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         Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances
                  (Amendment) Act 1997
                                      Act No.

                         TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                         Page
  1.     Purposes                                                                 1
  2.     Commencement                                                             2
  3.     Principal Act                                                            2
  4.     New section 4A--exempt products                                          2
         4A.     Act does not apply to certain processed products                 2
  5.     New Part IVA inserted                                                    3

         PART IVA--AUTHORITIES FOR LOW-THC CANNABIS                               3
         Division 1--Authorities for low-THC cannabis                             3
         61.         Definitions                                                  3
         62.         Application for authority to cultivate and process low-
                     THC cannabis                                                 6
         63.         Secretary must investigate application                       7
         64.         Matters to be considered in determining applications         7
         65.         Determination of applications                                9
         66.         Terms and conditions of authorities                          9
         67.         Renewal of authorities                                      10
         68.         Authority not transferable                                  11
         69.         Amendment of authorities                                    11
         69A.        Suspension or cancellation                                  11
         69B.        Review by AAT                                               12
         69C.        Offence to fail to comply with authority                    12
         69D.        Catchment and Land Protection Act does not apply            13
         Division 2--Inspection and enforcement                                  13
         69E.        Inspectors under this Part                                  13
         69F.        General powers of inspectors                                14
         69G.        Inspector may order harvest or treatment                    15
         69H.        Inspector has power to detain or seize                      16
         69I.        What happens if an inspector detains or seizes plants,
                     crops or products?                                          16
         69J.        Appeal to Secretary if disposal or destruction ordered      18
         69K.        Offences relating to inspector's exercise of power          18
         69L.        Inspector may possess cannabis for purposes of this Part    18




Clause Page Division 3--Regulations under this Part 19 69M. Regulations 19 6. Consequential amendments to Principal Act 21 NOTES 22 ii 531155B.I1-22/4/97



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to amend the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 to exempt certain processed products from the operation of that Act, to authorise the cultivation and processing of low-THC cannabis for certain commercial and research purposes and for other purposes. Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1. Purposes The main purposes of this Act are-- (a) to make provision for the issuing of authorities to grow and process low-THC 5 cannabis for commercial and research purposes relating to non-therapeutic use; 1 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 2 Act No. (b) to exempt certain processed products made from cannabis from the operation of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981. 5 2. Commencement (1) Subject to sub-section (2), this Act comes into operation on the day it receives the Royal Assent. (2) Subject to sub-section (3), sections 5 and 6 come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed. 10 (3) If a provision referred to in sub-section (2) does not come into operation before 30 November 1998, it comes into operation on that day. 3. Principal Act No. 9719. In this Act, the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Reprinted to 15 Substances Act 1981 is called the Principal Act. No. 52/1994 and subsequently amended by Nos 66/1995, 56/1996 and 68/1996. 4. New section 4A--exempt products After section 4 of the Principal Act insert-- '4A. Act does not apply to certain processed products 20 (1) This Act does not apply to-- (a) a processed fibre product made from cannabis if the product-- (i) does not contain more than 0·1 per cent of tetrahydrocannabinol; and 25 (ii) does not contain whole cannabis seeds; and 2 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (iii) is in a form not suitable for ingestion, smoking or inhaling purposes; or (b) a processed product made from 5 cannabis seeds if the product-- (i) does not contain more than 0·001 per cent of tetrahydrocannabinol; and (ii) does not contain whole cannabis 10 seeds. (2) In this section-- "cannabis" means a plant or any part of a plant of the genus Cannabis L, whether fresh or dried; 15 "processed" means treated by mechanical, chemical or other artificial means but does not include-- (a) harvesting; or (b) the natural process of decay.'