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Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act
                                   Act No.

                      TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                                                  Page
  1.     Purpose                                                           1
  2.     Commencement                                                      2
  3.     Principal Act                                                     2
  4.     Listing on the Roll                                               3
  5.     Restrictions on directors of the holder of the wagering
         licence etc.                                                      3
  6.     Definition of "public lottery"                                    3
  7.     New section 5.2.1A inserted                                       4
         5.2.1A Approval of computer system etc.                           4
  8.     New section 5.3.2A inserted                                       5
         5.3.2A Registration of interest                                   5
  9.     Application for licence                                           7
  10.    Term of public lottery licence                                    7
  11.    New section 5.5.6A inserted                                       7
         5.5.6A Directions to provide information etc.                     7
  12.    Protected information                                             9
  13.    Costs of investigating applications                               9
  14.    Regulation-making power                                          10
  15.    Transitional provisions                                          10

ENDNOTES                                                                  12

551330B.I1-3/5/2005                             BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to amend the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 and for other purposes. Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to amend the Gambling Regulation Act 2003-- (a) to restrict a public lottery licence to lotteries, AFL footy tipping competitions and soccer 5 football pools; (b) to extend the initial term of a public lottery licence from a maximum of 7 years to a maximum of 10 years; 1 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 2 Act No. (c) to provide further for the conditions of a public lottery licence; (d) to require computer systems and other equipment used by a public lottery licensee to be approved by the Victorian Commission 5 for Gambling Regulation; (e) to provide for responsible gambling measures in relation to public lotteries; (f) to amend the restrictions on directors of another licensee under the Gambling 10 Regulation Act 2003 from having a significant interest in certain other bodies; (g) to provide further for the costs of investigations by the Commission of applications under the Gambling 15 Regulation Act 2003; (h) to amend the process for applications for a public lottery licence. 2. Commencement (1) This Act (except section 6) comes into operation 20 on the day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. (2) Section 6 comes into operation on 1 July 2007. 3. Principal Act See: In this Act, the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 is 25 Act No. called the Principal Act. 114/2003 and amending Act Nos 10/2004, 45/2004, 70/2004, 104/2004 and 108/2004. LawToday: www.dms. dpc.vic. 2 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 4 Act No. 4. Listing on the Roll After section 3.4.61(1)(c)(iii) of the Principal Act insert-- "(iiia) the holder of a public lottery licence;". 5. Restrictions on directors of the holder of the 5 wagering licence etc. For section 4.3.28(1)(a) of the Principal Act substitute-- "(a) is a director of, or has a voting power of 5% or more in-- 10 (i) the holder of a casino licence; or (ii) a person that holds a gaming operator's licence; or (iii) another person (other than a subsidiary of the licensee) that holds a public 15 lottery licence; or". 6. Definition of "public lottery" (1) In section 5.1.2 of the Principal Act, for the definition of "public lottery" substitute-- ' "public lottery" means-- 20 (a) a lottery; or (b) an AFL footy tipping competition; or (c) a soccer football pool.'. (2) In section 1.3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definitions of "AFL footy tipping competition" 25 and "soccer football pool" omit "public". 3 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 7 Act No. 7. New section 5.2.1A inserted After section 5.2.1 of the Principal Act insert-- "5.2.1A Approval of computer system etc. (1) A public lottery licensee or an appointed subsidiary must not use, or cause or permit to 5 be used-- (a) any instrument or contrivance; or (b) any computer hardware or software; or (c) any other equipment-- in connection with a public lottery unless the 10 instrument, contrivance, hardware, software or other equipment has been approved by the Commission. (2) A public lottery licensee or an appointed subsidiary must not make, or cause or permit 15 to be made, any change in any instrument, contrivance, hardware, software or other equipment approved by the Commission under sub-section (1) unless the change has been approved by the Commission. 20 (3) In approving an instrument, contrivance, hardware, software or other equipment under this section, the Commission may take into account the certificate of a person listed on the Roll, being a person referred to in section 25 3.4.61(1)(c). (4) The Commission may make an approval under this section subject to any conditions that it thinks fit. (5) The Commission may, for just and 30 reasonable cause, withdraw an approval given under this section by instrument given to the public lottery licensee or the appointed subsidiary, as the case requires. 4 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 8 Act No. (6) A function of the Commission under this section may be performed by any commissioner.". 8. New section 5.3.2A inserted In Division 2 of Part 3 of Chapter 5 of the 5 Principal Act, before section 5.3.3 insert-- "5.3.2A Registration of interest (1) The Minister may, from time to time, by notice published in the Government Gazette, call for registrations of interest in the grant 10 of a public lottery licence. (2) A notice published under sub-section (1) must specify-- (a) the procedure for registering an interest in the grant of a public lottery licence; 15 and (b) the information required to be provided by a registrant; and (c) the minimum standards, if any, specified by the Minister that a 20 registrant must meet for the registration of interest to be considered by the Minister; and (d) the matters concerning a registrant on which the Commission will report to 25 the Minister; and (e) any other matter that the Minister considers relevant to the registration of interest. 