which a majority of the members present at a meeting of the committee agree is a decision of the committee.
(5)  Any rules determined by the body corporate under subsection (4) must be fair and reasonable.
(6)  The committee must keep proper minutes of its proceedings and must make them available on request for inspection by any member of the body corporate.

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