. 20 5. New Part IVA inserted After Part IV of the Principal Act insert-- 'PART IVA--AUTHORITIES FOR LOW-THC CANNABIS Division 1--Authorities for low-THC cannabis 25 61. Definitions (1) In this Part-- "authority" means an authority issued under section 65; 3 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. "cannabis" means a plant or any part of a plant of the genus Cannabis L, whether fresh or dried; "inspector" means-- 5 (a) a person authorised as an inspector under section 69E; or (b) a member of the police force; "low-THC cannabis" means cannabis, the leaves and flowering heads of which do 10 not contain more than 0·35 per cent of tetrahydrocannabinol; "Secretary" means the body corporate established under Part 2 of the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 15 1987; "serious offence" means an indictable offence involving dishonesty, fraud or cultivation or trafficking in drugs of dependence where the maximum 20 penalty exceeds 3 months imprisonment. (2) For the purposes of section 64, a person is an associate of an applicant for an authority if the person-- 25 (a) holds or will hold any relevant financial interest, or is or will be entitled to exercise any relevant power (whether in right of the person or on behalf of any other person) in the business of the 30 applicant to which the authority relates, and by virtue of that interest or power, is able or will be able to exercise a significant influence over or with 4 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. respect to the management or operation of the business to which the authority relates; or (b) holds or will hold any relevant position, 5 whether in right of the person or on behalf of any other person in the business of the applicant to which the authority relates; or (c) is a relative of the applicant. 10 (3) In sub-section (2)-- "relative" means spouse (including de facto spouse), parent, child or sibling (whether of the full or half blood); "relevant financial interest", in relation to 15 a business, means-- (a) any share in the capital of the business; or (b) any entitlement to receive any income derived from the 20 business; "relevant position", in relation to a business, means the position of director, manager or other executive position or secretary, however that 25 position is designated; "relevant power" means any power, whether exercisable by voting or otherwise and whether exercisable alone or in association with others-- 30 (a) to participate in any directorial, managerial or executive decision; or (b) to elect or appoint any person to any relevant position. 5 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. 62. Application for authority to cultivate and process low-THC cannabis (1) A person may apply to the Secretary for an authority authorising that person, for 5 commercial or research purposes relating to non-therapeutic use-- (a) to possess, process, sell or supply cannabis seed which has been harvested from low-THC cannabis; or 10 (b) to cultivate and possess cannabis from seed which has been harvested from low-THC cannabis; or (c) to possess, process, sell or supply cannabis which-- 15 (i) is substantially free of leaves and flowering heads; and (ii) does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol in excess of 0·1 per cent. 20 (2) An application under sub-section (1) must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) be accompanied by the prescribed application fee. (3) An application under sub-section (1) must 25 contain or be accompanied by evidence to the satisfaction of the Secretary that-- (a) the applicant is a fit and proper person to be given an authority; (b) the applicant intends to undertake bona 30 fide research or commercial activity relating to the non-therapeutic use of cannabis under the authority including-- 6 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (i) in the case of research, evidence that the research would be conducted by a person with appropriate scientific training 5 using appropriate methodology; or (ii) in the case of commercial activity, evidence of the commercial activity to be carried out. (4) An applicant must provide any other 10 information about the applicant or the application which the Secretary reasonably requires. 63. Secretary must investigate application (1) On receiving an application under section 15 62, the Secretary must cause to be carried out all investigations and inquiries that the Secretary considers necessary to properly determine the application. (2) The Secretary may refer a copy of an 20 application and any supporting documentation to the Chief Commissioner of Police. (3) The Chief Commissioner of Police must inquire into and report to the Secretary on 25 any matters concerning the application that the Secretary requests. 