5 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 8 Act No. (3) A person who-- (a) has a physical place of business in Victoria; and (b) is not a natural person-- may register interest in the grant of a public 5 lottery licence by-- (c) following the procedure specified under sub-section (2)(a); and (d) providing to the Minister the information specified under sub- 10 section (2)(b). (4) The Minister must consider each registration of interest and, if the registration of interest satisfies all of the requirements made by or specified under this section, the Minister 15 must refer the registration of interest to the Commission. (5) If a registrant fails to satisfy a requirement made by or specified under this section, the Minister may refuse to consider, or consider 20 further, the registration of interest or to refer it to the Commission. (6) The Commission must report to the Minister in writing on the matters specified under sub- section (2)(d) in relation to each registration 25 of interest referred to it by the Minister. (7) After consideration of the Commission's report under sub-section (6) and any other matters that the Minister considers relevant, the Minister may invite one or more 30 registrants to apply for a public lottery licence.". 6 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 9 Act No. 9. Application for licence (1) For section 5.3.3(1) of the Principal Act substitute-- "(1) A person who has been invited by the Minister under section 5.3.2A (7) to apply 5 for a public lottery licence may apply to the Minister for such a licence.". (2) After section 5.3.3(2)(a) of the Principal Act insert-- "(ab) must be lodged in accordance with the 10 procedural requirements, if any, specified by the Minister; and". 10. Term of public lottery licence In section 5.3.8(1)(b) of the Principal Act, for "7 years" substitute "10 years". 15 11. New section 5.5.6A inserted In Division 2 of Part 5 of Chapter 5 of the Principal Act, before section 5.5.7 insert-- "5.5.6A Directions to provide information etc. (1) The Minister may give a written direction to 20 a public lottery licensee requiring the licensee to provide to the Minister any information or document, or any class of information or document, that is in the possession or under the control of the 25 licensee and that-- (a) relates to any arrangement or agreement between the licensee and one or more parties in Victoria or in any other State or Territory or another 30 country relating to the operation of public lotteries under the licence; or 7 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 11 Act No. (b) in the opinion of the Minister relates to the operation of public lotteries under the licence and is considered by the Minister to be relevant to-- (i) a call or proposed call for 5 registrations of interest under section 5.3.2A; or (ii) an invitation or proposed invitation to apply for a public lottery licence; or 10 (iii) an application or proposed application for a public lottery licence under section 5.3.3. (2) A public lottery licensee must comply with a direction under sub-section (1). 15 (3) The Minister may, subject to any conditions that the Minister thinks fit, disclose any information acquired by the Minister in response to a direction under sub-section (1) to the Commission and to either or both of 20 the following-- (a) persons who register an interest in the grant of a public lottery licence in accordance with section 5.3.2A; (b) persons who apply for a public lottery 25 licence in accordance with section 5.3.3. (4) No compensation is payable by the Crown in respect of anything done in accordance with this section.". 30 8 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 12 Act No. 12. Protected information After section 10.1.30(1)(a) of the Principal Act insert-- "(ab) from the Minister after registering an interest in the grant of a public lottery licence or after 5 applying for such a licence; or". 13. Costs of investigating applications (1) After section 10.4.7(1) of the Principal Act insert-- "(1A) The Commission may, by written notice, 10 require a person who is a registrant under section 5.3.2A to pay to the Commission the amount determined by the Commission, being an amount not exceeding the reasonable costs of investigation of the 15 registration of interest.". (2) In section 10.4.7(2) of the Principal Act-- (a) after "(1)" insert "or (1A)"; (b) after "granted" insert "or the registrant is invited to apply for a public lottery licence, 20 as the case may be". (3) After section 10.4.7(2) of the Principal Act insert-- "(3) Costs payable under sub-section (1) or (1A) may by recovered in a court of competent 25 jurisdiction as a debt due to the Crown.". 9 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 14 Act No. 14. Regulation-making power In Part 4 of Schedule 1 to the Principal Act, after item 4.4 insert-- "4.5 The activities of public lottery licensees and any 5 company appointed under section 5.3.14. 4.6 Training requirements for employees or agents of a public lottery licensee or of a company appointed under section 5.3.14 or for other persons who accept entries in a public lottery. 10 4.7 The provision to entrants in a public lottery of information in relation to the public lottery. 4.8 The payment of prizes in a public lottery. 4.9 Advertising and promotions in relation to a public lottery. 15 4.10 Lottery-related signs. 4.11 Requirements for the conduct of public lotteries and the sale of entries in public lotteries. 4.12 Monitoring or reporting by a public lottery licensee as to its compliance with the regulations.". 15. Transitional provisions 20 After Part 13 of Schedule 7 to the Principal Act insert-- "PART 14--GAMBLING REGULATION (PUBLIC LOTTERY LICENCES) ACT 2005 25 14.1 Approval of computer system Any approval of-- (a) a computer system, or a part of a computer system, used for the conduct of public lotteries; and 30 (b) any modification of a function or the operation of a computer system referred to in paragraph (a)-- that has been given under condition 5 or 6 of the licence to conduct public lotteries issued 35 under section 90(1) of the Public Lotteries Act 2000 on 1 July 2001 to the trustees of the will 10 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 s. 15 Act No. and estate of the late George Adams and that was in force immediately before the commencement of section 7 of the Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 5 2005 is taken, on and after that commencement, to be an approval of the computer hardware or software (as the case requires) under section 5.2.1A, subject to any conditions to which the approval was subject immediately before that 10 commencement. 14.2 Term of public lottery licence Section 5.3.8(1)(b) as in force immediately before the commencement of section 10 of the Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery 15 Licences) Act 2005 continues to apply to a public lottery licence that was in force on that commencement.". 11 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005



Gambling Regulation (Public Lottery Licences) Act 2005 Endnotes Act No. ENDNOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 12 551330B.I1-3/5/2005 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 3/5/2005




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