64. Matters to be considered in determining applications (1) In order to prevent criminal activity in the 30 cultivation and processing of low-THC cannabis, the Secretary must not issue an authority to an applicant unless the Secretary is satisfied that-- (a) the applicant or any associate of the 35 applicant has within the 10 years 7 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. preceding the application not been found guilty of a serious offence; and (b) the applicant and each associate of the applicant is a suitable person to be 5 concerned in or associated with the cultivation, processing, sale or supply of low-THC cannabis; and (c) the applicant's property or premises will be suitable for the cultivation, 10 processing, sale or supply of low-THC cannabis in relation to location, facilities and proposed security arrangements. (2) In particular, the Secretary may consider 15 whether-- (a) the applicant and each associate of the applicant is of good repute, having regard to character, honesty and integrity; 20 (b) in the case of an applicant that is not a natural person, the applicant has a satisfactory ownership, trust or corporate structure; (c) the applicant is of sound and stable 25 financial background; (d) the applicant has any business association with any person or body who or which, in the opinion of the Secretary, is not of good repute, having 30 regard to character, honesty and integrity; (e) each director, partner, trustee, executive officer and secretary and any other person determined by the Secretary to 35 be associated or connected with the 8 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. ownership, administration or management of the operations or business of the applicant is a suitable person to act in that capacity. 5 65. Determination of applications (1) After considering an application and any investigation under section 63, the Secretary must determine an application by-- (a) issuing an authority; or 10 (b) refusing to issue an authority. (2) The Secretary must notify the applicant in writing of the decision under sub-section (1). 66. Terms and conditions of authorities (1) An authority is issued for the term, not 15 exceeding 3 years, specified in the authority unless it is sooner suspended or cancelled. (2) An authority relates only to the premises or site described in it. (3) An authority is subject to the terms, 20 conditions, limitations and restrictions specified in it including, but not limited to, terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions relating to-- (a) the premises or site at which the 25 activities authorised by the authority may be carried out; (b) the source of seed for sowing, including the authentication of the varietal identity and tetrahydrocannabinol 30 content of the crop from which the seed was harvested; (c) the implementation and maintenance of satisfactory security and surveillance 9 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. measures to restrict access of unauthorised persons to crops and harvested material; (d) the keeping of records and other 5 documents; (e) the provision of information, records or other documents to the Secretary relating to-- (i) the activities carried out under the 10 authority; or (ii) a change in the position of director, manager, secretary or other executive position, however designated or the structure of the 15 business to which the authority relates; or (iii) any other matter that the Secretary reasonably requires; (f) the disposal of harvested material and 20 crop residue; (g) inspection, supervision and surveillance of seed, plants, crops, harvested material and products by inspectors. 67. Renewal of authorities 25 (1) An application for renewal of an authority-- (a) may be made up to one month before the expiry of the current authority; and (b) must be in writing and accompanied by the prescribed fee. 30 (2) On receiving an application under sub- section (1), the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may renew the authority. 10 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (3) A renewed authority lasts for the same period as the previous authority. 68. Authority not transferable An authority is not transferable to another 5 person. 69. Amendment of authorities (1) The Secretary may, in the Secretary's discretion-- (a) amend any terms, conditions, 10 limitations or restrictions to which the authority is subject; or (b) impose new terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions on an authority. 15 (2) An amendment under sub-section (1) must be notified in writing to the holder of the authority. 69A. Suspension or cancellation (1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing to 20 the holder of an authority, suspend or cancel an authority if-- (a) the holder requests suspension or cancellation; or (b) the holder has not complied with the 25 terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions of the authority; or (c) the holder has failed to comply with this Act or regulations; or (d) the Secretary is satisfied that the holder 30 is no longer a fit and proper person to hold the authority; or 11 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (e) the Secretary is satisfied that the holder obtained the authority by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of facts; or 5 (f) the holder ceases to carry on the research or commercial activity to which the authority relates. (2) If an authority is suspended or cancelled under sub-section (1), it ceases to be of 10 effect and any document issued to the former holder must be surrendered to the Secretary on demand. 69B. Review by AAT A person may apply to the Administrative 15 Appeals Tribunal for a review of a decision of the Secretary-- (a) to refuse to issue an authority to that person; or (b) to refuse to renew an authority held by 20 that person; or (c) to suspend, cancel or amend an authority held by that person. 69C. Offence to fail to comply with authority A person who is the holder of an authority 25 under this Part must comply with the terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions to which that authority is subject. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 12 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. 69D. Catchment and Land Protection Act does not apply Despite anything to the contrary in the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, 5 Part 8 of that Act does not apply to the processing, cultivation, possession, sale or supply of low-THC cannabis in accordance with an authority under this Part. Division 2--Inspection and enforcement 10 69E. Inspectors under this Part (1) The Secretary, by instrument, may authorise the following persons to be inspectors for the purposes of all or any of the provisions of this Part-- 15 (a) any person holding a position under the Public Sector Management Act 1992; or (b) any other appropriately qualified person. 20 (2) The Secretary may determine the terms and conditions of authorisation of inspectors. (3) The Secretary may, in writing, revoke the authorisation of an inspector at any time. (4) The terms and conditions of authorisation 25 may contain general directions as to how the inspector's powers may be exercised. (5) The Secretary must issue an identification certificate to each inspector (other than an inspector who is a member of the police 30 force) which sets out the provisions of this Part for which the inspector is authorised to be an inspector. 13 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (6) An inspector, in the course of performing his or her functions under this Part, must produce his or her identification certificate to any person who requests its production. 5 (7) In this Division, a reference to an identification certificate in relation to an inspector who is a member of the police force is a reference to written evidence of the fact that he or she is a member of the police 10 force. 69F. General powers of inspectors (1) For the purposes of determining compliance with this Part or an authority, an inspector may, with such assistance as he or she thinks 15 necessary, at any reasonable time-- (a) enter and inspect any place, other than premises used as a residence, occupied by any person who is the holder of an authority; 20 (b) inspect, count, examine or mark for identification any product, plant or crop in the place; (c) require a person to produce any document that the inspector reasonably 25 requires for ascertaining whether this Part or an authority is being complied with and-- (i) examine the document; and (ii) make copies of it or take extracts 30 from it; and (iii) remove the document for as long as is reasonably necessary to make copies or take extracts; 14 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. (d) take or remove for examination samples of or from, or specimens of, any plant of a crop or product to determine-- 5 (i) the tetrahydrocannabinol content of that plant, crop or product; and (ii) that the plant, crop or product has been cultivated or processed in accordance with the authority or 10 that its possession is in accordance with the authority; (e) submit any sample or specimen taken in accordance with this Part to a laboratory or place approved by the 15 Secretary for examination and testing. (2) An inspector may not exercise any powers under this Part if the inspector fails, on request, to produce his or her identification certificate for inspection by the occupier of 20 the place or the person in charge or apparent control of the place. 69G. Inspector may order harvest or treatment (1) If an inspector is satisfied on reasonable grounds that any plant or crop contravenes 25 this Part or an authority, the inspector may order the harvest of the plant or crop and the treatment of that harvested material. (2) An order under sub-section (1) must-- (a) be in writing; and 30 (b) include a statement of the reasons for ordering the harvest and treatment; and (c) be given to the holder of the authority. 15 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. 69H. Inspector has power to detain or seize If an inspector believes that any plant, crop or product contravenes this Part or an authority, the inspector may detain or seize 5 the plant, crop or product and deal with it in accordance with section 69I. 69I. What happens if an inspector detains or seizes plants, crops or products? (1) If an inspector detains or seizes any plant, 10 crop or product, the inspector must immediately-- (a) give notice in writing of the detention or seizure including a statement of the reasons for detaining or seizing the 15 plant, crop or product to the holder of the authority; and (b) take or send to a laboratory or place approved by the Secretary for examination and testing, the plant, crop 20 or product or a sample of the plant, crop or product. (2) A person must not remove the whole or any part of a plant, crop or product detained or seized while the detention or seizure notice 25 remains in force, except on the written authority or written direction of an inspector or the Secretary. Penalty: 50 penalty units. (3) If the results of the examination or test of the 30 samples taken or sent in accordance with sub-section (1)(b) show that the plant, crop or product was not in contravention of this 16 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. Part or the authority, the inspector must immediately release or return the plant, crop or product to the holder of the authority. (4) If the results of the examination or test of the 5 samples taken or sent in accordance with sub-section (1)(b) show that the plant, crop or product was in contravention of this Part or the authority, the inspector must-- (a) inform the holder of the authority or the 10 person in whose possession the plant, crop or product was found (as the case may be) in writing of the results; and (b) arrange for or order the harvest, disposal or destruction of the plant, 15 crop or product. (5) If an arrangement or order is made for the disposal or destruction of a plant, crop or product under sub-section (4)(b), the inspector must give notice of that 20 arrangement or order before that disposal or destruction takes place. (6) A notice under sub-section (5) must-- (a) be in writing; and (b) include a statement of the reasons for 25 arranging or ordering the disposal or destruction; and (c) fix a time for the disposal or destruction; and (d) be given to the holder of the authority. 30 (7) Nothing in this section limits the power of a member of the police force to take legal proceedings in respect of any plant, crop or product found not to comply with this Part or an authority. 17 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. 69J. Appeal to Secretary if disposal or destruction ordered (1) Within 48 hours of receiving a notice under section 69I(5), the holder of an authority 5 may lodge an appeal in writing against the disposal or destruction with the Secretary. (2) Within 3 business days after an appeal is lodged under sub-section (1), the Secretary must determine the appeal by-- 10 (a) cancelling the arrangement or order made by the inspector under section 69I; or (b) confirming the arrangement or order made by the inspector under section 15 69I. (3) The Secretary must notify the holder of the authority in writing of the determination made under sub-section (2). 69K. Offences relating to inspector's exercise of 20 power (1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, hinder or obstruct an inspector in the exercise of a power under this Part. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 25 (2) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with the direction, requirement or order of an inspector. Penalty: 100 penalty units. 69L. Inspector may possess cannabis for 30 purposes of this Part An inspector is authorised to have cannabis in his or her possession in the exercise or 18 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. performance of any power, function or duty conferred on him or her by this Part or the regulations made under this Part. Division 3--Regulations under this Part 5 69M. Regulations (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for or with respect to-- (a) fees for applications and renewals for the purposes of this Part; 10 (b) authorising and requiring inspectors to impose fees and charges of such amounts or rates as are prescribed or determined in the manner prescribed for-- 15 (i) sampling and testing cannabis plants and crops grown or products produced in accordance with this Part as required under an authority or to determine the 20 tetrahydrocannabinol content of those plants, crops or products; (ii) supervising the harvesting, disposal or destruction of cannabis plants, crops or products; 25 (iii) carrying out inspections, supervision or surveillance of cannabis plants or crops grown or products produced in accordance with this Part to ensure that the 30 terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions of an authority are being complied with; (iv) providing any other service in respect of cannabis plants or crops 19 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 5 Act No. grown or products produced in accordance with this Part; (c) generally prescribing any other matter or thing required or permitted by this 5 Part to be prescribed or necessary to be prescribed to give effect to this Part. (2) Regulations made under this Part may-- (a) be of general or limited application; (b) differ according to differences in time, 10 place or circumstance; (c) provide for different fees for different activities or classes of activity or different cases or classes of cases; (d) provide for specific, minimum or 15 maximum or minimum and maximum fees; (e) provide for the waiver or reduction of fees; (g) in the case of applications for the issue 20 or renewal of authorities, specify fees that reflect the cost of administration of, and the provision of inspection and other services in connection with this Part; 25 (h) leave any matter to be approved or determined by the Secretary or an inspector.'. 20 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 s. 6 Act No. 6. Consequential amendments to Principal Act In the Principal Act-- (a) in section 49, after "or permit under this Act" insert "or an authority under Part IVA of 5 this Act"; (b) in section 118(1), after "or 56" insert "or authorities under Part IVA"; (c) in section 119, after paragraph (e), insert-- "(ea) a certificate that any person is or is not 10 or was or was not on a certain date or for a certain period a holder of an authority under Part IVA, if purporting to be signed by the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and 15 Environment, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated;". 21 531155B.I1-22/4/97



Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amendment) Act 1997 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 22 531155B.I1-22/4/97




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